Courses tagged with "Alternate coordinate systems (bases)" (1)

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Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan Free Life Sciences Advanced Macroeconomics Alternate coordinate systems (bases) American Civics Aos&hp&k12languagearts Diencephalon

CHEM 216 builds on the experimental approach started in CHEM 211. Students participate in planning exactly what they are going to do in the laboratory by being given general goals and directions that have to be adapted to fit the specific project they will be working on. They use microscale equipment, which requires them to develop manual dexterity and care in working in the laboratory. They also evaluate the results of their experiments by checking for identity and purity using various chromatographic and spectroscopic methods. Course Level: Undergraduate This Work, Chemistry 216 - The Synthesis and Characterization of Carbonyl Compounds, by Ginger Shultz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.

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