Courses tagged with "IEEEx" (5)

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Starts : 2013-07-14
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Stanford Online. OpenEdX Free Closed [?] Mathematics Business & Management IEEEx Surface+integrals+and+Stokes'+theorem

A short intervention designed to change students' relationships with math - this course is for teachers of math (K-12) or for other helpers of students, such as parents.

Starts : 2013-07-14
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Stanford Online. OpenEdX Free Closed [?] Mathematics Business & Management IEEEx Surface+integrals+and+Stokes'+theorem

A short intervention designed to change students' relationships with math - this course is for teachers of math (K-12) or for other helpers of students, such as parents.

Starts : 2015-01-20
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Stanford Online. OpenEdX Free Closed [?] Mathematics IEEEx Surface+integrals+and+Stokes'+theorem

Learn some of the main tools used in statistical modeling and data science. We cover both traditional as well as exciting new methods, and how to use them in R.

Starts : 2013-06-11
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Stanford Online. OpenEdX Free Closed [?] Mathematics IEEEx Multiplying+and+factoring+expressions Surface+integrals+and+Stokes'+theorem

Provides a firm grounding in the foundations of probability and statistics, the course focuses on real examples from the medical literature and popular press

Starts : 2013-06-11
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Stanford Online. OpenEdX Free Closed [?] Mathematics IEEEx Multiplying+and+factoring+expressions Surface+integrals+and+Stokes'+theorem

Provides a firm grounding in the foundations of probability and statistics, the course focuses on real examples from the medical literature and popular press.

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