Courses tagged with "Calculus I" (8)

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87 votes
Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Mathematics Calculus I Class2Go Foreign Language

Relationship between angular velocity and speed. Why Distance is Area under Velocity-Time Line. Introduction to Vectors and Scalars. Calculating Average Velocity or Speed. Solving for Time. Displacement from Time and Velocity Example. Acceleration. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces. Unbalanced Forces and Motion. Newton's First Law of Motion. Newton's First Law of Motion Concepts. Newton's First Law of Motion. Newton's Second Law of Motion. Newton's Third Law of Motion. Airbus A380 Take-off Time. Airbus A380 Take-off Distance. Average Velocity for Constant Acceleration. Acceleration of Aircraft Carrier Takeoff. Race Cars with Constant Speed Around Curve. Introduction to Gravity. Mass and Weight Clarification. Gravity for Astronauts in Orbit. Would a Brick or Feather Fall Faster. Deriving Displacement as a Function of Time, Acceleration and Initial Velocity. Plotting Projectile Displacement, Acceleration, and Velocity. Projectile Height Given Time. Deriving Max Projectile Displacement Given Time. Impact Velocity From Given Height. Visualizing Vectors in 2 Dimensions. Projectile at an Angle. Different Way to Determine Time in Air. Launching and Landing on Different Elevations. Total Displacement for Projectile. Total Final Velocity for Projectile. Correction to Total Final Velocity for Projectile. Projectile on an Incline. Unit Vectors and Engineering Notation. Clearing the Green Monster at Fenway. Green Monster at Fenway Part 2. Optimal angle for a projectile part 1. Optimal angle for a projectile part 2 - Hangtime. Optimal angle for a projectile part 3 - Horizontal distance as a function of angle (and speed). Optimal angle for a projectile part 4 Finding the optimal angle and distance with a bit of calculus. Slow Sock on Lubricon VI. Normal Forces on Lubricon VI. Normal Force and Contact Force. Normal Force in an Elevator. Inclined Plane Force Components. Ice Accelerating Down an Incline. Force of Friction Keeping the Block Stationary. Correction to Force of Friction Keeping the Block Stationary. Force of Friction Keeping Velocity Constant. Intuition on Static and Kinetic Friction Comparisons. Static and Kinetic Friction Example. Introduction to Tension. Introduction to Tension (Part 2). Tension in an accelerating system and pie in the face. Introduction to Momentum. Momentum: Ice skater throws a ball. 2-dimensional momentum problem. 2-dimensional momentum problem (part 2). Introduction to work and energy. Work and Energy (part 2). Conservation of Energy. Work/Energy problem with Friction. Introduction to mechanical advantage. Mechanical Advantage (part 2). Mechanical Advantage (part 3). Center of Mass. Introduction to Torque. Moments. Moments (part 2). Unit Vector Notation. Unit Vector Notation (part 2). Projectile Motion with Ordered Set Notation. Projectile motion (part 1). Projectile motion (part 2). Projectile motion (part 3). Projectile motion (part 4). Projectile motion (part 5). Centripetal Force and Acceleration Intuition. Visual Understanding of Centripetal Acceleration Formula. Calculus proof of centripetal acceleration formula. Loop De Loop Question. Loop De Loop Answer part 1. Loop De Loop Answer part 2. Acceleration Due to Gravity at the Space Station. Space Station Speed in Orbit. Conservation of angular momentum. Introduction to Newton's Law of Gravitation. Gravitation (part 2). Viewing g as the value of Earth's Gravitational Field Near the Surface. Intro to springs and Hooke's Law. Potential energy stored in a spring. Spring potential energy example (mistake in math). Introduction to Harmonic Motion. Harmonic Motion Part 2 (calculus). Harmonic Motion Part 3 (no calculus).

317 votes
Khan Academy Free Popular Closed [?] Mathematics Accessible Websites Calculus I Class2Go Design.htm%25252525253Fdatetype%25252525253Dupcoming&.htm%252525253Fcategoryid%252525253D10.htm%2525 Undergraduate.htm%2525252525253Fstart%2525252525253D1400&limit%2525252525253D20.htm%25252525253Fsort

