Courses tagged with "Nutrition" (212)

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Starts : 2015-02-02
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Coursera Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences English BabsonX Diencephalon Nutrition

Gain a rigorous introduction to physical chemistry suitable for undergraduates starting university. The course provides a unique, in-depth introduction to the three main pillars of physical chemistry: thermodynamics, kinetics and quantum mechanics.

Starts : 2015-02-01
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Coursera Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences English BabsonX Calculus I Nutrition

Mechanics is the basis of much of physics, engineering and other technological disciplines. It begins by quantifying motion, and then explaining it in terms of forces, energy, momentum. This allows us to analyse the operation of many familiar phenomena around us, but also the mechanics of planets, stars and galaxies.

Starts : 2014-01-13
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edX Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences Business Nutrition

Fundamental topics in electromagnetism: electric charge, electric fields, currents, magnetic fields, and induction.

Starts : 2015-03-16
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Coursera Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences English BabsonX Brain stem Diencephalon How to Succeed Nutrition

Learn about novel sensing tools that make use of nanotechnology to screen, detect and monitor various events in personal or professional life. Together, we will lay the groundwork for infinite innovative applications, starting from diagnosis and treatments of diseases, continuing with quality control of goods and environmental aspects, and ending with monitoring security issues.

Starts : 2014-09-01
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Coursera Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences French BabsonX Calculus I Nutrition

À l’École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, un cours de physique générale fait partie de la formation de tous les futurs ingénieurs et scientifiques. Le présent cours de mécanique en fait partie. Il a pour but de leur apprendre à transcrire sous forme mathématique un phénomène physique, afin de pouvoir en formuler une analyse raisonnée.

Starts : 2015-02-09
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Coursera Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences English BabsonX Curriculum Customer Service Certification Program Multiplying+and+factoring+expressions Nutrition

Explore the intersection of statistics and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a non-invasive technique for studying brain activity.

Starts : 2015-09-28
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Coursera Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences English BabsonX How to Succeed Nutrition

Fluid power has the highest power density of all conventional power-transmission technologies. Learn the benefits and limitations of fluid power, how to analyze fluid power components and circuits, and how to design and simulate fluid power circuits for applications.

Starts : 2014-09-01
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Coursera Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences English Aviation BabsonX Calculus I Diencephalon How to Succeed Nutrition

Learn about a new generation of solar cells, organic solar cells, that promise an answer to the energy demands of the future.

Starts : 2014-02-17
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Coursera Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences Russian BabsonX Calculus I Nutrition

Курс посвящен изучению базовых законов электростатики и магнитостатики.

Starts : 2014-03-17
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FutureLearn Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences Hormonal activity Nutrition Security+regulations University+of+Exeter

Explore the many moons of our Solar System. Find out what makes them special. Should we send humans to our Moon again?

Starts : 2014-02-10
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FutureLearn Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences Advanced+Anatomy Nutrition Security+regulations

Should we be excited about the Higgs boson? Find out more about particle physics and understanding the universe.

Starts : 2015-02-15
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Coursera Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences English Aviation BabsonX Brain stem Business Administration Calculus I Nutrition

This course is designed for anyone who is interested in learning more about modern astronomy. We will help you get up to date on the most recent astronomical discoveries while also providing support at an introductory level for those who have no background in science.

No votes Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences International development Nutrition Taking derivatives

This course will introduce you to the field of mechanical engineering and the relationships between physics, mathematics, communications, and sciences which inform the study, design, and manufacture of mechanical products and systems.  The course is divided into four units.  In the first unit, you will learn how mechanical engineering is broadly defined, what mechanical engineers do, and what technical capabilities they have.  We will also review some basic principles from mathematics and physics that you will apply in any discipline of engineering.  In the second unit, you will learn about the ethical considerations and technical communication skills necessary for engineering work.  You will revisit these issues in more detail in several courses within the Mechanical Engineering curriculum.  The third unit focuses on computational tools for engineering problems.  In Unit 3 you will learn about a specific open source computational environment (Scilab) and the application of that environment to some com…

