Courses tagged with "K-8 Courses" (4)

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Starts : 2005-02-01
7 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Closed [?] Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory K-8 Courses WizIQ.htm%2525253Fcategoryid%2525253D2.htm%25253Fcategoryid%25253D6.htm%3Fdatetype%3Drecent&.htm?cat

This is a discussion-based interactive seminar on the two major issues that affect Sub-Saharan Africa: HIV/AIDS and Poverty. AIDS and Poverty, seemingly different concepts, are more inter-related to each other in Africa than in any other continent. As MIT students, we feel it is important to engage ourselves in a dynamic discussion on the relation between the two - how to fight one and how to solve the other.

Starts : 2005-02-01
1 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Closed [?] Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory K-8 Courses Nutrition

This is a discussion-based interactive seminar on the two major issues that affect Sub-Saharan Africa: HIV/AIDS and Poverty. AIDS and Poverty, seemingly different concepts, are more inter-related to each other in Africa than in any other continent. As MIT students, we feel it is important to engage ourselves in a dynamic discussion on the relation between the two - how to fight one and how to solve the other.

Starts : 2009-02-01
13 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Closed [?] Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory K-8 Courses

This seminar will focus on three sports: swimming, cycling and running. There will be two components to the seminar: classroom sessions and a "laboratory" in the form of a structured training program. The classroom component will introduce the students to the chemistry of their own biological system. With swimming, running and cycling as sample sports, students are encouraged to apply their knowledge to complete a triathlon shortly after the term.

Starts : 2009-02-01
5 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Closed [?] Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory K-8 Courses Nutrition

This seminar will focus on three sports: swimming, cycling and running. There will be two components to the seminar: classroom sessions and a "laboratory" in the form of a structured training program. The classroom component will introduce the students to the chemistry of their own biological system. With swimming, running and cycling as sample sports, students are encouraged to apply their knowledge to complete a triathlon shortly after the term.

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