Courses tagged with "Advanced Anatomy" (2)

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Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan Free Life Sciences Advanced Anatomy Advanced Business Advanced Macroeconomics Agriculture management Diencephalon

The focus of this guided inquiry laboratory is to foster critical thinking that allows students to design, perform, and interpret experiments. In addition, the student acquires technical skills that are required for further advancement in experimental sciences. Although an ability to collect and analyze data in a quantitative manner is developed, the emphasis of the course is to provide a qualitative understanding of the basic concepts of chemistry. This is accomplished by demonstrating that chemical principles are derived from experimental data. The goal is to provide students both with a more accurate picture of the scientific process and with skills that are relevant to solving real life problems. Course Level: Undergraduate This Work, Chemistry 125/126 - General Chemistry Laboratory 1, by Nancy Kerner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.

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