Courses tagged with "Contracts" (3)

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Starts : 05 Aug 2013
No votes 220 Business Contracts EClasses.Org

Web designers and developers are often contracting their services. This introductory course is designed to give students the basics of creating a contract. We will discuss techniques that can be used to ensure project success and profitability.

2 votes
Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan Free Health and Welfare Cambridge IGCSE as level physics Contracts Drawing & Animation GMOOC Multiplying+and+factoring+expressions Nursing research

The major objective of this sequence is to present the structure and function of the digestive system. The sequence will cover three topic areas related to digestion: 1) the actual process of digestive function and its regulations, 2) metabolic interactions, and 3) pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of drug absorption and metabolism. Level: First Year Medical Students Unless otherwise noted this Work, Gastrointestinal & Liver, by Matthew Velkey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

1 votes
Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan Free Health and Welfare Cambridge IGCSE as level physics Contracts Drawing & Animation GMOOC Multiplying+and+factoring+expressions Nursing research

The M2 Gastrointestinal Diseases sequence is a 2 1/2 week block of lectures, laboratory exercises, case presentations and a Multidisciplinary Conference that are designed to introduce students to the scientific foundations of diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract. Level: Second Year Medical Students Unless otherwise noted this Work, Gastrointestinal Diseases, by Rebecca Van Dyke is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.

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