Courses tagged with "Biology" (93)

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Starts : 2015-09-14
No votes
Coursera Free Business English BabsonX Biology Book distribution Chemokines Curriculum Nutrition

Join us and learn how to develop, test, and deploy high-impact solutions to society's toughest challenges.

Starts : 2015-09-14
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Coursera Free Closed [?] Business English BabsonX Biology Book distribution Nutrition

Corporate Finance Essentials will enable you to understand key financial issues related to companies, investors, and the interaction between them in the capital markets. By the end of this course you should be able to understand most of what you read in the financial press and use the essential financial vocabulary of companies and finance professionals.

Starts : 2015-09-23
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Business BabsonX Biology Nutrition


Starts : 2015-06-08
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Coursera Free Business English BabsonX Biology Book distribution Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition

This course is part two of an introduction to graduate-level academic asset pricing. This second part uses the theory and elaborates empirical understanding. It explores some classic applications including the Fama-French three-factor model, consumption and the equity premium, and extends the theory to cover options, bonds, and portfolios.

Starts : 2015-02-09
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Coursera Free Closed [?] Business French BabsonX Biology Book distribution Nutrition

Ce cours vous permettra d’identifier et d’évaluer des opportunités de création d’entreprises technologiques et d’en comprendre les principaux enjeux humains, techniques, commerciaux, environnementaux et financiers. Vous aurez ainsi des bases solides pour créer votre entreprise high tech ou décider d'en rejoindre une.

Starts : 2016-03-04
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edX Free Closed [?] Business English Biology Book distribution Data Sufficiency Nutrition

Financial decisions and financial management are drivers of business performance and success. Financial data plays a vital role in business strategy, planning, and positioning. Learn the basics of financial statements, the conceptual framework of financial information and its relationship to firms’ strategic positioning and strategy execution.

By completing this course, you will learn how to assess and use financial information to make informed business decisions.


What you'll learn

·       - How to think with a financial mindset

·       - How to use financial knowledge when making business decisions

·       - The basics of financial systems architecture

·       - How financial data plays a role in strategic execution and positioning

·       - 用财务语言解构企业的价值创造过程

·       - 帮助学习者理解影响价值创造的各种因素

·       - 培养将其应用于商业决策的能力

Financial decisions and financial management are drivers of business performance and success. Financial data plays a vital role in business strategy, planning, and positioning. Learn the basics of financial statements, the conceptual framework of financial information and its relationship to firms’ strategic positioning and strategy execution.

By completing this course, you will learn how to assess and use financial information to make informed business decisions.



Starts : 2016-09-15
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edX Free Closed [?] Business English Biology Book distribution Nutrition Quality

Imagine that you are a bank and a main part of your daily business is to lend money. Unfortunately, lending money is a risky business - there is no 100% guarantee that you will get all your money back. If the borrower defaults, you will face losses in your portfolio. Or, in a bit less extreme scenario, if the credit quality of your counterparty deteriorates according to some rating system, the loan will become more risky. These are typical situations in which credit risk manifests itself.

According to the Basel Accord, a global regulation framework for financial institutions, credit risk is one of the three fundamental risks a bank or any other regulated financial institution has to face when operating in the markets (the two other risks being market risk and operational risk). As the 2008 financial crisis has shown us, a correct understanding of credit risk and the ability to manage it are fundamental in today’s world.

This course offers you an introduction to credit risk modelling and hedging. We will approach credit risk from the point of view of banks, but most of the tools and models we will overview can be beneficial at the corporate level as well.

At the end of the course, you will be able to understand and correctly use the basic tools of credit risk management, both from a theoretical and, most of all, a practical point of view. This will be a quite unconventional course. For each methodology, we will analyse its strengths as well as its weaknesses. We will do this in a rigorous way, but also with fun: there is no need to be boring.

Thanks to the wonderful feedback of last year’s students, the course has been further improved.
Follow us on Twitter @CRMooc for updates and hints about the course.


What is the estimated effort for course?
The total effort is 48 hours. You can decide for yourself when you will work on the course.

How much does it cost to take the course?

Nothing! The course is free.

Will the text of the lectures be available?

Yes. All of our lectures will have transcripts synced to the videos.

Do I need to watch the lectures live?

No. You can watch the lectures at your leisure.

Is this course related to campus courses of Delft University of Technology?

Yes, this course can be seen as an evolution of the WI3421TU Risk Management course, a compulsory course of the Minor Finance at TU Delft.

