Courses tagged with "Line integrals and Green's theorem" (2)

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1 votes
Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan Free Computer Sciences Algebra+II Interactive fiction Interest Java interview questions Line integrals and Green's theorem Lymphocyte disorders

This course brings together students and faculty who are engaged in diverse community and public interest work to hear from a wide range of fascinating guests and to engage in discussion around their expertise and experiences. Readings include those recommended by guests and a highly focused group of context-setting community informatics articles. Students learn the roots of community informatics

3 votes
Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan Free Computer Sciences Hormone secretion ITMOx Line integrals and Green's theorem Literacy instruction Relativity and Astrophysics

This course provides an opportunity for students to examine information seeking and use in geographic communities. The course takes an interdisciplinary approach to explore: 1) selected community information needs & use situations (everyday life problem solving, community problem solving, citizenship, civic engagement and participation); 2) factors that influence community information use including the roles of community information organizations & institutions; 3) models of community information provision. The course starts with a brief historical introduction. Students will have opportunities to examine in more detail topics of especial interest to them. Course Level: Graduate This Work, SI 645 / SI 745 - Information Use in Communities, by Joan C. Durrance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license.

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