Courses tagged with "Nutrition" (6403)

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Starts : 2014-02-10
36 votes
Coursera Free Health and Welfare English BabsonX Beams Curriculum Differential+Equations Nutrition Udemy

This course examines the implications of informatics for practice, in nursing, public health, and healthcare in general. It covers electronic health record issues and relates ethical, legislative and political issues to health informatics. Students will also explore global and future informatics issues.

Starts : 2015-09-14
36 votes
Coursera Free Physical Sciences English BabsonX Calculus I Nutrition

Using publicly available data from NASA of actual satellite observations of astronomical x-ray sources, we explore some of the mysteries of the cosmos, including neutron stars, black holes, quasars and supernovae.

Starts : 2013-04-01
35 votes
Coursera Free Mathematics English BabsonX Nutrition Web Design

This course is an introduction to the key ideas and principles of the collection, display, and analysis of data to guide you in making valid and appropriate conclusions about the world.

Starts : 2014-03-24
35 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Education English BabsonX Beams Business & Management Differential+Equations Nutrition Udemy

This course is designed to examine an array of issues related to the globalization of higher education and research. The main objective of the course is to enable students to better understand how and why universities are engaged in the globalization process, as well as what the key implications of this development process are.

Starts : 2013-09-23
35 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences French BabsonX Evaluation Nutrition Website Development

Ce cours initie à la programmation en utilisant le langage C++. Il ne présuppose pas de connaissance préalable. Les aspects plus avancés (programmation orientée objet) sont donnés dans un cours suivant, «Introduction à la programmation orientée objet (en C++)».

Starts : 2014-03-03
34 votes
Coursera Free Education Spanish BabsonX Business & Management Nutrition

Analizar diferentes casos de estudio de usos educativos de las TIC y diseña un ambiente de aprendizaje que involucre herramientas digitales y tecnologías basadas en Internet.

Starts : 2015-10-05
34 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Social Sciences Spanish BabsonX Chemokines Nutrition

Este curso introduce a los estudiantes de grado y al público de habla hispana en general en los aspectos más relevantes de la lengua, la historia y la cultura del Egipto de los faraones.

Starts : 2015-11-01
34 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Ethnic Studies English BabsonX Bodawala Bonding systems Chemokines Limits Nutrition

In many ways Scandinavian film and television is a global cultural brand, connected with and exporting some of the cultural and social values connected to a liberal and progressive welfare society. This course deals with the social, institutional and cultural background of film and television in Scandinavia and in a broader European and global context.

Starts : 2014-01-20
34 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Philosophy, Religion, & Theology English BabsonX Chemokines Nutrition Udemy

Exploration of the causes and consequences of various beliefs about the soul. Topics such as the self, mind/body dualism, evolution, culture, death anxiety, afterlife, and religious and political conflict.

Starts : 2014-10-21
34 votes
Coursera Free Life Sciences English Aviation BabsonX Business Administration Nutrition

Volcanic eruptions are a powerful demonstration of the energy of the Earth´s interior. A materials-based understanding of the evolution of erupting systems provides a quantitative physico-chemical description of the nature of lava and magma and the role of experiments in quantifying the eruptive process.

Starts : 2015-10-15
34 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Public Affairs & Law English BabsonX Chemokines Circuits Nutrition Udemy

Learn what motivates the restive Muslim youth from Tunis to Tehran, what political positions Islamists from Mali to Chechnya are fighting for, where the seeming obsession with Islamic law comes from, where the secularists have vanished to, and whether it makes sense to speak of an Islamic state.

Starts : 2015-10-23
34 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Social Sciences French BabsonX Chemokines Nutrition

Course in French with English subtitles -- Ce cours introduit à la vie et à la pensée du réformateur Jean Calvin (1509-1564) ainsi qu’à son influence sur le monde moderne et contemporain. La démarche proposée se veut critique, il ne s’agit ni de canoniser ni de condamner Calvin, mais de comprendre sa pensée avec toute la distance requise et d’en analyser les enjeux. -- This course is an introduction to the life and thought of the reformer John Calvin (1509-1564) and to his influence on the modern and contemporary world. The approach we develop is critical: we intend neither to canonize nor to condemn Calvin or his thought. Our goal, rather, is to avoid any rash evaluation in order to understand his thought and analyze the issues at stake in it.

Starts : 2014-10-31
33 votes
Coursera Free Visual & Performing Arts BabsonX History of Math Nutrition

本課程以崑曲的歷史文化、文學、音樂、表演、美學為核心主題,透過學者與表演藝術家的解說示範,提昇學生對中國傳統文化、古典文學與表演藝術之鑑賞能力。 (A shorter English version will be launched in 2015. The exact date is to be announced.)

Starts : 2014-01-20
33 votes
Coursera Free Social Sciences English BabsonX Chemokines History of Math Nutrition

Through some of the most celebrated examples of the early Renaissance architecture and the most important statements of the early Renaissance theories, the course will examine problems of the architectural spaces, technology and forms looking to the antiquity in the XV century in Italy.

Starts : 2013-10-30
33 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Business English BabsonX Biology Book distribution Nutrition

This course explores markets with frictions. The goal is to sharpen our economic reasoning, add a few twists that you are unlikely to have seen in other courses, and apply the methods to interesting phenomena. This should improve the way you think analytically about the economy, and help address interesting issues that come up in the real world.

Starts : 2013-10-07
33 votes
Coursera Free Health and Welfare English BabsonX Curriculum Multiplying+and+factoring+expressions Nutrition

This course proposes an overview of current global health challenges drawing on the insights of several academic disciplines including medicine, public health, law, economics, social sciences and humanities. This interdisciplinary approach will guide the student into seven critical topics in global health.

Starts : 2014-11-04
33 votes
Coursera Free Military Science & Protective Services English BabsonX Chemokines Nutrition Udemy

This course aims to nail down some of the basic issues that have been argued in the current research on peace and security.

Starts : 2013-10-14
33 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English BabsonX Evaluation Nutrition Website Development

This course is for experienced C programmers who want to program in C++. The examples and exercises require a basic understanding of algorithms and object-oriented software.

Starts : 2013-10-23
32 votes
Coursera Free Business English BabsonX Book distribution Circuits Nutrition

This course will highlight the critical legal and business issues entrepreneurs face as they build and launch a new venture. We will explore real world scenarios, and address the legal and business issues that entrepreneurs face, from the moment they conceive of the "million dollar idea" to all of the important junctures along the path to success.

Starts : 2014-10-20
32 votes
Coursera Free Mathematics English BabsonX Nutrition

This course will cover the very basic ideas in optimization. Topics include the basic theory and algorithms behind linear and integer linear programming along with some of the important applications. We will also explore the theory of convex polyhedra using linear programming.

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