No votes Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences International development Nutrition Taking derivatives

CAD, or computer-aided design, is a powerful modeling tool that technical professionals use.  With CAD, architects can draw up building plans and engineers can develop component and system designs.  Some CAD programs even allow users to perform stress analysis, demonstrating how well a proposed structure will fare when put to use.  For example, when does a load become too big?  How much weight can be put onto a bridge before it becomes structurally unsound?  Using CAD, professionals can create precise engineering drawings in both 2- and 3-D, complete with dimensions and specifications, in a neat and readable format.  This modeling method has taken design to a whole new level of efficiency and accuracy. We are fortunate to be engineers working in the current eraone of computers, technology, and ease of precision.  Without CAD, we would have to draft (or draw up) design blueprints by hand, which can be tedious and time-consuming.  With CAD, however, we can generate accurate 2-D and 3-D drawings, scale…

Starts : 2015-09-28
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edX Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences English product differentiation and variety Business How to Succeed Nutrition

This aerodynamics course focuses on the study of the flow of air about a body, and the “body” will be an airplane, but many of the concepts explored are relevant to a wide variety of applications from sailboats to automobiles to birds. Learners completing this aerodynamics course will gain a fundamental understanding of concepts and models used to aerodynamically analyze and design subsonic, transonic, and supersonic aircraft.

While the course is an introduction to aerodynamics, it is an advanced subject typically taken as a third or fourth year undergraduate subject in aerospace engineering.

Starts : 2016-02-09
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edX Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences English product differentiation and variety Business Calculus I How to Succeed Information policy Nutrition

This course covers the physics, concepts, theories, and models underlying the discipline of aerodynamics. A general theme is the technique of velocity field representation and modeling via source and vorticity fields, and via their sheet, filament, or point-singularity idealizations.

The intent is to instill an intuitive feel for aerodynamic flowfield behavior, and to provide the basis of aerodynamic force analysis, drag decomposition, flow interference estimation, and many other important applications. A few computational methods are covered, primarily to give additional insight into flow behavior, and to identify the primary aerodynamic forces on maneuvering aircraft. A short overview of flight dynamics is also presented.

Before your course starts, try the new edX Demo where you can explore the fun, interactive learning environment and virtual labs. Learn more.



Is there a required textbook?
You do not need to buy a textbook. All material is included in the edX course and is viewable online. This includes a full textbook in PDF form. If you would like to buy a print copy of the textbook, a mail-order service will be provided.

Can I still register after the start date?
You can register at any time, but you will not get credit for any assignments that are past due.

How are grades assigned?
Grades are made out of four parts: simple, multiple-choice "Concept Questions " completed during lectures; weekly homework assignments; and two exams, one at the midpoint and one at the end of the course.

How does this course use video? Do I need to watch the lectures live?
Video lectures as well as worked problems will be available and you can watch these at your leisure. Homework assignments and exams, however, will have due dates.

Will the text of the lectures be available?
Yes, transcripts of the course will be made available.

Will the material be made available to anyone registered for this course?
Yes, all the material will be made available to all students.

What are the prerequisites?
The student is expected to be well-versed in basic mechanics, vector calculus, and basic differential equations. Good familiarity with basic fluid mechanics concepts (pressure, density, velocity, stress, etc.) is expected, similar to the content in 16.101x (however, 16.101x is not a requirement). If you do not know these subjects beforehand, following the class material will be extremely difficult. We do not check students for prerequisites, so you are certainly allowed to try.

Who can register for this course?
Unfortunately, learners from Iran, Sudan, Cuba and the Crimea region of Ukraine will not be able to register for this course at the present time. While edX has received a license from the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) to offer courses to learners from Iran and Sudan our license does not cover this course. Separately, EdX has applied for a license to offer courses to learners in the Crimea region of Ukraine, but we are awaiting a determination from OFAC on that application. We are deeply sorry the U.S. government has determined that we have to block these learners, and we are working diligently to rectify this situation as soon as possible.

