Courses tagged with "Book distribution" (95)

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Starts : 2017-12-27
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edX Free Closed [?] Business English product differentiation and variety Book distribution How to Succeed Nutrition

This Supply Chain Fundamentals course is part of the MITx MicroMasters Credential in Supply Chain Management, offered by #1 ranked SCM Master's program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The CTL.SC1x Supply Chain Fundamentals course provides the foundational skills for supply chain management and logistics. You will learn how to develop and apply analytic tools, approaches, and techniques used in the design and operation of logistics systems and integrated supply chains. The material is taught from a managerial perspective, with an emphasis on where and how specific tools can be used to improve the overall performance and reduce the total cost of a supply chain. We place a strong emphasis on the development and use of fundamental mathematical models to illustrate the underlying concepts involved in both intra- and inter-company logistics operations.

The main topic areas we will focus on this course are:

  • Demand Forecasting, Planning, and Management
  • Inventory Planning, Management, and Control
  • Transportation Planning, Management, and Execution

While our main objective is to develop and use models to help us analyze these situations, we will make heavy use of examples from industry to provide illustrations of the concepts in practice. This is neither a purely theoretical nor a case study course, but rather an applied analytical course that addresses real problems found in practice.

MITx MicroMasters Credential in Supply Chain Management

The MITx MicroMasters Credential in Supply Chain Management is specifically designed and administered by MIT’s Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL) to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting and growing field. In addition to being a standalone certificate demonstrating expertise in the field, students who complete all of the required courses and the final proctored exam will be qualified to apply to gain credit at MIT for the blended graduate master's degree program. In order to qualify for the MITx MicroMasters Credential in Supply Chain Management you need to earn a Verified Certificate in all of the required courses. When you register for a Verified Certificate you will also be granted access to additional practice problems, supplemental readings, and opportunities for increased interaction with the faculty and teaching staff.

To learn more about the MITx MicroMasters Credential in Supply Chain Management, please visit

MITx requires individuals who enroll in its courses on edX to abide by the terms of the edX honor code. MITx will take appropriate corrective action in response to violations of the edX honor code, which may include dismissal from the MITx course; revocation of any certificates received for the MITx course; or other remedies as circumstances warrant. No refunds will be issued in the case of corrective action for such violations.

Starts : 2014-09-29
111 votes
Coursera Free Business English BabsonX Beams Book distribution Differential+Equations Nutrition

The purpose of this course is to help participants and the organizations they encounter survive the waves of technological disruptions facing business, government, education and their daily lives.

Starts : 2014-09-15
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Coursera Free Business English Aviation BabsonX Beams Book distribution Chemokines Differential+Equations

Sustainability is a practice operating across a variety of scales and skills. We will explore the ways that decision makers use systems analysis and design thinking to confront the career-defining challenges facing the next generation of leaders. Networks of practice from across North America and around the globe will provide case material and guest lectures.

Starts : 2015-03-02
103 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Agriculture English BabsonX Book distribution Business Law Nutrition

This course will cover the agricultural and urban water quality issues in Florida, their bases, land and nutrient management strategies, and the science and policy behind the best management practices (BMPs). Students will learn to evaluate BMP research and analyze its role in determining practices and policies that protect water quality.

Starts : 2015-07-06
30 votes
Coursera Free Business English BabsonX Book distribution Nutrition Udemy

This course analyzes the business side of sports and discusses the intricacies of global sports leagues as well as various countries' sports strategies. You will be equipped with a framework and tools to understand and evaluate the business side of competitive sports around the world.

Starts : 2014-10-06
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Coursera Free Business English BabsonX Biology Book distribution Nutrition

In this course, you will learn all of the major principles of macroeconomics normally taught in a quarter or semester course to college undergraduates or MBA students.

Starts : 2013-11-04
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Coursera Free Closed [?] Business English BabsonX Biology Book distribution Nutrition

The course will give you the tools with which to understand and predict market phenomena. A large dose of real-world applications will be provided along the way. These applications illustrate the power and relevance of underlying microeconomic theory while providing you a valuable opportunity to put the theory into practice.

Starts : 2015-09-10
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edX Free Closed [?] Business English product differentiation and variety Biology Book distribution Nutrition Udemy

We live in a time of disruptive change, one that requires a new collective leadership capacity. In this groundbreaking course, we invite you on a journey to see the world in new ways and practice a method that allows leaders, entire organizations, and larger social systems to connect with and actualize their highest future possibility.

In January 2015, 30,000 people from 190 countries enrolled in U.Lab. In an exit survey, 52% said it was “eye-opening”, while another 36% called it “life-changing”. U.Lab has inspired the first-known use of a MOOC by a government as a platform for citizens to shape the issues that matter to them, it has been used in management teams of the world’s leading NGOs, and it is now being used in 42 Impact Hubs worldwide – by locally-rooted, globally connected communities of change makers to catalyze systemic change.

