Courses tagged with "Interest and debt" (74)

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Starts : 2001-02-01
11 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

Survey and special topics designed for students in Brain and Cognitive Sciences. Emphasizes ethological studies of natural behavior patterns and their analysis in laboratory work, with contributions from field biology (mammology, primatology), sociobiology, and comparative psychology. Stresses human behavior but also includes major contributions from studies of other animals.

Starts : 2009-02-01
11 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

This course provides an introduction to important philosophical questions about the mind, specifically those that are intimately connected with contemporary psychology and neuroscience. Are our concepts innate, or are they acquired by experience? (And what does it even mean to call a concept 'innate'?) Are 'mental images' pictures in the head? Is color in the mind or in the world? Is the mind nothing more than the brain? Can there be a science of consciousness? The course will include guest lectures by Professors.

Starts : 2013-09-01
10 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

This course examines the neural bases of sensory perception. The focus is on physiological and anatomical studies of the mammalian nervous system as well as behavioral studies of animals and humans. Topics include visual pattern, color and depth perception, auditory responses and sound localization, and somatosensory perception.

Starts : 2001-02-01
10 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

Provides a comprehensive introduction to key issues and findings in object recognition in experimental, neural, computational, and applied domains. Emphasizes the problem of representation, exploring the issue of how 3-D objects should be encoded so as to efficiently recognize them from 2-D images. Second half focuses on face recognition, an ecologically important instance of the general object recognition problem. Describes experimental studies of human face recognition performance and recent attempts to mimic this ability in artificial computational systems.

Starts : 2000-02-01
10 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information environments Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

The course includes survey and special topics designed for graduate students in the brain and cognitive sciences. It emphasizes ethological studies of natural behavior patterns and their analysis in laboratory work, with contributions from field biology (mammology, primatology), sociobiology, and comparative psychology. It stresses mammalian behavior but also includes major contributions from studies of other vertebrates and of invertebrates. It covers some applications of animal-behavior knowledge to neuropsychology and behavioral pharmacology.

Starts : 2001-02-01
10 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information environments Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

The course focuses on the problem of supervised learning within the framework of Statistical Learning Theory. It starts with a review of classical statistical techniques, including Regularization Theory in RKHS for multivariate function approximation from sparse data. Next, VC theory is discussed in detail and used to justify classification and regression techniques such as Regularization Networks and Support Vector Machines. Selected topics such as boosting, feature selection and multiclass classification will complete the theory part of the course. During the course we will examine applications of several learning techniques in areas such as computer vision, computer graphics, database search and time-series analysis and prediction. We will briefly discuss implications of learning theories for how the brain may learn from experience, focusing on the neurobiology of object recognition. We plan to emphasize hands-on applications and exercises, paralleling the rapidly increasing practical uses of the techniques described in the subject.

Starts : 2001-09-01
10 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information environments Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

Memory is not a unitary faculty, but rather consists of multiple forms of learning that differ in their operating characteristics and neurobiological substrates. This seminar will consider current debates regarding the cognitive and neural architectures of memory, specifically focusing on recent efforts to address these controversies through application of functional neuroimaging (primarily fMRI and PET).

Starts : 2003-01-01
10 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information environments Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

This series of research talks by members of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences introduces students to different approaches to the study of the brain and mind.

Topics include:

  • From Neurons to Neural Networks
  • Prefrontal Cortex and the Neural Basis of Cognitive Control
  • Hippocampal Memory Formation and the Role of Sleep
  • The Formation of Internal Modes for Learning Motor Skills
  • Look and See: How the Brain Selects Objects and Directs the Eyes
  • How the Brain Wires Itself

Related Content

Starts : 2004-02-01
10 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

This course gives a mathematical introduction to neural coding and dynamics. Topics include convolution, correlation, linear systems, game theory, signal detection theory, probability theory, information theory, and reinforcement learning. Applications to neural coding, focusing on the visual system are covered, as well as Hodgkin-Huxley and other related models of neural excitability, stochastic models of ion channels, cable theory, and models of synaptic transmission.

Visit the Seung Lab Web site.

Starts : 2009-01-01
9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

The neuropharmacology course will discuss the drug-induced changes in functioning of the nervous system. The specific focus of this course will be to provide a description of the cellular and molecular actions of drugs on synaptic transmission. This course will also refer to specific diseases of the nervous system and their treatment in addition to giving an overview of the techniques used for the study of neuropharmacology.

This course is offered during the Independent Activities Period (IAP), which is a special 4-week term at MIT that runs from the first week of January until the end of the month.

Starts : 2004-09-01
9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information environments Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

The applications of pattern recognition techniques to problems of machine vision is the main focus for this course. Topics covered include, an overview of problems of machine vision and pattern classification, image formation and processing, feature extraction from images, biological object recognition, bayesian decision theory, and clustering.

Starts : 2006-02-01
9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information environments Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

This course takes a 'back to the beginning' view that aims to better understand the end result. What might be the developmental processes that lead to the organization of 'booming, buzzing confusions' into coherent visual objects? This course examines key experimental results and computational proposals pertinent to the discovery of objects in complex visual inputs. The structure of the course is designed to get students to learn and to focus on the genre of study as a whole; to get a feel for how science is done in this field.

9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

This course is a survey of the scientific study of human nature, including how the mind works, and how the brain supports the mind. Topics include the mental and neural bases of perception, emotion, learning, memory, cognition, child development, personality, psychopathology, and social interaction. Students will consider how such knowledge relates to debates about nature and nurture, free will, consciousness, human differences, self, and society.

Course Format

Click to get started. This course has been designed for independent study. It includes all of the materials you will need to understand the concepts covered in this subject. The materials in this course include:

  • A full set of Lecture Videos by Prof. John Gabrieli.
  • Reading Assignments in several books, including one free online textbook and detailed notes on another book.
  • Assorted multiple choice and short answer questions to Check Yourself on the material in each session.
  • Supporting Discussion content that elaborates on the lectures and reading.
  • A rich collection of online resources for Further Study on each session's topics.
  • A full set of Exams with solution keys, and extra practice questions for review.

Other Versions

Other OCW Versions

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