Courses tagged with "UMUC" (1)

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Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Mathematics Class2Go Heredity and genetics UMUC

Introduction to probability. Independent and dependent events. Compound events. Mutual exclusive events. Addition rule for probability. Basic Probability. Probability space exercise example. Probability space. Example: Marbles from a bag. Example: Picking a non-blue marble. Example: Picking a yellow marble. Probability 1. Probability with Playing Cards and Venn Diagrams. Addition Rule for Probability. Compound Probability of Independent Events. Getting At Least One Heads. Example: Probability of rolling doubles. LeBron Asks: What are the chances of making 10 free throws in a row?. LeBron Asks: What are the chances of three free throws versus one three pointer?. Frequency Probability and Unfair Coins. Example: Getting two questions right on an exam. Example: Rolling even three times. Independent probability. Frequency Stability. Introduction to dependent probability. Example: Dependent probability. Example: Is an event independent or dependent?. Example: Bag of unfair coins. Dependent probability. Monty Hall Problem. Intersection and union of sets. Relative complement or difference between sets. Universal set and absolute complement. Subset, strict subset, and superset. Bringing the set operations together. Basic set notation. Probability (part 1). Probability (part 2). Probability (part 3). Probability (part 4). Probability (part 5). Probability (part 6). Probability (part 7). Probability (part 8). Introduction to Random Variables. Basic Probability. Probability space exercise example. Probability space. Example: Marbles from a bag. Example: Picking a non-blue marble. Example: Picking a yellow marble. Probability 1. Probability with Playing Cards and Venn Diagrams. Addition Rule for Probability. Compound Probability of Independent Events. Getting At Least One Heads. Example: Probability of rolling doubles. LeBron Asks: What are the chances of making 10 free throws in a row?. LeBron Asks: What are the chances of three free throws versus one three pointer?. Frequency Probability and Unfair Coins. Example: Getting two questions right on an exam. Example: Rolling even three times. Independent probability. Frequency Stability. Introduction to dependent probability. Example: Dependent probability. Example: Is an event independent or dependent?. Example: Bag of unfair coins. Dependent probability. Monty Hall Problem. Intersection and union of sets. Relative complement or difference between sets. Universal set and absolute complement. Subset, strict subset, and superset. Bringing the set operations together. Basic set notation. Probability (part 1). Probability (part 2). Probability (part 3). Probability (part 4). Probability (part 5). Probability (part 6). Probability (part 7). Probability (part 8). Introduction to Random Variables.

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