Courses tagged with " Technology" (1)

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Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan Free Computer Sciences Technology Cardiovascular disease Log-on Pad Network theory Service UTSanAntonioX

Information practice demands knowledge of all aspects of management and service delivery. This course introduces selected theories, principles and techniques of contemporary management science, and organizational behavior and their application to libraries and information services. Students develop skills in planning, organizing, personnel management, financial management, leading, marketing, stakeholder management, and coordinating functions in libraries and information services. Students also have the opportunity to think critically about, and reflect upon, contemporary management practice in information organizations. Information professionals find that no matter whether they choose a career as a single entrepreneur, solo librarian, archivist, or whether they join a large organization, they become managers -- of themselves, of clients or staff, and sometimes of substantial systems and services. Course Level: Graduate This Work, SI 626 - Management of Libraries and Information Services, by Tiffany Veinot is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

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