Courses tagged with "User Interaction" (1)

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Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Education Class2Go Geometry User Interaction

Khan Academy Vision. 60 minutes: Khan Academy's "world-changing" plan for schools. 60 minutes: School of the future. 60 minutes: Google's Eric Schmidt on Khan Academy. Salman Khan Describes Future Classrooms with Blended Learning. Sal Khan on Digital and Physical Learning. Khan Academy's Discovery Lab Offers Hands-On Learning. Year 2060: Education Predictions. The Gates Notes: Sal on Khan Academy. Khan Academy Computer Science Launch. Khan Academy Vision. 60 minutes: Khan Academy's "world-changing" plan for schools. 60 minutes: School of the future. 60 minutes: Google's Eric Schmidt on Khan Academy. Salman Khan Describes Future Classrooms with Blended Learning. Sal Khan on Digital and Physical Learning. Khan Academy's Discovery Lab Offers Hands-On Learning. Year 2060: Education Predictions. The Gates Notes: Sal on Khan Academy. Khan Academy Computer Science Launch.

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