Online courses directory (24)

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Starts : 2017-06-06
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English product differentiation and variety Business Nutrition

In the last decade, the amount of data available to organizations has reached unprecedented levels. Data is transforming business, social interactions, and the future of our society. In this course, you will learn how to use data and analytics to give an edge to your career and your life. We will examine real world examples of how analytics have been used to significantly improve a business or industry. These examples include Moneyball, eHarmony, the Framingham Heart Study, Twitter, IBM Watson, and Netflix. Through these examples and many more, we will teach you the following analytics methods: linear regression, logistic regression, trees, text analytics, clustering, visualization, and optimization. We will be using the statistical software R to build models and work with data. The contents of this course are essentially the same as those of the corresponding MIT class (The Analytics Edge). It is a challenging class, but it will enable you to apply analytics to real-world applications. 

The class will consist of lecture videos, which are broken into small pieces, usually between 4 and 8 minutes each. After each lecture piece, we will ask you a “quick question” to assess your understanding of the material. There will also be a recitation, in which one of the teaching assistants will go over the methods introduced with a new example and data set. Each week will have a homework assignment that involves working in R or LibreOffice with various data sets. (R is a free statistical and computing software environment we’ll use in the course. See the Software FAQ below for more info). In the middle of the class, we will run an analytics competition, and at the end of the class there will be a final exam, which will be similar to the homework assignments.

Starts : 2013-09-16
15 votes
edX Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences African+American+Studies Business Business Information policy

Discover the impact of drug development and become an informed consumer or scientist.

Starts : 2017-10-03
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English Business Nutrition Teacher+Professional+Development Udemy

How does cellular technology enable massive surveillance? Do users have rights against surveillance? How does surveillance affect how we use cellular and other technologies? How does it affect our democratic institutions? Do you know that the metadata collected by a cellular network speaks volumes about its users? In this course you will explore all of these questions while investigating related issues in WiFi and Internet surveillance. The issues explored in this course are at the intersection of networking technology, law, and sociology and will appeal to anyone interested in the technical, political, and moral questions inherent in the use of information networks. The course will include broad overviews for the novice, while pointing to the detailed resources needed for those engaged in the development of corporate or governmental policies.

Starts : 2014-02-24
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English Applied Mathematics Business Evaluation KIx Nutrition

This course is presented in Mandarin.

If you are having difficulty viewing this video in mainland China, you can also find it here.






课 程完整涵盖现代语言服务的基本情况介绍、翻译技术基本概念、语言服务项目执行过程的信息环境与信息技术、如何利用电子辞典、网络资源及语料库工具辅助翻译 工作、狭义和广义的计算机辅助翻译工具原理及实战演练、翻译内容质量评定、多人协同翻译项目、翻译管理等多方面的内容。作为翻译类专业学生的必修课程,本 课程适合语言类专业学生学习。通过课程的学习,有助于学习者了解现代语言服务行业,增强各类计算机辅助翻译工具的使用技能,提高包括翻译工作在内的各类语 言服务工作的效率。


This course is suitable for postgraduate students who major in Translation and Interpreting, undergraduate students majoring in foreign language, translators and language enthusiasts.

Those who work in modern language service industry are required to be capable of using computers and Internet to aid their translation job by adapting a variety of efficient tools, rather than just using word processor tools and several basic computer-aided translation software.

This course teaches the basic concepts of computer-aided translation technology, helps students learn to use a variety of computer-assisted translation tools, enhances their ability to engage in various kinds of language service in such a technical environment, and helps them understand what the modern language service industry looks like.

This course covers introduction to modern language services industry, basic principles and concepts of translation technology, information technology used in the process of language translation, how to use electronic dictionaries, Internet resources and corpus tools, practice of different computer-aided translation tools, translation quality assessment, basic concepts of machine translation, globalization, localization and so on. As a compulsory course for students majoring in Translation and Interpreting, this course is also suitable for students with or without language major background. By learning this course, students can better understand modern language service industry and their work efficiency will be improved for them to better deliver translation service.

The course is one of the PKU-DeTao MOOCs, which is a joint effort by Peking University and DeTao Masters Academy.

Are there any reference books for this course?

Students are recommended to read at least the following books.

  1. Lynne Bowker, Computer Aided Translation, University of Ottawa Press, Ottawa,2002
  2. Frank Austermühl, Electronics Tools for Translators, St. Jerome Publishing, Manchester,2001

Will this course provide an English course video?

Will this course provide an English course video?



  1. Lynne Bowker, Computer Aided Translation, University of Ottawa Press, Ottawa, 2002
  2. Frank Austermühl Electronics Tools for Translators, St. Jerome Publishing, Manchester, 2001(外研社曾翻印过,2006/07)
  3. 史宗玲,计算机辅助翻译:MT&TM,书林出版有限公司,台北,2004
  4. C.K. Quah, Translation and Technology, 上海外语教育出版社,2008

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