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Starts : 2014-09-15
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edX Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English Applied Mathematics Business Chemokines Fine Arts KIx Nutrition

This course is presented in Mandarin.

If you are having difficulty viewing this video in mainland China, you can also find it here.


通 过此课程,学生将对民俗学有一个初步的认识,对民俗的起源、产生和发展,民俗的基本分类,民俗与文化,民俗与生活,民俗与国民性等诸多问题,以及民俗在文 化保持和传承中的重要作用有一个较为全面的了解。 此课程不需要先修课程,对民俗与文化感兴趣的学生均可选修此课程。 课程学习时间为11周。学生选修此课程需要按要求观看课程视频,阅读指定参考资料。为全面掌握课程讲述内容,学生需要花费4小时左右阅读教师布置的阅读作 业。 课程期末考核包括两部分内容,一是学生需按要求完成民俗采风的作业,二是期末参加在线考试,分别占最后成绩的50% 此课程的教材为《民俗学概论》(第二版),王娟著,北京大学出版社,2011年。

This eleven-week course will provide students with the basic knowledge of folklore, including its history, classification, function, and value. Coursework will include videos, readings, and an assignment of collecting 20 items of folklore. There will also be a final exam.

The course is one of the PKU-DeTao MOOCs, which is a joint effort by Peking University and DeTao Masters Academy. 该课程是“北大-德稻网络开放课程”中的一门,由北京大学与德稻教育联合提供。"

Starts : 2013-09-23
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edX Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English Applied Mathematics Bodawala Business Chemokines Nutrition

Course videos are presented in Mandarin with English subtitles.

If you are having difficulty viewing this video in mainland China, you can also find it here.


This course was first offered at Peking University in 2008 as a Public Elective Course, and subsequently as a Course for General Education. It is now being offered globally as one of Peking University’s MOOCs. 

课 程所涉不仅涵盖古典音乐如新古典主义、表现主义、民族主义等流派,也对爵士乐、摇滚乐与流行音乐在20世纪的风格情状投以深切关注;在将包括中国音乐在内 的世界各国民族民间音乐纳入20世纪大背景予以研究探索之同时,关于大型综合艺术品例如歌剧、音乐剧、电影音乐的考察与分析,也设为专题,绝无偏废。

课 程以20世纪西方音乐为主体内容,在清晰贯穿历史线索和侧重史观发展之同时,尤为强调音乐聆听能力的培养,增进音乐知识的积累,凸显理论与实践相结合的开 课理念。什么是音乐、什么是20世纪西方音乐、什么是有效聆听成为全课核心知识支柱,引导学生探查关于20世纪西方音乐的三种聆听模式,以期对关于20世 纪西方音乐文化诸多现象形成多视角、多维度、多方法、多接口的认识与理解,从而为学生开拓眼界、触类旁通、多学科交叉、创造力之发展,完美人格之形成,提 供实际而扎实的服务。


Addressing students' interests in 20th century Western Music Culture and incorporating music theory, the course examines 20th century Western music. By combining theory and practice, the course not only aims to provide a clear view of the historical development of the music, but also emphasizes the training of aural skills and the accumulation of musical knowledge. The course covers not only classical music, such as neo-classical, expressionism, nationalism and other genres, but also explores in depth jazz, rock, and pop music of the 20th century. While studying Chinese music and other forms of national folk music in the 20th century world music context, students will also analyze large and complex works such as opera, musicals, and film music. By enhancing students’ understanding of 20th century Western music (classical music, pop music, folk music, comprehensive art) as a foundation, three core questions will be addressed: what is music, what is the 20th century Western music, and what is effective listening? The course aims to guide students to examine the three listening modes of 20th century Western music with the hope of forming a diverse and multi-faceted, knowledge and understanding of the 20th-century Western music culture phenomena, expanding students’ horizons, enhancing their ability to reason by analogy, and promoting cross-disciplinary, creative development.

