Online courses directory (210)

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7 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition Taking derivatives

This course is designed to introduce you to the rigorous examination of the real number system and the foundations of calculus of functions of a single real variable. Analysis lies at the heart of the trinity of higher mathematics algebra, analysis, and topology because it is where the other two fields meet. In calculus, you learned to find limits, and you used these limits to give a rigorous justification for ideas of rate of change and areas under curves. Many of the results that you learned or derived were intuitive in many cases you could draw a picture of the situation and immediately “see” whether or not the result was true. This intuition, however, can sometimes be misleading. In the first place, your ability to find limits of real-valued functions on the real line was based on certain properties of the underlying field on which undergraduate calculus is founded: the real numbers. Things may have become slightly more complicated when you began to work in other spaces. For instance, you may r…

No votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition Taking derivatives

Real Analysis II is the sequel to Saylor’s Real Analysis I, and together these two courses constitute the foundations of real analysis in mathematics. In this course, you will build on key concepts presented in Real Analysis I, particularly the study of the real number system and real-valued functions defined on all or part (usually intervals) of the real number line. The main objective of MA241 [1] was to introduce you to the concept and theory of differential and integral calculus as well as the mathematical analysis techniques that allow us to understand and solve various problems at the heart of sciencenamely, questions in the fields of physics, economics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. In this course, you will build on these techniques with the goal of applying them to the solution of more complex mathematical problems. As long as a problem can be modeled as a functional relation between two quantities, each of which can be expressed as a set of real numbers, the techniques used for real-value…

7 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition Taking derivatives

This course is an introduction to complex analysis, or the theory of the analytic functions of a complex variable.  Put differently, complex analysis is the theory of the differentiation and integration of functions that depend on one complex variable.  Such functions, beautiful on their own, are immediately useful in Physics, Engineering, and Signal Processing.  Because of the algebraic properties of the complex numbers and the inherently geometric flavor of complex analysis, this course will feel quite different from Real Analysis, although many of the same concepts, such as open sets, metrics, and limits will reappear.  Simply put, you will be working with lines and sets and very specific functions on the complex planedrawing pictures of them and teasing out all of their idiosyncrasies.  You will again find yourself calculating line integrals, just as in multivariable calculus.  However, the techniques you learn in this course will help you get past many of the seeming dead-ends you ran up against in…

1 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition Taking derivatives

This course will introduce you to a number of statistical tools and techniques that are routinely used by modern statisticians for a wide variety of applications. First, we will review basic knowledge and skills that you learned in MA121: Introduction to Statistics [1]. Units 2-5 will introduce you to new ways to design experiments and to test hypotheses, including multiple and nonlinear regression and nonparametric statistics. You will learn to apply these methods to building models to analyze complex, multivariate problems. You will also learn to write scripts to carry out these analyses in R, a powerful statistical programming language. The last unit is designed to give you a grand tour of several advanced topics in applied statistics. [1]…

2 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition Taking derivatives

This course will introduce you to the fundamentals of probability theory and random processes. The theory of probability was originally developed in the 17th century by two great French mathematicians, Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat, to understand gambling. Today, the theory of probability has found many applications in science and engineering. Engineers use data from manufacturing processes to sample characteristics of product quality in order to improve the products being produced. Pharmaceutical companies perform experiments to determine the effect of a drug on humans and use the results to make decisions about treatment of illnesses, while economists observe the state of the economy over periods of time and use the information to forecast the economic future. In this course, you will learn the basic terminology and concepts of probability theory, including random experiments, sample spaces, discrete distribution, probability density function, expected values, and conditional probability. You will al…

5 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition Taking derivatives

This course is designed to provide you with a simple and straightforward introduction to econometrics.  Econometrics is an application of statistical procedures to the testing of hypotheses about economic relationships and to the estimation of parameters.  Regression analysis is the primary procedure commonly used by researchers and managers whether their employments are within the goods or the resources market and/or within the agriculture, the manufacturing, the services, or the information sectors of an economy. Completion of this course in econometrics will help you progress from a student of economics to a practitioner of economics.  By completing this course, you will gain an overview of econometrics, develop your ability to think like an economist, hone your skills building and testing models of consumer and producer behavior, and synthesize the results you find through analyses of data pertaining to market-based economic systems.  In essence, professional economists conduct studies that combine…

