Courses tagged with "Creative commons" (1)

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Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan Free Computer Sciences Creative commons Electronic records Introduction to Psychology Khan Academy in schools Phonology

Course is the first in a two-part sequence exploring contemporary practices, challenges, and opportunities at the intersection of information technology and democratic governance. Whereas the second course focuses on challenges and innovations in democratic administration, this first course focuses on theories and practices of democratic politics and the shifting role of information technologies in supporting, transforming, and understanding these. The first half of the course seeks to ground contemporary discussion around IT and politics in various flavors of democratic and political theory. The second half builds on this foundation to explore ways in which information and information technologies have come to support, constrain, and otherwise inflect a range of contemporary democratic practices. Course Level: Graduate This Work, SI 532 / SI 732 - Digital Government 1: Information Technology and Democratic Politics, by Steven J. Jackson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

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