Online courses directory (682)

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7 votes Free Closed [?] Business Abnormal sexual function Book distribution Circuits Public+health SQL+Server

Great managers are made, not born. Learn about the qualities and skills of great managers in this Business 101 course. Instructor Sherri Hartzell holds both an MBA and Ed.D., so she's an excellent choice to teach you about principles of management.

Start by learning about the different levels of management in organizations and then dive into how good managers lead to great employees. Students of business, budding entrepreneurs and independent online learners alike can benefit from these short, engaging video lessons and interactive online quizzes. Business 101: Principles of Management can prepare you to earn real, widely transferable college credit by taking the Principles of Management CLEP exam or the Excelsior Principles of Management exam .

22 votes Free Closed [?] Business SQL+Server

Great managers are made, not born. Learn about the qualities and skills of great managers in this Business 101 course. Instructor Sherri Hartzell holds both an MBA and Ed.D., so she's an excellent choice to teach you about principles of management.

Start by learning about the different levels of management in organizations and then dive into how good managers lead to great employees. Students of business, budding entrepreneurs and independent online learners alike can benefit from these short, engaging video lessons and interactive online quizzes. Business 101: Principles of Management can prepare you to earn real, widely transferable college credit by taking the Principles of Management CLEP exam or the Excelsior Principles of Management exam .

No votes Free Closed [?] Business SQL+Server

Great managers are made, not born. Learn about the qualities and skills of great managers in this Business 101 course. Instructor Sherri Hartzell holds both an MBA and Ed.D., so she's an excellent choice to teach you about principles of management.

Start by learning about the different levels of management in organizations and then dive into how good managers lead to great employees. Students of business, budding entrepreneurs and independent online learners alike can benefit from these short, engaging video lessons and interactive online quizzes. Business 101: Principles of Management can prepare you to earn real, widely transferable college credit by taking the Principles of Management CLEP exam or the Excelsior Principles of Management exam .

3 votes Free Closed [?] Business Technology Abnormal sexual function Game+development SQL+Server

Great managers are made, not born. Learn about the qualities and skills of great managers in this Business 101 course. Instructor Sherri Hartzell holds both an MBA and Ed.D., so she's an excellent choice to teach you about principles of management.

Start by learning about the different levels of management in organizations and then dive into how good managers lead to great employees. Students of business, budding entrepreneurs and independent online learners alike can benefit from these short, engaging video lessons and interactive online quizzes. Business 101: Principles of Management can prepare you to earn real, widely transferable college credit by taking the Principles of Management CLEP exam or the Excelsior Principles of Management exam .

No votes Free Closed [?] Business SQL+Server

Great managers are made, not born. Learn about the qualities and skills of great managers in this Business 101 course. Instructor Sherri Hartzell holds both an MBA and Ed.D., so she's an excellent choice to teach you about principles of management.

Start by learning about the different levels of management in organizations and then dive into how good managers lead to great employees. Students of business, budding entrepreneurs and independent online learners alike can benefit from these short, engaging video lessons and interactive online quizzes. Business 101: Principles of Management can prepare you to earn real, widely transferable college credit by taking the Principles of Management CLEP exam or the Excelsior Principles of Management exam .

No votes Free Closed [?] Business SQL+Server

Great managers are made, not born. Learn about the qualities and skills of great managers in this Business 101 course. Instructor Sherri Hartzell holds both an MBA and Ed.D., so she's an excellent choice to teach you about principles of management.

Start by learning about the different levels of management in organizations and then dive into how good managers lead to great employees. Students of business, budding entrepreneurs and independent online learners alike can benefit from these short, engaging video lessons and interactive online quizzes. Business 101: Principles of Management can prepare you to earn real, widely transferable college credit by taking the Principles of Management CLEP exam or the Excelsior Principles of Management exam .

Starts : 2003-02-01
12 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

The purpose of this class is to advance your understanding of how to use financial information to value and analyze firms. We will apply your economics/accounting/finance skills to problems from today's business news to help us understand what is contained in financial reports, why firms report certain information, and how to be a sophisticated user of this information.

13 votes
Udemy Free Closed [?] Business Electric+Motor Histology RSLogix5000+programming

This series of videos explores the integration of ethics into the business school curriculum and the importance of ethic

Starts : 2017-01-23
22 votes Free Closed [?] Business HumanitiesandScience Nutrition

This course is designed to provide an introduction to the subject of ethical behavior in business. While the course includes some ethical theory, it is designed to be approachable by the seasoned manager, the novice businessperson, and students in business schools.

No votes
ALISON Free Business

Business Intelligence is a set of theories and methodologies that handle large amounts of data and information and assists managers with decision-making. Knowledge management is the process of capturing, storing, retrieving and distributing the knowledge of the individuals in a business for use by others in the business to improve the quality and/or efficiency of decision making across the firm. This free online course in Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management Systems enables the learner to study information tools used to assist decision-makers and describe the process known as decision-making including the three steps involved. The course will be of interest to business professionals who would like to gain a basic knowledge and understanding of the benefits of business intelligence and knowledge management systems.<br />

Starts : 2013-09-01
No votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

This course explores successful approaches to delivering healthcare in challenging settings. We analyze organizations to find why some fall short while others grow in size and contribute to the health of the people they serve, and explore promising business models and social enterprise innovations.

Starts : 2016-10-23
No votes
CourseSites Free Business Accounting+capital

This course offers a broad foundation in quantitative methods. Anyone interested in business, from seasoned managers to aspiring entrepreneurs, can sharpen their quantitative skills (course can be used as a waiver in Fox Online MBA).