Starts : 2017-05-01
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edX Free Closed [?] Engineering English Business How to Succeed Nutrition Quality

This course provides an overview of and introduction to the fundamentals of aeronautics, using the history of aviation as a story line. The course uses examples from the very beginning of aviation (the Montgolfier brothers’ balloon flight in 1783 and the Wright brothers’ heavier-than-air flight in 1903) and continues all the way through to the current Airbus A380 and future aircraft. During this trajectory three major topics are discussed: aeronautics, aerodynamics and flight mechanics.

Lectures are frequently accompanied by related exercises and demonstrations. The course also incorporates (design) challenges/competitions, based on the knowledge obtained through the lectures.


The course materials of this course are Copyright Delft University of Technology and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA) 4.0 International License.

Starts : 2014-10-27
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edX Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English Brain stem Business Calculus I Cells Evaluation Nutrition

This course gives an introduction to the field of theoretical and computational neuroscience with a focus on models of single neurons. Neurons encode information about stimuli in a sequence of short electrical pulses (spikes). Students will learn how mathematical tools such as differential equations, phase plane analysis, separation of time scales, and stochastic processes can be used to understand the dynamics of neurons and the neural code.

Week 1: A first simple neuron model

Week 2:  Hodgkin-Huxley models and biophysical modeling

Week 3: Two-dimensional models and phase plane analysis

Week 4: Two-dimensional models (cont.)/ Dendrites

Week 5: Variability of spike trains and the neural code

Week 6: Noise models, noisy neurons and coding

Week 7: Estimating neuron models for coding and decoding

Before your course starts, try the new edX Demo where you can explore the fun, interactive learning environment and virtual labs. Learn more.

Starts : 2016-03-01
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edX Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences English Aviation Business Calculus I Information policy Nutrition

Despite spectacular recent progress, there is still a lot we don't know about our universe. We don't know why the Big Bang happened. We don't know what most of the universe is made of. We don't know whether there is life in space. We don't know how planets form, how black holes get so big, or where the first stars have gone. This course will take you through nine of the greatest unsolved problems of modern astrophysics. We can't promise you the answers, but we will explain what we do and don't know, and give you an up-to-date understanding of current research. This course is designed for people who would like to get a deeper understanding of these mysteries than that offered by popular science articles and shows. 

This is the first of four ANUx courses which together make up the Australian National University's first year astrophysics program. It is followed by courses on exoplanets, on the violent universe, and on cosmology. These courses compromise the Astrophysics XSeries. Learn more about the XSeries program and register for all the courses in the series today!

Starts : 2014-02-03
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edX Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences English Business Calculus I Information policy Nutrition Structural engineering Teacher+Professional+Development

The study of the night sky instilled wonder in our ancestors. Modern astronomy extends the human view to previously unexplored regions of space and time. In this course, you will gain an understanding of these discoveries through a focus on relativity—Einstein's fascinating and non-intuitive description of the physical world. By studying relativity and astronomy together, you will develop physical insight and quantitative skills, and you’ll regain a profound sense of wonder for the universe we call home.



  • What topics will the course cover?
    • Section One—Introduction
    • Section Two—3, 2, 1 … Launching the journey into spacetime
    • Section Three—Special relativity: from light to dark
    • Section Four—General relativity: from flat to curved
  • Is there a required textbook?

    • No textbook is required. Notes will be posted weekly. A list of supplemental resources, including textbooks, will be provided.

  • What are the learning outcomes of this course?

    • Explain the meaning and significance of the postulates of special and general relativity.

    • Discuss significant experimental tests of both special and general relativity.

    • Analyze paradoxes in special relativity.

    • Apply appropriate tools for problem solving in special relativity.

    • Describe astrophysical situations where the consequences of relativity qualitatively impact predictions and/or observations.

    • Describe daily situations where relativity makes a difference.

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