Courses tagged with "University of East Anglia" (3)

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2 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Nutrition Taking derivatives University of East Anglia

“Why is math important?  Why do I have to learn math?”  These are typical questions that you have most likely asked at one time or another in your education.  While you may learn things in math class that you will not use again, the study of mathematics is still an important one for human development.  Math is widely-used in daily activities (e.g. shopping, cooking, etc.) and in most careers (e.g. medicine, teaching, engineering, construction, business, statistics in psychology, etc.).  Math is also considered a “universal language.”  One of the fundamental reasons why you learn math is to help you tackle problems, both mathematical and non-mathematical, with clear, concise, and logical steps.  In this course, you will study important fundamental math concepts. This course begins your journey into the “Real World Math” series.  These courses are intended not just to help you learn basic algebra and geometry topics, but also to show you how these topics are used in everyday life.  In thi…

1 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Nutrition Taking derivatives University of East Anglia

This introductory mathematics course is for you if you have a solid foundation in arithmetic (that is, you know how to perform operations with real numbers, including negative numbers, fractions, and decimals).  Numbers and basic arithmetic are used often in everyday life in both simple situations, like estimating how much change you will get when making a purchase in a store, as well as in more complicated ones, like figuring out how much time it would take to pay off a loan under interest. The subject of algebra focuses on generalizing these procedures.  For example, algebra will enable you to describe how to calculate change without specifying how much money is to be spent on a purchase-it will teach you the basic formulas and steps you need to take no matter what the specific details of the situation are.  Likewise, accountants use algebraic formulas to calculate the monthly loan payments for a loan of any size under any interest rate.  In this course, you will learn how to work with formulas that a…

6 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Nutrition Taking derivatives University of East Anglia

“Everything is numbers.”  This phrase was uttered by the lead character, Dr. Charlie Epps, on the hit television show “NUMB3RS.”  If everything has a mathematical underpinning, then it follows that everything is somehow mathematically connected, even if it is only in some odd, “six degrees of separation (or Kevin Bacon)” kind of way. Geometry is the study of space (for now, mainly two-dimensional, with some three-dimensional thrown in) and the relationships of objects contained inside.  It is one of the more relatable math courses, because it often answers that age-old question, “When am I ever going to use this in real life?”  Look around you right now.  Do you see any triangles?  Can you spot any circles?  Do you see any books that look like they are twice the size of other books?  Does your wall have paint on it? In geometry, you will explore the objects that make up our universe.  Most people never give a second thought to how things are constructed, but there are geometric ru…

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