7 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition Taking derivatives

This course will introduce students to the field of computer science and the fundamentals of computer programming.  It has been specifically designed for students with no prior programming experience, and does not require a background in Computer Science.  This course will touch upon a variety of fundamental topics within the field of Computer Science and will use Java, a high-level, portable, and well-constructed computer programming language developed by Sun Microsystems, to demonstrate those principles.  We will begin with an overview of the topics we will cover this semester and a brief history of software development.  We will then learn about Object-Oriented programming, the paradigm in which Java was constructed, before discussing Java, its fundamentals, relational operators, control statements, and Java I/0.  The course will conclude with an introduction to algorithmic design.  By the end of the course, you should have a strong understanding of the fundamentals of Computer Science and the Java p…

9 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Nutrition Taking derivatives

This course is a continuation of the first-semester course titled Introduction to Computer Science I (CS101 [1]).  It will introduce you to a number of more advanced Computer Science topics, laying a strong foundation for future academic study in the discipline.  We will begin with a comparison between Javathe programming language utilized last semesterand C++, another popular, industry-standard programming language.  We will then discuss the fundamental building blocks of Object-Oriented Programming, reviewing what we learned last semester and familiarizing ourselves with some more advanced programming concepts.  The remaining course units will be devoted to various advanced Computer Science topics, including the Standard Template Library, Exceptions, Recursion, Searching and Sorting, and Template Classes.  By the end of the class, you will have a solid understanding of Java and C++ programming, as well as a familiarity with the major issues that programmers routinely address in a professional setting.

17 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics California Standards Test Customer Service Certification Program Mathematics.htm%25252525253Fdatetype%25252525253Dalwaysopen& SQL+Server Structural engineering

Math 101: College Algebra is designed to be used to prepare you to earn real college credit by passing the College Algebra CLEP Exam . This course covers topics that are included on the exam, including linear equations, functions, graphing, matrices and more. Use it to help you learn what you need to know about algebra topics so you can succeed on the exam.

The algebra instructors are experienced and knowledgeable educators who have put together comprehensive video lessons in categories ranging from absolute value problems to exponentials to the classification of numbers. Each category is broken down into smaller chapters that will cover topics more in-depth. These video lessons make learning fun and interesting. You get the aid of self-graded quizzes and practice tests to allow you to gauge how much you have learned.

14 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics business contracts Customer Service Certification Program Learn+Android SQL+Server Structural engineering

Prepare for the College Mathematics CLEP Exam through Education Portal's brief video lessons on mathematics. This course covers topics ranging from real number systems to probability and statistics. You'll learn to use the midpoint and distance formulas, graph inequalities and multiply binomials. You'll also explore the properties of various shapes and learn to determine their area and perimeter. Our lessons are taught by professional educators with experience in mathematics. In addition to designing the videos in this course, these educators have developed written transcripts and self-assessment quizzes to round out your learning experience.

15 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Gravity Hadoop+big+data+online+training SQL+Server Structural engineering

Prepare for the College Mathematics CLEP Exam through Education Portal's brief video lessons on mathematics. This course covers topics ranging from real number systems to probability and statistics. You'll learn to use the midpoint and distance formulas, graph inequalities and multiply binomials. You'll also explore the properties of various shapes and learn to determine their area and perimeter. Our lessons are taught by professional educators with experience in mathematics. In addition to designing the videos in this course, these educators have developed written transcripts and self-assessment quizzes to round out your learning experience.

16 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Crash+Course+Biology Customer Service Certification Program Department of Economics Navigation+SAP SQL+Server Structural engineering

Prepare for the College Mathematics CLEP Exam through Education Portal's brief video lessons on mathematics. This course covers topics ranging from real number systems to probability and statistics. You'll learn to use the midpoint and distance formulas, graph inequalities and multiply binomials. You'll also explore the properties of various shapes and learn to determine their area and perimeter. Our lessons are taught by professional educators with experience in mathematics. In addition to designing the videos in this course, these educators have developed written transcripts and self-assessment quizzes to round out your learning experience.

No votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics HumanitiesandScience HumanitiesandScience Nutrition

This course is designed for students who will be starting or restarting college within the next year, and for current students who have not completed their general education math requirement. It will provide math refresher materials covering a wide range of mathematical concepts together with information about success in college. Incoming college students are typically placed in college math courses based on placement exam scores. Students often take these placement exams with minimal preparation or after a long break since their last math class. The study materials in the course will help students prepare for placement exams, and higher scores mean fewer required math courses in college. Students who have already taken a placement exam (such as the ACT) can also use these materials to study and then retest, hopefully scoring higher. College students who have started, but not finished their math courses, can also retake a placement exam and possibly skip a math class. The course will also be valuable for anyone who just wants to refresh their math skills. The provided study materials are individualized based on a student’s current knowledge. Each student will be provided a customized learning path that maximizes efficiency so that study time is spent where it’s needed most. Beyond math content, the course will also provide college success material such as test-taking strategies, new student orientation, and study techniques. All of this material can be accessed separately from the math content so even if a student is already placed highly in math, or has tested out of it completely, the course will provide valuable information to help the student orient to college and to get the most out of the college experience.