Starts : 2013-09-01
11 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition Structural+engineering

This course addresses the evolution of the modern capitalist economy and evaluates its current structure and performance. Various paradigms of economics are contrasted and compared (neoclassical, Marxist, socioeconomic, and neocorporate) in order to understand how modern capitalism has been shaped and how it functions in today's economy. The course stresses general analytic reasoning and problem formulation rather than specific analytic techniques. Readings include classics in economic thought as well as contemporary analyses.

Starts : 2009-09-01
18 votes
Open Yale Free Business English Europe Kadenze

In this course, we will seek to interpret capitalism using ideas from biological evolution: firms pursuing varied strategies and facing extinction when those strategies fail are analogous to organisms struggling for survival in nature. For this reason, it is less concerned with ultimate judgment of capitalism than with the ways it can be shaped to fit our more specific objectives--for the natural environment, public health, alleviation of poverty, and development of human potential in every child. Each book we read will be explicitly or implicitly an argument about good and bad consequences of capitalism.

Starts : 2015-04-06
7 votes
Coursera Free Business English BabsonX Brain stem Curriculum Multiplying+and+factoring+expressions Nutrition

This course will provide the scientific basis for caries (dental decay) risk assessment and practice interventions. You will immediately be able to apply “caries management by risk assessment” into your clinical setting or into your personal health care.

Starts : 2003-09-01
10 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Janux Nutrition

Carrier systems involve the design, operation and management of transportation networks, assets, personnel, freight and passengers. In this course, we will present models and tools for analyzing, optimizing, planning, managing and controlling carrier systems.

Starts : 2014-05-12
5 votes
Coursera Free Business English BabsonX Curriculum Nutrition Web Design

Learn to frame and address health-related questions using modern biostatistics ideas and methods.

No votes Free Closed [?] Business HumanitiesandScience Nutrition

With the industrial, technical, and commercial market becoming more and more global, it is imperative that writers understand the importance of writing for a worldwide market. Become aware of, and consider how to prepare and write for multiple languages to reach diverse populations, cultures, and communities through this course.

Starts : 2015-11-30
No votes
Iversity Free Business German History+of+Math Line+integrals+and+Green's+theorem


Be the change you want to see!

Im Changemaker MOOC lernst du, wie du aus einer Idee ein Projekt zur Lösung eines gesellschaftlichen Problems entwickelst. Wir zeigen dir, wie du unternehmerische Ansätze nutzen kannst, um gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen zu lösen, egal ob du ein Projekt in den Bereichen Gesellschaft, Umwelt, Bildung oder Kultur realisieren willst.

Schritt für Schritt zum eigenen Projekt

Der Kurs führt dich Schritt für Schritt zur Erstellung eines eigenen Projektkonzepts. Du lernst, aus der Schnittmenge deiner Stärken und eines konkreten gesellschaftlichen Bedarfs eine umsetzbare Projektidee zu entwickeln. Wir machen dich mit Konzepten, Strategien und Akteuren in den Bereichen Social Entrepreneurship und Social Business vertraut. Wir zeigen dir, wie du den genauen Bedarf deiner Zielgruppe ermittelst, wie du die Maßnahmen deines Projektes planst, die Kosten kalkulierst und eine realistische Zeitplanung erstellst. Du entwickelst Strategien, um dein Projekt zu finanzieren und wirkungsvoll zu kommunizieren.

Praxis statt Theorie

Zentrale Lerninhalte werden in Form kurzer Videos vermittelt. Sie erklären alles, was du brauchst, um aus deiner Idee ein umsetzbares Projektkonzept zu machen. Du lernst erfahrene Changemaker ebenso wie junge Changeprojekte kennen. Dabei verbindet jede Lektion die Vermittlung konzeptioneller Inhalte mit der Erstellung von Bausteinen deines Projektkonzepts. Am Ende des Kurses hast du ein klar strukturiertes Konzept für dein eigenes Changeprojekt.

Was lerne ich in diesem Kurs?

Am Ende des Kurses sind die TeilnehmerInnen in der Lage, ein eigenes Changeprojekt zu planen. Sie haben die Grundkonzepte von Social Entrepreneurship kennen gelernt. Sie wissen, wo sie im Internet weitere Lernressourcen für ihr Vorhaben finden.

Welche Vorkenntnisse benötige ich?

Für die Teilnahme an diesem Kurs ist kein Vorwissen erforderlich. Er richtet sich an alle Menschen, die lernen wollen, ein eigenes Changeprojekt zur Lösung einer gesellschaftlichen Herausforderung zu entwickeln. Jede/r kann teilnehmen!


Kapitel      Thema
Kapitel 1        Die Welt verändern
Kapitel 2        Vom Interesse zur Projektidee
Kapitel 3        Was ist Social Entrepreneurship?
Kapitel 4        Die Projektziele festlegen
Kapitel 5        Die Strategie optimieren
Kapitel 6        Die Projektstruktur planen
Kapitel 7        Die Umsetzung des Projekts planen
Kapitel 8        Das Projekt finanzieren
Kapitel 9        Das Projekt bekannt machen
Kapitel 10        Das Projekt präsentieren

20 votes
ALISON Free Business

Jeff Hawkins is the co-founder of Palm and Handspring and is the architect of many computing products such as the PalmPilot and the Treo smartphone. In this course he will take you on a journey through his career, how he became an entrepreneur and the importance of believing in your product. He teaches valuable lessons about the importance of experience, following your passions and how to keep a work/life balance. He discusses how to design successful products, the role of market research and the need to continuously test products. In terms of the company workplace, he talks about how a good business culture and a strong human resources policy are vital. You will also learn about the importance and inevitability of portable technology. This course will be of great interest to business professionals who will learn much from the experience, knowledge and wisdom Jeff Hawkins has gained over his career. It will also be of interest to business students setting out on their careers, in particular those who would like to become technology entrepreneurs.<br />

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