Courses tagged with "Paratextuality theory" (1)

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Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan Free Computer Sciences human sexuality 1700-1900: Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution Basic CSS Let's play Paratextuality theory

Course prepares you to advise clients or your own organization on the design of contracts and screening policies when one of the parties has an information advantage over the other. For example, students study the design of patent licenses (the licensor knows more about the market), the design of social systems to reduce spam (the spam sender knows more about the content before the recipient decides whether to read), and the design of performance contracts for professional services (e.g., consultants, contract programmers, etc., when the contractor knows more than the employer about her level of effort). This course follows SI 646. Prerequisite(s): SI 562 & 563 or equivalent course in intermediate microeconomics. Course Level: Graduate This Work, SI 680 - Contracting and Signaling, by Jeffrey K. MacKie-Mason is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

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