14 votes
ALISON Free Mathematics

The second part of our intermediate math course continues our free online maths suite of courses. It covers binomial, normal and hypergeometric distribution, discrete random variables, and integration. This course is ideal for students preparing for an exam, or for those wanting to refresh their knowledge of mathematics.

No votes
Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Mathematics Anti terrorism training. masters degree in intelligence Class2Go Online interaction

2003 AIME II Problem 1. 2003 AIME II Problem 3. Sum of factors of 27000. Sum of factors 2. 2003 AIME II Problem 4 (part 1). 2003 AIME II Problem 4 (part 2). 2003 AIME II Problem 5. 2003 AIME II Problem 5 Minor Correction. Area Circumradius Formula Proof. 2003 AIME II Problem 6. 2003 AIME II Problem 7. 2003 AIME II Problem 8. Sum of Polynomial Roots (Proof). Sum of Squares of Polynomial Roots. 2003 AIME II Problem 9. 2003 AIME II Problem 10. 2003 AIME II Problem 11. 2003 AIME II Problem 12. 2003 AIME II Problem 13. 2003 AIME II Problem 14. 2003 AIME II Problem 15 (part 1). 2003 AIME II Problem 15 (part 2). 2003 AIME II Problem 15 (part 3). 2003 AIME II Problem 1. 2003 AIME II Problem 3. Sum of factors of 27000. Sum of factors 2. 2003 AIME II Problem 4 (part 1). 2003 AIME II Problem 4 (part 2). 2003 AIME II Problem 5. 2003 AIME II Problem 5 Minor Correction. Area Circumradius Formula Proof. 2003 AIME II Problem 6. 2003 AIME II Problem 7. 2003 AIME II Problem 8. Sum of Polynomial Roots (Proof). Sum of Squares of Polynomial Roots. 2003 AIME II Problem 9. 2003 AIME II Problem 10. 2003 AIME II Problem 11. 2003 AIME II Problem 12. 2003 AIME II Problem 13. 2003 AIME II Problem 14. 2003 AIME II Problem 15 (part 1). 2003 AIME II Problem 15 (part 2). 2003 AIME II Problem 15 (part 3).

No votes
Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Mathematics Anti terrorism training. masters degree in intelligence Class2Go Entrance+Exams

The AMC 10 is part of the series of contests administered by the MAA American Mathematics Competitions that determines the United States team in the International Math Olympiad. The AMC 10 is a 25 question, 75 minute multiple choice test for students in 10th grade or below. Two versions of the AMC 10 are offered each year. 2013 AMC 10 A #21 / AMC 12 A #17. 2013 AMC 10 A #22 / AMC 12 A #18. 2013 AMC 10 A #23 / AMC 12 A #19. 2013 AMC 10 A #24. 2013 AMC 10 A #25. 2013 AMC 10 A #21 / AMC 12 A #17. 2013 AMC 10 A #22 / AMC 12 A #18. 2013 AMC 10 A #23 / AMC 12 A #19. 2013 AMC 10 A #24. 2013 AMC 10 A #25.

4 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Biology%252525252B&%252525252BLife%252525252BSciences.htm%252525253Fcategoryid%252525253D4.htm%25252 Customer Service Certification Program Department of Economics International development Navigation+SAP Nutrition

This course is the second installment of Single-Variable Calculus.  In Part I (MA101 [1]), we studied limits, derivatives, and basic integrals as a means to understand the behavior of functions.  While this end goal remains the same, we will now focus on adapting what we have learned to applications.  By the end of this course, you should have a solid understanding of functions and how they behave.  You should also be able to apply the concepts we have learned in both Parts I and II of Single-Variable Calculus to a variety of situations. We will begin by revisiting and building upon what we know about the integral.  We will then explore the mathematical applications of integration before delving into the second major topic of this course: series.  The course will conclude with an introduction to differential equations. [1] http:///courses/ma101/…

