Courses tagged with "BabsonX" (147)

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Starts : 2014-06-30
95 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English BabsonX Beams Differential+Equations Evaluation Evaluation Nutrition

Join the data revolution. Companies are searching for data scientists. This specialized field demands multiple skills not easy to obtain through conventional curricula. Introduce yourself to the basics of data science and leave armed with practical experience extracting value from big data. #uwdatasci

Starts : 2014-10-06
94 votes
Coursera Free Computer Sciences English BabsonX Basic Genetics Beams Differential+Equations Evaluation Nutrition

This course will use social network analysis, both its theory and computational tools, to make sense of the social and information networks that have been fueled and rendered accessible by the internet.

Starts : 2013-01-01
94 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences BabsonX Basic Genetics Evaluation

This course delivers a systematic overview of computer vision, emphasizing two key issues in modeling vision: space and meaning. We will study the fundamental theories and important algorithms of computer vision together, starting from the analysis of 2D images, and culminating in the holistic understanding of a 3D scene.

Starts : 2015-05-01
93 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English BabsonX Basic Genetics Brain stem Customer Service Certification Program Evaluation How to Succeed

Understanding how the brain works is one of the fundamental challenges in science today. This course will introduce you to basic computational techniques for analyzing, modeling, and understanding the behavior of cells and circuits in the brain. You do not need to have any prior background in neuroscience to take this course.

Starts : 2014-10-02
92 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English BabsonX Evaluation Nutrition Website Development

Investigate the basic concepts behind programming languages, with an emphasis on the techniques and benefits of functional programming. Use the programming languages ML, Racket, and Ruby to learn how the pieces of a language fit together to create more than the sum of the parts. Gain new software skills and the concepts needed to learn new languages on your own.

Starts : 2012-04-23
89 votes
Coursera Free Computer Sciences English BabsonX Evaluation Nutrition Website Development

CS101 teaches the essential ideas of Computer Science for a zero-prior-experience audience. The course uses small coding experiments in the browser to play with the nature of computers, understanding their strengths and limitations. Sign up for the "To be announced" session to be notified by email when the class is next run, and sign up for "Self-Study" to start browsing the class materials right away. Self-Study mode makes all the videos and assignments available to be done at your own pace, but without a certificate of completion at the end.

Starts : 2013-03-25
89 votes
Coursera Free Computer Sciences English BabsonX Nutrition Web Design

With existing data, you will develop skills in data analysis and basic statistics by exploring your own research question.

Starts : 2013-09-04
87 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English BabsonX Evaluation Nutrition Website Development

This course is about learning to program well: building programs that are elegant, well tested and easy to maintain. The course is designed for students with no programming experience at all. Nonetheless, former students who already knew how to program have said it made them better programmers.

Starts : 2014-08-26
84 votes
Coursera Free Business English BabsonX Beams Book distribution Differential+Equations Evaluation Nutrition

In this course, you will explore several structured, risk management approaches that guide information security decision-making. 

Starts : 2014-08-26
79 votes
Coursera Free Business English BabsonX Beams Book distribution Differential+Equations Evaluation Nutrition

Learn to defend and protect vital company information using the latest technology and defense strategies. Analyze internal and external threats to proactively prevent information attacks. Gain experience by solving real-world problems and leave the class equipped to establish and oversee information security.

Starts : 2014-10-20
42 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English BabsonX Beams Beginner Brain stem Customer Service Certification Program Differential+Equations

This course was the first in a two-part series covering some of the algorithms underlying bioinformatics. It has now been split into three smaller courses.

Starts : 2014-08-26
42 votes
Coursera Free Computer Sciences English BabsonX Beams Book distribution Differential+Equations Evaluation Nutrition

This course provides you with opportunities to integrate and apply your information security knowledge.

Starts : 2014-07-14
37 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English BabsonX Beams Differential+Equations Nutrition

Metadata is an unsung hero of the modern world, the plumbing that makes the information age possible. This course describes how Metadata is used as an information tool for the Web, for databases, and for the software and computing applications around us.

Starts : 2013-09-23
35 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences French BabsonX Evaluation Nutrition Website Development

Ce cours initie à la programmation en utilisant le langage C++. Il ne présuppose pas de connaissance préalable. Les aspects plus avancés (programmation orientée objet) sont donnés dans un cours suivant, «Introduction à la programmation orientée objet (en C++)».

Starts : 2013-10-14
33 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English BabsonX Evaluation Nutrition Website Development

This course is for experienced C programmers who want to program in C++. The examples and exercises require a basic understanding of algorithms and object-oriented software.

Starts : 2015-01-19
32 votes
Coursera Free Computer Sciences German BabsonX Basic Genetics Evaluation Nutrition

Dieser Kurs vermittelt einen Überblick über die Grundlagen des Maschinellen Sehens an Hand der Extraktion von 3D-Information aus dem Stereokamerabild einer Szene.

Starts : 2013-09-23
32 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences French BabsonX Evaluation Nutrition Website Development

Ce cours initie à la programmation en utilisant le langage Java. Il ne présuppose pas de connaissance préalable. Les aspects plus avancés (programmation orientée objet) sont donnés dans un cours suivant, «Introduction à la programmation orientée objet (en Java)».

Starts : 2014-02-24
32 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences French BabsonX Evaluation Nutrition Website Development

Ce cours introduit la programmation orientée objet en l'illustrant en langage C++. Il présuppose connues les bases de la programmation (variables, types, boucles, fonctions, ...). Il est conçu comme la suite du cours «Initiation à la programmation (en C++)».

Starts : 2013-10-21
30 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English BabsonX Bodawala Bonding systems Evaluation History of Math Limits

This course provides a complete introduction to programming for digital musicians and artists, in the real-time multimedia language ChucK. Rich with practical examples and pointers to additional web resources, it can be understood by novices wishing to learn to program interactive arts systems.

Starts : 2015-03-30
27 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English BabsonX Basic Genetics Beams Differential+Equations Evaluation How to Succeed

In this class you will learn the basic principles and tools used to process images and videos, and how to apply them in solving practical problems of commercial and scientific interests.

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