Courses tagged with "Nutrition" (51)

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3 votes Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences Career Evaluation Khan+Academy Mathematics.htm%252525253Fcategoryid%252525253D19.htm%2525253Fcategoryid%2525253D7.htm%253Fpricetype Nutrition Taking derivatives

This course is an upper division computer science course that studies the design of programming languages. While most of the industry uses either procedural or object-oriented programming languages, there are entire families of other languages with certain strengths and weaknesses that make them attractive to a variety of problem domains.  It is important to know about these less well-known yet powerful languages if you find yourself working in an area that could utilize their strengths.  In this course, we will discuss the entire programming language family, starting with an introduction to programming languages in general and a discussion of the features and functionality that make up the modern programming language.  From there, each unit will discuss a different family of programming languages, including Imperative, Object-Oriented, Functional, Scripting, and, Logical. For each language, you will learn about its computational model, syntax, semantics, and pragmatic considerations that shape the langua…

2 votes Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences CNS Evaluation Nutrition Professionals Taking derivatives USMx

Though we may not recognize them in our everyday activities, databases are everywhere.  They are hidden behind your online banking profile, airline reservation systems, medical records, and even employment records.  This course will provide students with a general overview of databases, introducing you to database history, modern database systems, the different models used to design a database, and Structured Query Language (SQL), which is the standard language used to access and manipulate databases.   Many of the principles of database systems carry to other areas in computer science, especially operating systems.  Databases are often thought of as one of the core computer science topics, since many other areas in the discipline have been derived from this area.

2 votes Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences Evaluation Nutrition Taking derivatives

This course is a continuation of the first-semester course titled CS101: Introduction to Computer Science I [1]. It will introduce you to a number of more advanced Computer Science topics, laying a strong foundation for future academic study in the discipline. We will begin with a comparison between Java - the programming language utilized last semester - and C++, another popular, industry-standard programming language. We will then discuss the fundamental building blocks of Object-Oriented Programming, reviewing what we learned last semester and familiarizing ourselves with some more advanced programming concepts. The remaining course units will be devoted to various advanced topics, including the Standard Template Library, Exceptions, Recursion, Searching and Sorting, and Template Classes. By the end of the class, you will have a solid understanding of Java and C++ programming, as well as a familiarity with the major issues that programmers routinely address in a professional setting. [1] http://www.saylor.

2 votes Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences Evaluation Nutrition Taking derivatives

CS405 introduces the field of artificial intelligence (AI).  Materials on AI programming, logic, search, game playing, machine learning, natural language understanding, and robotics introduce the student to AI methods, tools, and techniques, their application to computational problems, and their contribution to understanding intelligence.  Because each of these topics could be a course unto itself, the material is introductory and not complete.  Each unit presents the problem a topic addresses, current progress, and approaches to the problem.  The readings include and cite more materials that are referenced in this course, and students are encouraged to use these resources to pursue topics of interest after this course.

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Udacity Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences evaluation CMS Nutrition

So you’ve heard mobile is kind of a big deal, and you’re not sure how to transform your traditional desktop-focused web apps into fast, effective mobile experiences. This course is designed to teach web developers what they need to know to create great cross-device mobile web experiences. This course will focus on building mobile web apps, which will work across multiple platforms including Android, iOS, and others.

No votes Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences Business%25252525252B&%25252525252BManagement.htm%25252525253Fstart%25252525253D80&limit%25252525253 Nutrition Taking derivatives

This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction to computers. Students will explore a variety of topics in computing, such as the following: the components of a computer, common computer terminology, an introduction to the Internet, computer security and privacy, computer troubleshooting techniques, and steps to maintain the life of your computer. Through readings and videos, students will learn how to fully understand the basics of computer technology.

No votes Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences HumanitiesandScience HumanitiesandScience Nutrition Nutrition

This course provides an overview of the evolving field of cybersecurity, with an introduction to cybersecurity standards and law. Students will learn about common cyber attacks and the techniques for identifying, detecting, and defending against cybersecurity threats. They will also gain a basic understanding of personal, physical, network, web, and wireless security, as well as a foundation for more advanced study of cybersecurity.

No votes Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences Evaluation Nutrition Taking derivatives

Cryptography is essentially the science of writing in secret code.  In data and telecommunications, cryptography has specific security requirements, such as authentication, privacy or confidentiality, integrity, and non-repudiation.  To meet these security requirements, we employ secret key (or symmetric) cryptography, public-key (or asymmetric) cryptography, and hash functions. In the first part of the course, we will review a number of different ciphers that were used before World War II.  These ciphers would be easily broken nowadays, since cryptography has advanced quickly over the past couple of decades with the advent of modern computers.  We will cover block cipher algorithms and describe the advanced encryption standard for a symmetric-key encryption adopted by the U.S. government.  We will also learn about the important MD5 and SHA-1 hash functions as well as the message authentication code. This course will focus on public key cryptography, which is best exemplified by the RSA algorithm (na…

No votes Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences Business%25252525252B&%25252525252BManagement.htm%25252525253Fstart%25252525253D80&limit%25252525253 Nutrition Taking derivatives

This course is designed for the novice who has little or no word processing experience.  The course provides an introduction to word processing.  You will explore word processing skills while also learning to create a basic business letter and a business memo.  Although the resources in this course use Microsoft Word 2010, it should be noted that all of the basic skills and tasks that you will be asked  can be done on any word processing program.  If you stay flexible enough in your own word processing program to search out the commands and icons on whatever software you are using, you will succeed.  The most current version of Microsoft Word was selected, because it would be most beneficial to the job seeker.  In addition most colleges, universities, and some public libraries are using a newer version of Word.  You can complete this course using any word processing software, but if you are using an older version of Word, you may also want to seek out a resource where you can interact with the newer v…

No votes Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences Business%25252525252B&%25252525252BManagement.htm%25252525253Fstart%25252525253D80&limit%25252525253 Nutrition Taking derivatives

This course will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to spreadsheets. The course is designed for first-time users with very little or no exposure to the subject. For this course, you will use Microsoft Excel as the software. The course will explore the following fundamental topics: an introduction to spreadsheets, terminology in Excel, components of a spreadsheet, what a cell consists of, and the creation of a spreadsheet for practical use.  You will examine sample files, videos, and books that will enable you to gain practical knowledge about spreadsheets that can be used in daily life, either at work, school, or home.

No votes Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences Khan+Academy+resources Nutrition Taking derivatives

This class is intended for students who have a basic understanding of spreadsheets and are now ready to delve deeper into formatting, formulas and functions, multi-page spreadsheets, charting data, creating tables that have database features, and be introduced to pivot tables. This class was designed to be an active, hands-on class. You will be creating Excel® spreadsheets and have files to open and follow along as you progress through the units. This class is not intended for a specific occupation or activity, but when you are finished with this class, you will be able to use Excel® in a variety of circumstances to format and manipulate numerical data. Although the resources in this course use Microsoft Excel® 2010, it should be noted that all of the skills and tasks that you will be asked to complete can be done in any version of Excel®. If you stay flexible enough in your thinking and search out the commands and icons on whatever software you are using, you will succeed.

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