6 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Department of Economics International development Mathematics.htm%25252525253Fdatetype%25252525253Dalwaysopen& Navigation+SAP Nutrition

Multivariable Calculus is an expansion of Single-Variable Calculus in that it extends single variable calculus to higher dimensions.  You may find that these courses share many of the same basic concepts, and that Multivariable Calculus will simply extend your knowledge of functions to functions of several variables.  The transition from single variable relationships to many variable relationships is not as simple as it may seem; you will find that multi-variable functions, in some cases, will yield counter-intuitive results. The structure of this course very much resembles the structure of Single-Variable Calculus I and II.  We will begin by taking a fresh look at limits and continuity.  With functions of many variables, you can approach a limit from many different directions.  We will then move on to derivatives and the process by which we generalize them to higher dimensions.  Finally, we will look at multiple integrals, or integration over regions of space as opposed to intervals. The goal of Mu…

89 votes
Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Business Abnormal sexual function Biology Class2Go Global Structural+engineering Trig+identities+and+examples

Topics covered in a traditional college level introductory microeconomics course. Production Possibilities Frontier. Opportunity Cost. Increasing Opportunity Cost. Allocative Efficiency and Marginal Benefit. Economic Growth through Investment. Comparative Advantage Specialization and Gains from Trade. Comparative Advantage and Absolute Advantage. Law of Demand. Price of Related Products and Demand. Changes in Income, Population, or Preferences. Normal and Inferior Goods. Inferior Goods Clarification. Law of Supply. Factors Affecting Supply. Market Equilibrium. Changes in Market Equilibrium. Price Elasticity of Demand. More on Elasticity of Demand. Perfect Inelasticity and Perfect Elasticity of Demand. Constant Unit Elasticity. Total Revenue and Elasticity. More on Total Revenue and Elasticity. Cross Elasticity of Demand. Elasticity of Supply. Elasticity and Strange Percent Changes. Demand Curve as Marginal Benefit Curve. Consumer Surplus Introduction. Total Consumer Surplus as Area. Producer Surplus. Rent Control and Deadweight Loss. Minimum Wage and Price Floors. Taxation and Dead Weight Loss. Percentage Tax on Hamburgers. Taxes and Perfectly Inelastic Demand. Taxes and Perfectly Elastic Demand. Marginal Utility. Equalizing Marginal Utility per Dollar Spent. Deriving Demand Curve from Tweaking Marginal Utility per Dollar. Budget Line. Optimal Point on Budget Line. Types of Indifference Curves. Economic Profit vs Accounting Profit. Depreciation and Opportunity Cost of Capital. Fixed, Variable, and Marginal Cost.. Visualizing Average Costs and Marginal Costs as Slope. Marginal Cost and Average Total Cost. Marginal Revenue and Marginal Cost. Marginal Revenue Below Average Total Cost. Long Term Supply Curve and Economic Profit. Perfect Competition. Monopoly Basics. Review of Revenue and Cost Graphs for a Monopoly. Monopolist Optimizing Price (part 1)- Total Revenue.. Monopolist Optimizing Price (part 2)- Marginal Revenue. Monopolist Optimizing Price (part 3)- Dead Weight Loss.avi. Optional Calculus Proof to Show that MR has Twice Slope of Demand. Oligopolies and Monopolistic Competition. Monopolistic Competition and Economic Profit. Oligopolies, Duopolies, Collusion, and Cartels. Prisoners' Dilemma and Nash Equilibrium. More on Nash Equilibrium. Why Parties to Cartels Cheat. Game Theory of Cheating Firms. Negative Externalities. Taxes for Factoring in Negative Externalities. Positive Externalities. Tragedy of the Commons. First Degree Price Discrimination. A Firm's Marginal Product Revenue Curve. How Many People to Hire Given the MPR curve. Adding Demand Curves.

11 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

This course covers differential, integral and vector calculus for functions of more than one variable. These mathematical tools and methods are used extensively in the physical sciences, engineering, economics and computer graphics.

Course Formats

Click to get started.The materials have been organized to support independent study. The website includes all of the materials you will need to understand the concepts covered in this subject. The materials in this course include:

  • Lecture Videos recorded on the MIT campus
  • Recitation Videos with problem-solving tips
  • Examples of solutions to sample problems
  • Problem for you to solve, with solutions
  • Exams with solutions
  • Interactive Java Applets ("Mathlets") to reinforce key concepts

Content Development

Denis Auroux
Arthur Mattuck
Jeremy Orloff
John Lewis

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