Courses tagged with "Forensic psychology" (1)

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Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan Free Computer Sciences Bargaining Forensic psychology Instruction Money Projects & Discovery Lab XHTML

This course provides an overview of the purposes and uses of outcome-based evaluation approaches and methods, and provides an opportunity to conduct a focused outcome evaluation of a user-focused service in a library, a nonprofit organization, an archive, a museum or other service-focused organization. Objectives are to: - Learn about approaches to outcome-based evaluation - Identify and use context-centered methods for evaluating public information services - Examine the role of evaluation in developing more effective information services - Gain skill in identifying appropriate data collection and analysis methods - Gain an understanding of recent developments in measurement and evaluation - Read assigned readings and appropriate focused readings - Plan and carry out a focused outcome-based evaluation project Course Level: Graduate This Work, SI 623 - Outcome-Based Evaluation of Programs and Services, by Joan C. Durrance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

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