Electrostatics (part 1): Introduction to Charge and Coulomb's Law. Electrostatics (part 2). Proof (Advanced): Field from infinite plate (part 1). Proof (Advanced): Field from infinite plate (part 2). Electric Potential Energy. Electric Potential Energy (part 2-- involves calculus). Voltage. Capacitance. Circuits (part 1). Circuits (part 2). Circuits (part 3). Circuits (part 4). Cross product 1. Cross Product 2. Cross Product and Torque. Introduction to Magnetism. Magnetism 2. Magnetism 3. Magnetism 4. Magnetism 5. Magnetism 6: Magnetic field due to current. Magnetism 7. Magnetism 8. Magnetism 9: Electric Motors. Magnetism 10: Electric Motors. Magnetism 11: Electric Motors. Magnetism 12: Induced Current in a Wire. The dot product. Dot vs. Cross Product. Calculating dot and cross products with unit vector notation. Electrostatics (part 1): Introduction to Charge and Coulomb's Law. Electrostatics (part 2). Proof (Advanced): Field from infinite plate (part 1). Proof (Advanced): Field from infinite plate (part 2). Electric Potential Energy. Electric Potential Energy (part 2-- involves calculus). Voltage. Capacitance. Circuits (part 1). Circuits (part 2). Circuits (part 3). Circuits (part 4). Cross product 1. Cross Product 2. Cross Product and Torque. Introduction to Magnetism. Magnetism 2. Magnetism 3. Magnetism 4. Magnetism 5. Magnetism 6: Magnetic field due to current. Magnetism 7. Magnetism 8. Magnetism 9: Electric Motors. Magnetism 10: Electric Motors. Magnetism 11: Electric Motors. Magnetism 12: Induced Current in a Wire. The dot product. Dot vs. Cross Product. Calculating dot and cross products with unit vector notation.

Starts : 2006-02-01
9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Calculus I Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

This course provides a graduate-level introduction to stellar astrophysics. It covers a variety of topics, ranging from stellar structure and evolution to galactic dynamics and dark matter.

Starts : 2006-02-01
19 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Calculus I Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

8.962 is MIT's graduate course in general relativity, which covers the basic principles of Einstein's general theory of relativity, differential geometry, experimental tests of general relativity, black holes, and cosmology.

Starts : 2014-03-10
27 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Mathematics Italian BabsonX Calculus I Chemokines Nutrition

In questo corso imparerete i Principi che stanno alla base della Fisica del XX secolo, cioè della Relatività e la Meccanica Quantistica, e come sia cambiata la nostra visione del mondo.

59 votes
Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Mathematics Calculus I Class2Go Forms of competition

This tutorial is the meat of much of classical physics. We think about what a force is and how Newton changed the world's (and possibly your) view of how reality works. Newton's First Law of Motion. Newton's First Law of Motion Concepts. Newton's First Law of Motion. Newton's First Law. Newton's Second Law of Motion. Newton's Third Law of Motion. Newton's Third Law of Motion. All of Newton's Laws of Motion. Normal Force and Contact Force. Normal Force in an Elevator. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces. Unbalanced Forces and Motion. Slow Sock on Lubricon VI. Normal Forces on Lubricon VI. Inclined Plane Force Components. Ice Accelerating Down an Incline. Force of Friction Keeping the Block Stationary. Correction to Force of Friction Keeping the Block Stationary. Force of Friction Keeping Velocity Constant. Intuition on Static and Kinetic Friction Comparisons. Static and Kinetic Friction Example. Introduction to Tension. Introduction to Tension (Part 2). Tension in an accelerating system and pie in the face. Newton's First Law of Motion. Newton's First Law of Motion Concepts. Newton's First Law of Motion. Newton's First Law. Newton's Second Law of Motion. Newton's Third Law of Motion. Newton's Third Law of Motion. All of Newton's Laws of Motion. Normal Force and Contact Force. Normal Force in an Elevator. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces. Unbalanced Forces and Motion. Slow Sock on Lubricon VI. Normal Forces on Lubricon VI. Inclined Plane Force Components. Ice Accelerating Down an Incline. Force of Friction Keeping the Block Stationary. Correction to Force of Friction Keeping the Block Stationary. Force of Friction Keeping Velocity Constant. Intuition on Static and Kinetic Friction Comparisons. Static and Kinetic Friction Example. Introduction to Tension. Introduction to Tension (Part 2). Tension in an accelerating system and pie in the face.

Starts : 2014-01-01
No votes
Coursera Free Mathematics BabsonX Business Administration Calculus I Nutrition

本课程以通俗的语言介绍粒子物理的主要内容和最前沿的研究。课程涉及的主要内容包括: 物质和反物质, 夸克和强相互作用,中微子和弱相互作用,对称性和它的作用, 粒子物理的标准模型,粒子天文学, 暗物质。 This course gives an brief introduction of the main content and the frontier of particle physics in popular language. It includes: matter and antimatter, quark and strong interaction, neutrino and weak interaction, symmetry and its applications, standard model of particle physics, particle astronomy, dark matter etc.

Starts : 2014-04-08
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Mathematics product differentiation and variety product differentiation and variety product differentiation and variety product differentiation and variety product differentiation and variety product differentiation and variety

Teaches, as the antidote to rigor mortis, the art of educated guessing and opportunistic problem solving.

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