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Certification exams or college credits for Ongoing courses from OpenHPI

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The list contains some courses from OpenHPI and relevant exams from Certification Exams directory for a course. Exams can be used to get certification or college credits after a course or a MOOC completed. Find all courses from OpenHPI or see the list of only Ongoing courses from OpenHPI with certification exams.

NOTE. The list of exams for every course was prepared by users of this web site. Courses providers and Certification providers did not cooperate with the site when preparing this. Connection of courses and exams is not approved by course and exams providers. Please, use the list on your own risk. If you need expert help writing a paper and you want someone to write essays for you - please contact writing services.


openHPI has started on Monday September 3rd 2012 with the online course In-Memory Data Management taught by Prof. Hasso Plattner, founder of HPI, co-founder of the software giant SAP and chairman of its supervisory board. The subject of the online course is the new in-memory data management technology researched at Plattner's chair. This revolutionary new technology enables the flexible evaluation of huge amounts of corporate data at the speed of thought. What used to take minutes, hours or even days can now be done in seconds. Unbelievable things are possible and within this online course you will understand why this is true using an in-memory column-oriented database instead of a traditional row-oriented disk-based one.