Courses tagged with " product differentiation and variety" (3)

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Starts : 2014-02-04
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Mathematics

An introduction to probabilistic models, including random processes and the basic elements of statistical inference.

Starts : 2014-04-08
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Mathematics product differentiation and variety product differentiation and variety product differentiation and variety product differentiation and variety product differentiation and variety product differentiation and variety

Teaches, as the antidote to rigor mortis, the art of educated guessing and opportunistic problem solving.

Starts : 2016-06-22
24 votes
edX Free Closed [?] Mathematics English product differentiation and variety Business How to Succeed Nutrition

2.01x introduces principles of structural analysis and strength of materials in applications to three essential types of load-bearing elements: bars in axial loading, axisymmetric shafts in torsion, and symmetric beams in bending.

The course covers fundamental concepts of continuum mechanics, including internal resultants, displacement fields, stress, and strain.

While emphasizing analytical techniques, the course also provides an introduction to computing environments (MATLAB) and numerical methods (Finite Elements: Akselos)

This course is based on the first subject in solid mechanics for MIT Mechanical Engineering students. Join them and learn how to predict linear elastic behavior, and prevent structural failure, by relying on the notions of equilibrium, geometric compatibility, and constitutive material response.

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