The course is one of the PKU-DeTao MOOCs, which is a joint effort by Peking University and DeTao Masters Academy. 该课程是“北大-德稻网络开放课程”中的一门,由北京大学与德稻教育联合提供。

How can I get access to reading materials?

Please download the materials from designated websites. Western Music in the 20th Century is the main textbook.


How can I have access to the listening resources?

Please visit the designated websites to complete the listening exercises.


How can I finish assignments?

Written and listening exercises will be a part of this course. Please submit them to the specified mailbox after completion.


What will the exams be like for this course?

The exams will be open-book written assignments.


How will scores be calculated?

The grading weights will vary per topics and tasks. Generally, all students can pass the course by completing all specified assignments. The passing score will be primarily decided by the final exam. 


Can I submit graded assignments late?


How can I best engage with online learning for this course?

Apart from the questions gained from the micro lectures, students can also get their questions answered via e-mail, and have access to the discussion forum and online interest groups.

课程所提供的课前短课视 频系必读内容,在课后阅读、课后作业和课后聆赏完成过程中,产生的所有问题将被汇总,由教师或以文字邮件的方式或以视频短课录制的方式做出回答。此刻,教 师将根据学生的问题及时安排在线答疑、在线讨论,并发挥网络教学的便利,建立课程讨论区,组织兴趣小组

What is the role of the on-campus class for this course?

The on-campus course will serve students who can attend the class for lectures, which are then recorded and released online.


Will I fail to keep up in the course due to my lack of understanding about the field of music?

Our content is adjusted to a general audience. 


Are there content knowledge pre-requisites for this course?

An earnest desire to learn and a proactive, professional attitude are more important than prior knowledge of content matter. The learners are expected to absorb the basic content points quickly and use them as a base for further learning.


Which is more important for this course, knowledge or ability?

This course is most concerned on the development of music listening ability, though some knowledge of music will be helpful. 

课 程最关心音乐聆听能力的发展,在提供行之有效聆听技术的同时,安排适当知识内容的传授。加之考试不重知识,而重能力,因此,课程中因教室光线不足而造成无 法做太多笔记,恰恰是教师所希望的。课后传发同学的曲目说明,其中所标出的知识点,所指系能力而非知识。在音乐领域,所谓历史是听觉样本,即艺术品本身积 累起来的,而非人名和作品名串联起来的。艺术史,是感觉的历史,不是文字描述的历史。

What is the aim of the music puzzle assignment within the course?

The purpose of the assignment is to prepare and develop audiometry and memory skills.

作 业的目的,在于听觉甄别力和记忆力的筹备与发展。相当于我们小时候玩得拼图或积木游戏,从局部观察到整体把握,这一训练所形成的对线条、形状、色泽等构成 物的甄别与记忆,不仅是视觉所需,也是发达听觉所必备。多数情况下,类似课程作业的练习,在中国音乐课程中,很少会有。之所以课程一开始便这样做,是因为 知道学生听觉的普遍问题。不少同学在实践之初,会遇到困难,这很正常,如果没有做好接受困难的准备,也就不必来此课程分享,也就不必来北大读书了。

Will the course provide information about music composition and technology?

No. Music composition mastery requires long-term training, usually at a conservatory level.

课 程不可能在作曲方面给予单独帮助,通过目前的教学方式,尽管正在探索,教师只能也必须照顾到最大多数同学的需求,这一难处,是客观的,请多谅解。关于作曲 四大件的技术发展,在音乐学院有一套完整的训练程序,乐理是入门,和声是基础,二者建立关于调性音乐系统的初阶。随后的复调写作,作曲系耗时约需一年甚至 更多,根据全面仿作练习,帮助同学发展多声思维和多声部操控技术。配器是第三梯度,约需一年时间完成,全面掌握乐队法。曲式分析,是封顶收官之课。将之前 所有梯队课程的内容,一并总结。

Will the course be available in English?