In the U.Lab you will learn Theory U, an approach to leading profound change that has been developed by action researchers at MIT, and practiced by leaders around the world, for over 20 years.

You will apply this method to a challenge, issue, or system that matters to you.

And you will have the opportunity to form self-organized Hubs and peer coaching circles with other U.Lab participants; in order to co-sense and co-shape the future that you feel is wanting to emerge in your work, and life, right now.

You will be joining a community that includes national government leaders from Scotland, founders and members of 42 Impact Hubs around the world, business leaders in the U.S, Brazil, and China, and many other inspired change makers from over 190 countries worldwide who are interested in creating more aware, inclusive, sustainable societies.

Starts : 2015-09-15
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Business English BabsonX Book distribution Chemokines Nutrition Udemy

This course 'Unethical decision making in organizations : A seminar on the dark side of the force' will teach you how strong organizational contexts push good people towards unethical decisions. You will also learn how to protect yourself and your organization against such forces lurking in the dark.

Starts : 2014-10-06
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Business English BabsonX Biology Book distribution Nutrition

Whether your interest lies in solving the world’s biggest problems, creating the next commercial success or addressing something closer to home, this course will give you a toolbox to vet your ideas and test them in the real world.

Starts : 2016-03-04
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edX Free Closed [?] Business English Biology Book distribution Data Sufficiency Nutrition

Financial decisions and financial management are drivers of business performance and success. Financial data plays a vital role in business strategy, planning, and positioning. Learn the basics of financial statements, the conceptual framework of financial information and its relationship to firms’ strategic positioning and strategy execution.

By completing this course, you will learn how to assess and use financial information to make informed business decisions.


What you'll learn

·       - How to think with a financial mindset

·       - How to use financial knowledge when making business decisions

·       - The basics of financial systems architecture

·       - How financial data plays a role in strategic execution and positioning

·       - 用财务语言解构企业的价值创造过程

·       - 帮助学习者理解影响价值创造的各种因素

·       - 培养将其应用于商业决策的能力

Financial decisions and financial management are drivers of business performance and success. Financial data plays a vital role in business strategy, planning, and positioning. Learn the basics of financial statements, the conceptual framework of financial information and its relationship to firms’ strategic positioning and strategy execution.

By completing this course, you will learn how to assess and use financial information to make informed business decisions.



Starts : 2016-04-25
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Business English product differentiation and variety Book distribution Nutrition

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많은 사람들이 훌륭한 아이디어와 기술을 가지고 있습니다. 하지만 "당신의 고객은 누구입니까?"라는 단순하지만 피해갈 수 없는 질문 하나로 갈피를 못 잡고 무너지곤 합니다. 

MIT공대는 수년간 이 질문을 기업가 학생들에게 던지면서 아주 성공적인 결과를 이루어냈습니다. MIT동문들이 세운 2만5천6백개의 기업들은 2조 달러 규모의 수익을 창출해냈으며 330만여개의 일자리를 만들어냈습니다. MIT가 국가였다면 세계에서 11번째로 큰 경제강국이 됐을 것입니다. 

여러분도 이 MIT 국가의 국민이 되어보세요. 여러분의 스타트업 여정을 MIT와 함께하시면서 성공의 핵심이 될 고객에 대해서 발견하는 시간을 가져보세요. 

이 강의는 기업가정신에 대한 수업으로  딱딱한 대학강의와는 거리가 멉니다. 매 수업시간마다 모바일 애플리케이션, 3D 프린팅, 전기전자, 국제개발, 손목시계 개발 등 다양한 분야의 MIT 출신 기업가들에 대한 심층적이고 전문적인 사례연구가 준비되어 있습니다. 

이러한 사례연구를 통해 여러분의 아이디어나 기술이 제품 단계로 넘어갔을 때 누가, 또 왜, 제품 구매의향을 가지게 되는지에 대한 공부를 할 것입니다. 과제물은 실제상황에 기반한 예제로 구성되어 있습니다. 구체적이고 실용적이며 효율적인 과정단계를 통해 예제를 풀면서, 이를 여러분 아이디어의 실체를 찾는 데 적용한다면 큰 도움이 될 것입니다. 

그럼 즐거운 수업 되시길 바랍니다! 

이 수업의 Verified certificate를 받은 학생들은 다른 여러가지 특전과 더불어 일년 동안 5백달러 어치의 AWS 프로모션 크레딧을 사용할 수 있는 AWS Activate 회원 자격이 주어집니다. 

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