Online courses directory (119)

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6 votes Free Closed [?] Education Nutrition Taking derivatives University of Leicester

This course is designed to equip you with the basic academic, professional, and personal skills you will need to be successful in college.  You are probably already familiar with some of the skills and topics covered; others will be brand new ideas.  For example, perhaps you have already learned some effective test-taking strategies that work well for you, but you have never heard of the concept of learning styles.  Or, maybe you do know your learning style, but you want to improve your listening skills.  Each student will have a different skill set when they start this course.  In addition, some of the skills this course presents may take a lifetime to master!  The point of the course is to give you, a new college student or a person considering a college education, a purposeful, thorough review of the many tools and skills needed for success and to help you understand how you can improve each of the tools and skills over time.  Keep in mind that the terms “tools” and “resources” can refer to…

3 votes Free Closed [?] Education HumanitiesandScience

What is cheating? Do students do it more online than in traditional face-to-face courses? How do students cheat online and what strategies are instructors and institutions using to minimize it? How can course design and instructor/facilitator behavior impact student attitudes about cheating and academic honesty? What philosophical and psychological factors can inform our thinking about the subject? These are some of the many questions that will be explored in this course. Participants in this eight-week open course will examine philosophical and psychological perspectives on cheating; consider instructor, institutional, and student perspectives on cheating; learn about specific strategies and practices used by students to cheat in online courses; and develop a plan for cultivating a culture of honesty, integrity, and accountability in online courses. The end goal of the course is for participants to gain a deeper understanding of cheating in online courses.

15 votes
ALISON Free Education

Eyejot is a Web application that can be used by teachers and trainers as an online learning tool where they get their students to record a video using a webcam. This video can then be posted on Eyejot for the teacher and other students to review. Eyejot has great potential for use in the classroom as an online learning tool. For example, a teacher can give their students a topic to practise talking about and the students can then record themselves practising alone or with another person and post the video on Eyejot. This online learning tool is particularly useful in language teaching, where students can record themselves speaking about different topics in a particular language. In this free online course about Eyejot you will learn how to create an account in Eyejot, record and send a video message, how to embed the video recording in a blog, how to save the video to your computer and how to import a list of contacts from your email address book. This course will be of great interest to teachers and trainers who want to integrate Web technologies into the teaching environment and who want to learn about using new Web applications that will greatly enhance the learning experience of their students.<br />

15 votes
ALISON Free Education

Lyrics Training is a Web application that allows you to read and listen to the lyrics from music videos and can be used as a fun and interactive way for language teachers and trainers to introduce new vocabulary and grammar to their students in a classroom setting. This free online language learning course will introduce you to the features and functionality of Lyrics Training, you will learn how to choose a song in the language you are learning and listen to the lyrics of the song word by word. Lyrics Training allows students to fill in the lyrics as they go along, and the difficulty level they choose decides how many words in a sentence are missing and they must fill in. This online language learning tool is particularly useful for students of foreign languages who want a fun and entertaining way to learn the correct pronunciation of words and it will improve their listening skills as students must identify words from a song. This free language learning course will be of great interest to all language teachers and trainers who would like to learn more about Web 2.0 applications that can greatly improve the learning experience of their students, and to all learners who would like to learn about using Lyrics Training for a fun way of learning a new language.<br />

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Coursera Free Closed [?] Education BabsonX Chemokines Nutrition

This course will help new Courserans learn the names and faces of other employees.

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