Courses tagged with "BabsonX" (29)

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Starts : 2015-01-04
No votes
Coursera Free Engineering English BabsonX How to Succeed Nutrition

Learn the analysis of circuits including resistors, capacitors, and inductors. This course is directed towards people who are in science or engineering fields outside of the disciplines of electrical or computer engineering.

Starts : 2013-03-11
114 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Engineering English BabsonX How to Succeed Nutrition

Learn how MOS transistors work, and how to model them. The understanding provided in this course is essential not only for device modelers, but also for designers of high-performance circuits.

Starts : 2013-11-11
97 votes
Coursera Free Engineering English BabsonX Brain stem Business Administration Calculus I Curriculum Diencephalon

Nanotechnology is an emerging area that engages almost every technical discipline – from chemistry to computer science – in the study and application of extremely tiny materials.  This short course allows any technically savvy person to go one layer beyond the surface of this broad topic to see the real substance behind the very small.

Starts : 2014-04-06
5 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Engineering English Aviation BabsonX Brain stem Business & Management Business Administration Calculus I

This is an Exploratorium Teacher Institute professional development course open to any middle or high school science teacher. This course is designed to help science teachers infuse their curriculum with hands-on STEM activities that support the NGSS engineering practices.

Starts : 2015-10-19
121 votes
Coursera Free Engineering English BabsonX Beams Differential+Equations Nutrition

We live in real-time, technologically enhanced cities. Explore the sweeping changes that our cities are undergoing as a result of networks, sensors, and communication technology.

Starts : 2014-06-30
102 votes
Coursera Free Computer Sciences English BabsonX Evaluation Nutrition USMx

Examines key computational abstraction levels below modern high-level languages. From Java/C to assembly programming, to basic processor and system organization.

Starts : 2015-02-02
118 votes
Coursera Free Computer Sciences English BabsonX Evaluation How to Succeed Nutrition USMx

A modern VLSI chip has a zillion parts -- logic, control, memory, interconnect, etc.  How do we design these complex chips?  Answer: CAD software tools.  Learn how to build these tools in this class.

Starts : 2015-03-16
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Engineering Arabic BabsonX Brain stem Diencephalon How to Succeed Nutrition

هو مساق للمهتمين في التعرف على أدوات الاستشعار الحديثة التي تستعين بتقانة النانو (وهي التقانة التي تبحث في المجال بين واحد إلى مئة نانوميتر، أي في أجزاء من المليار من المتر) لفرز ومراقبة الأحداث المختلفة في حياتنا الشخصية أو العملية. في أطار المساق، سنكتشف معا عالم النانو المذهل الذي يتعامل مع الوحدات الأساسية في بناء المادة. وبهذا سوف نمهد الطريق لتطبيقات إبداعية لانهائية تطبق في كل جزء من حياتنا اليومية، بدءا من تشخيصات وعلاجات (في الجسم الحي أو خارجه) للأمراض، وثم نستمر في تقانة مراقبة جودة المنتوجات وما يختص بالبيئة، وننهي في تقانة مراقبة القضايا الأمنية. سنتعلم في هذا السعي كيف نصَنع هذه الأدوات الجديدة، وكيف نميزها، وكيف نتحكم بها، وكيف ندمجها في التطبيقات المختلفة.

Starts : 2014-09-15
No votes
Coursera Free Engineering BabsonX Beams Differential+Equations History of Math How to Succeed Nutrition


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