Courses tagged with "Business Administration" (1)

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Starts : 2014-01-01
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Coursera Free Mathematics BabsonX Business Administration Calculus I Nutrition

本课程以通俗的语言介绍粒子物理的主要内容和最前沿的研究。课程涉及的主要内容包括: 物质和反物质, 夸克和强相互作用,中微子和弱相互作用,对称性和它的作用, 粒子物理的标准模型,粒子天文学, 暗物质。 This course gives an brief introduction of the main content and the frontier of particle physics in popular language. It includes: matter and antimatter, quark and strong interaction, neutrino and weak interaction, symmetry and its applications, standard model of particle physics, particle astronomy, dark matter etc.

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