The videos in the course will include English subtitles. However, the rest of the course content will only be available in Mandarin.


Starts : 2016-01-19
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edX Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English African+American+Studies Bodawala Business Chemokines Fine Arts Nutrition

Louis Armstrong. Charlie Parker. John Coltrane. You’ve heard their names, but do you know what makes them great? In Jazz Appreciation, you will learn what these artists and many others contributed to America’s great original art form, revered the world over for its innovation and creativity. Jazz emerged during a time of tremendous change and upheaval in American society; this course will also discuss how its evolution both reflected and contributed to those changes.

Much more than a lecture series, Jazz Appreciation weaves in musical performances and examples that will deepen your understanding of the musical process and develop your ability to identify and analyze different jazz eras and great jazz soloists. It also incorporates cutting-edge adaptive learning technology that will allow you to practice your new knowledge and skills, at your own pace, until you reach mastery.

Join this course to enhance your enjoyment of jazz by developing an informed understanding and deep appreciation of the art.

Please note: This course includes a wealth of music. In sensitivity to artists’ rights, course videos including music are available for a limited time only. Materials are released weekly on Saturday mornings, and videos are removed nine days later, on Sunday nights. Please plan to keep pace with the course in order to get the most out of it. 


Starts : 2017-07-17
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edX Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English Bodawala Business How to Succeed Italian+Language+and+Literature Nutrition

We are in the midst of an explosion of musical creativity as a result of technologies that allow you to record music using your laptop or tablet. Whether you are a singer, music producer, audio engineer, or just someone that likes to make good music with vocals, it is essential to have an understanding of vocal technologies for music production.

This music production course provides learners with insight into the voice itself, the recording environment, microphones, equalization, compressors, A-D-A conversion, the listening environment, human perception, natural widening concepts, artificial widening concepts, reverb, delay, and more. Grammy-award winning record producer, audio engineer, recording artist, and educator Prince Charles Alexander offers students a first-hand opportunity to learn the technologies behind vocal production, so that you can enhance your music productions with the most compelling and effective vocal tracks.

Starts : 2015-07-14
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edX Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English Business Chemokines Fine Arts Nutrition

Learn about the inspirational work of the leading European painters from approximately 1400 to 1800, and explore the issues expressed through the art of painting. Included in this broad time frame are the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Caravaggio, Velázquez, Rembrandt, Vermeer and Goya.

Painters during this period were concerned with ideas such as the pursuit of beauty, the pleasures and pains associated with love, the demonstration of power and status, or the relationship of men and women to the divinity and to nature. In paintings from this period, we find traces of the emergence of the modern mind set, and perspective on issues such as the respective roles of women and men in the world.

This course focuses on images of paintings by the artists listed in the course syllabus. The discussions that will take place in the “course forum” will allow us to touch upon a broader range of issues.


Starts : 2017-09-12
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edX Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English Business Chemokines Fine Arts Nutrition

Conoce la obra inspiradora de los principales pintores europeos desde 1400 hasta 1800 aproximadamente, y descubre los problemas que encuentran su expresión en el arte de la pintura. En este amplio marco temporal se incluyen artistas de la importancia de Leonardo da Vinci, Caravaggio, Velázquez, Rembrandt, Vermeer o Goya.

Los pintores durante este periodo estaban preocupados por ideas tales como la búsqueda de la belleza, los placeres y dolores asociados al amor, la demostración de poder y estatus, o la relación de hombres y mujeres con la divinidad y la naturaleza. En las pinturas del período cubierto en este curso se encuentran rastros de la aparición de la mentalidad moderna, así como información sobre cuestiones tales como los roles respectivos de los hombres y las mujeres en el mundo.

Este curso se centrará en imágenes de pinturas de los artistas que figuran en el programa del curso. Las discusiones que tendrán lugar en el "Foro del curso" nos permitirán abordar una gama más amplia de cuestiones.

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