Courses tagged with "Organizational behavior" (1)

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Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Education Class2Go ERP Organizational behavior

Learn how to use Khan Academy in your classroom. Start with the "Quick Start Guide" for 6 steps to get going!. An intro to Khan Academy. Quick start guide. What makes a Khan Academy classroom?. The role of the teacher. The role of the student. Data-driven instruction. Deciding on an implementation model. Using Khan Academy with limited resources. Using Khan Academy in higher education. Creating your account. Getting your class online. How to add a coach on Khan Academy. How to delete a student or class list. Technology set-up and maintenance. Device considerations. FAQs about accounts. Before the first day. First day agenda and materials. Systems and procedures. Engaging parents. Beyond the first day. Finding a place to start. Integrating Khan Academy into curriculum: creating and using playlists. Mapping to standards (including Common Core). Real-life examples of curriculum. Approaches to interactive learning. Classroom culture. Different types of learners. 1-on-1 coaching. Peer-to-peer tutoring. Small group instruction. Projects in a KA classroom. Project resources. Common challenges & possible solutions. Making your classroom more data-driven. Evolving your implementation. Sharing best practices. Share your story with us!. An intro to Khan Academy. Quick start guide. What makes a Khan Academy classroom?. The role of the teacher. The role of the student. Data-driven instruction. Deciding on an implementation model. Using Khan Academy with limited resources. Using Khan Academy in higher education. Creating your account. Getting your class online. How to add a coach on Khan Academy. How to delete a student or class list. Technology set-up and maintenance. Device considerations. FAQs about accounts. Before the first day. First day agenda and materials. Systems and procedures. Engaging parents. Beyond the first day. Finding a place to start. Integrating Khan Academy into curriculum: creating and using playlists. Mapping to standards (including Common Core). Real-life examples of curriculum. Approaches to interactive learning. Classroom culture. Different types of learners. 1-on-1 coaching. Peer-to-peer tutoring. Small group instruction. Projects in a KA classroom. Project resources. Common challenges & possible solutions. Making your classroom more data-driven. Evolving your implementation. Sharing best practices. Share your story with us!.

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