Online courses directory (1116)

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Starts : 2014-08-05
22 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences English BabsonX Business Administration Calculus I Nutrition

This course will cover various topics on the discoveries about how the Universe evolved in 13.7 billion years since the Big Bang.

Starts : 2014-05-26
37 votes
Coursera Free Physical Sciences English BabsonX Calculus I Nutrition

The course will provide an overview of the knowledge acquired during the past 20 years in the domain of exoplanets. It will review the different detection methods, their limitations, and the information provided on the orbital system and the planet itself, and how this information is helping our understanding of planet formation.

Starts : 2015-03-30
27 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English BabsonX Basic Genetics Beams Differential+Equations Evaluation How to Succeed

In this class you will learn the basic principles and tools used to process images and videos, and how to apply them in solving practical problems of commercial and scientific interests.

Starts : 2015-01-12
27 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Public Affairs & Law English BabsonX Circuits Nutrition

Environmental law may be the one institution standing between us and planetary exhaustion. It is also an institution that needs to be reconciled with human liberty and economic aspirations. This course considers these issues and provides a tour though existing legal regimes governing pollution, water law, endangered species, toxic substances, environmental impact analyses, and environmental risk.

Starts : 2014-04-14
27 votes
Coursera Free Physical Sciences English BabsonX Calculus I Nutrition

This is a 12 week course, currently scheduled to start on Monday, April 14, 2014 and finishing on Friday, July 11. This introductory physics course is intended for physical science majors and others desiring a rigorous introduction to physics. It closely parallels the brick-and-mortar course given to the freshmen at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The course covers classical mechanics, including kinematics, dynamics, conservation laws, and applications.

Starts : 2014-06-09
26 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English BabsonX Beams Book distribution Differential+Equations Nutrition

The Content Strategy MOOC is for professionals at all levels of a for-profit, non-profit, volunteer or government organization who want to significantly improve their abilities to understand audiences and develop strategic words, pictures, graphics, and videos to convey their organization’s most important goals.

Starts : 2014-09-22
28 votes
Coursera Free Visual & Performing Arts English BabsonX Chemokines History of Math Nutrition

Comic books have arrived! "Comic Books and Graphic Novels" presents a survey of the Anglo-American comic book canon and of the major graphic novels in circulation in the United States today. Its governing question is simple: by what terms can we discuss comic books as literary art? In pursuit of that question it develops a theory of literary reading and time itself. Visit us at or to see some student-created comics from 2013!

Starts : 2014-04-06
25 votes
Coursera Free Engineering English BabsonX How to Succeed Nutrition

This introduction to engineering course will help you learn modeling and analysis techniques for electrical, mechanical, and chemical systems and discover how engineered systems that seem very different are actually very similar.

Starts : 2014-03-13
24 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English BabsonX Bodawala Bonding systems Chemokines Limits Nutrition

A series of lectures on one of the greatest bodies of music ever composed, from the point of view of a performer. Each lecture will explore a different facet of the music; all will attempt to locate the source of the tremendous psychological power of Beethoven’s music.

Starts : 2014-09-25
45 votes
Coursera Free Visual & Performing Arts English BabsonX Bodawala Bonding systems Chemokines Limits Nutrition

Explore eight important works from different eras and genres of Western classical-music repertoire, through performances recorded at Curtis and discussion of each work’s historical context, composer, musical significance, and compositional design.

Starts : 2014-06-02
39 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English BabsonX Bodawala Bonding systems Limits Nutrition

Learn and practice the basic principles of running an effective music ensemble rehearsal. Techniques and strategies are applicable to a variety of ensembles, including bands, orchestras, choirs, and chamber groups.

Starts : 2014-07-14
37 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English BabsonX Beams Differential+Equations Nutrition

Metadata is an unsung hero of the modern world, the plumbing that makes the information age possible. This course describes how Metadata is used as an information tool for the Web, for databases, and for the software and computing applications around us.

Starts : 2014-02-17
23 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Health and Welfare English BabsonX Curriculum Nutrition

This course explores public health—both locally and globally—through the lens of epidemiology.

Starts : 2015-01-05
28 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Business Spanish BabsonX Biology Book distribution Nutrition

Entender las metodologías para la innovación de productos para mercados emergentes. Las metodologías son: 1) megatendencias sociales, tecnológicas y del comportamiento del consumidor 2) JTBD y 3) Matriz Morfológica.

Starts : 2015-01-13
29 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English BabsonX Bodawala Bonding systems Limits Nutrition

This course introduces students to strategies for style writing of common practice European art music. The issues of harmonic progression, voice leading, and texture are addressed in addition to relevant compositional concepts like repetition, variation, and elaboration. The course aims to offer a creative space even within the restrictions of stylistic emulation.

Starts : 2014-01-06
38 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] General & Interdisciplinary Studies English BabsonX Beginner Calculus I Evaluation Nutrition Web Design

This cross-disciplinary course deals with the undetermined, the unpredictable- or what appears to be such. Learn about the usefulness of randomness in communication and computation, the intrinsic randomness of quantum phenomena, the unpredictability of the weather, and the implications of the neural activity of the brain on our "free will".

Starts : 2014-08-10
24 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Mathematics Spanish BabsonX Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition

El curso propone un acercamiento a la Matemática Preuniversitaria donde el contexto del movimiento en línea recta dará significado al conocimiento y la tecnología será el medio para interactuar con el mismo.

Starts : 2015-10-05
34 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Social Sciences Spanish BabsonX Chemokines Nutrition

Este curso introduce a los estudiantes de grado y al público de habla hispana en general en los aspectos más relevantes de la lengua, la historia y la cultura del Egipto de los faraones.

Starts : 2015-09-07
30 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Mathematics Spanish BabsonX Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition

Curso diseñado para facilitar la entrada del estudiante en los cursos de cálculo de primer semestre de prácticamente cualquier grado universitario, con especial énfasis en Ciencias e Ingeniería.

29 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Life Sciences BabsonX Brain stem Curriculum Nutrition

Este curso está diseñado para que los estudiantes adquieran los conocimientos necesarios para distinguir los cuatro tipos de tejidos celulares que conforman el organismo. Está dirigido a estudiantes de Medicina, Biología, Veterinaria, Fisioterapia y Enfermería

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