Starts : 2017-01-04
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edX Free Closed [?] Business English Biology Book distribution Foreign+Language Nutrition

This course provides a quantitative and model-based introduction to basic economic principles, and teaches how to apply them to make sense of a wide range of real world problems. Examples of applications include predicting the impact of technological changes in market prices, calculating the optimal gasoline tax, and measuring the value of new products. This is a real Caltech class. It will be taught concurrently to Caltech and on-line students. This has two implications. On the costs side: the class is challenging, makes extensive use of calculus, and will demand significant effort. On the benefit side: successful completion of the class will provide you with an in-depth understanding of basic economics, and will permanently change the way you see the world.

Starts : 2017-09-26
79 votes
edX Free Closed [?] Business English product differentiation and variety Biology Nutrition Udemy

This course is part of the MITx MicroMasters program in Data, Economics, and Development Policy (DEDP). To audit this course, click “Enroll Now” in the green button at the top of this page.

To enroll in the MicroMasters track or to learn more about this program and how it integrates with MIT’s new blended Master’s degree, go to MITx’s MicroMasters portal.

This is a course for those who are interested in the challenge posed by massive and persistent world poverty, and are hopeful that economists might have something useful to say about this challenge. The questions we will take up include: Is extreme poverty a thing of the past? What is economic life like when living under a dollar per day? Are the poor always hungry? How do we make schools work for poor citizens? How do we deal with the disease burden? Is microfinance invaluable or overrated? Without property rights, is life destined to be "nasty, brutish and short"? Should we leave economic development to the market? Should we leave economic development to non-governmental organizations (NGOs)? Does foreign aid help or hinder? Where is the best place to intervene? And many others.

At the end of this course, you should have a good sense of the key questions asked by scholars interested in poverty today, and hopefully a few answers as well.

Starts : 2014-10-30
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edX Free Closed [?] Business English Biology Book distribution C Nutrition

Entrepreneurship and Healthcare in Emerging Economies aims to engage students in an inter-disciplinary approach to understanding the nature of complex health problems throughout the world, with an illustrative focus on South Asia. Students will become acquainted with prior attempts to address these problems, to identify points of opportunity for smart entrepreneurial efforts, and to propose and develop their own candidate solutions.

Throughout, the emphasis is on individual agency—what can the learner do to address a defined problem? While we use the lens of health to explore entrepreneurial opportunities, students will see that both problems and solutions are inevitably of a multi-disciplinary nature, and we will draw on a range of sectors and fields of study.


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Starts : 2016-02-23
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edX Free Closed [?] Business English Biology Evaluation Nutrition Structural engineering Teacher+Professional+Development Udemy

The course invites you to examine the interconnectedness of modern life through an exploration of fundamental questions about how our social, economic, and technological worlds are connected. Students will explore game theory, the structure of the Internet, social contagion, the spread of social power and popularity, and information cascades.

This MOOC is based on an interdisciplinary Cornell University course entitled Networks, taught by professors David Easley, Jon Kleinberg, and Éva Tardos. That course was also the basis for the book, Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World. This course is designed at the introductory undergraduate level without formal prerequisites.

Starts : 2015-09-10
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edX Free Closed [?] Business English product differentiation and variety Biology Book distribution Nutrition Udemy

We live in a time of disruptive change, one that requires a new collective leadership capacity. In this groundbreaking course, we invite you on a journey to see the world in new ways and practice a method that allows leaders, entire organizations, and larger social systems to connect with and actualize their highest future possibility.

In January 2015, 30,000 people from 190 countries enrolled in U.Lab. In an exit survey, 52% said it was “eye-opening”, while another 36% called it “life-changing”. U.Lab has inspired the first-known use of a MOOC by a government as a platform for citizens to shape the issues that matter to them, it has been used in management teams of the world’s leading NGOs, and it is now being used in 42 Impact Hubs worldwide – by locally-rooted, globally connected communities of change makers to catalyze systemic change.

In the U.Lab you will learn Theory U, an approach to leading profound change that has been developed by action researchers at MIT, and practiced by leaders around the world, for over 20 years.

You will apply this method to a challenge, issue, or system that matters to you.

And you will have the opportunity to form self-organized Hubs and peer coaching circles with other U.Lab participants; in order to co-sense and co-shape the future that you feel is wanting to emerge in your work, and life, right now.

You will be joining a community that includes national government leaders from Scotland, founders and members of 42 Impact Hubs around the world, business leaders in the U.S, Brazil, and China, and many other inspired change makers from over 190 countries worldwide who are interested in creating more aware, inclusive, sustainable societies.

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