Courses tagged with "Introduction to algebra" (1)

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Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences Class2Go GUI Introduction to algebra

Our universe is defined by stars. This topic explores how they came to be and where they end up. This includes a discussion of black holes and galaxies. Birth of Stars. Accreting mass due to gravity simulation. Challenge: Modeling Accretion Disks. Becoming a Red Giant. White and Black Dwarfs. Star Field and Nebula Images. Lifecycle of Massive Stars. Supernova (Supernovae). Supernova clarification. Black Holes. Supermassive Black Holes. Quasars. Quasar Correction. Galactic Collisions. Parallax in Observing Stars. Stellar Parallax. Stellar Distance Using Parallax. Stellar Parallax Clarification. Parsec Definition. Cepheid Variables 1. Why Cepheids Pulsate. Why Gravity Gets So Strong Near Dense Objects. Birth of Stars. Accreting mass due to gravity simulation. Challenge: Modeling Accretion Disks. Becoming a Red Giant. White and Black Dwarfs. Star Field and Nebula Images. Lifecycle of Massive Stars. Supernova (Supernovae). Supernova clarification. Black Holes. Supermassive Black Holes. Quasars. Quasar Correction. Galactic Collisions. Parallax in Observing Stars. Stellar Parallax. Stellar Distance Using Parallax. Stellar Parallax Clarification. Parsec Definition. Cepheid Variables 1. Why Cepheids Pulsate. Why Gravity Gets So Strong Near Dense Objects.

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