Courses tagged with "Chemokines" (84)

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Starts : 2013-07-15
24 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Social Sciences English BabsonX Chemokines Nutrition

This course traces the destruction of the Jews and Jewish life in Europe by Nazi Germany, drawing on major works of history, literature, and film. The lectures outline the work of the Nazis as well as Jewish responses.

20 votes
Coursera Free Social Sciences English BabsonX Brain stem Chemokines Curriculum Multiplying+and+factoring+expressions Nutrition

Learn about the ethical issues that arise when conducting human subjects research, as well as the history that grounds policies and debates in this area of biomedicine.

16 votes
Udemy Free Closed [?] Social Sciences Chemokines Histology

Facts and information about water and the story of changing human relationships with water over the past 10,000 years.

Starts : 2014-02-03
15 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Social Sciences Spanish BabsonX Brain stem Chemokines Nutrition

Aprenderemos cómo podemos usar el pensamiento científico en la vida cotidiana para tomar mejores decisiones.

11 votes
Udemy Free Closed [?] Social Sciences Chemokines Histology

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Starts : 2008-02-01
7 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Closed [?] English & Literature online communities Algebra II Business & Management Chemokines Infor Information control

This course is a workshop for students with some experience in writing essays, nonfiction prose. Our focus will be negotiating and representing identities grounded in gender, race, class, nationality, sexuality, and other categories of identity, either our own or others', in prose that is expository, exploratory, investigative, persuasive, lyrical, or incantatory. We will read nonfiction prose works by a wide array of writers who have used language to negotiate and represent aspects of identity and the ways the different determinants of identity intersect, compete, and cooperate.

Starts : 2014-03-31
6 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Social Sciences English BabsonX Book distribution Business & Management Chemokines History of Math Nutrition

A report from the National Association of Colleges and Employers shows that employers want job candidates with strong communication skills. Similarly, educational success also requires the ability to articulate your thoughts clearly. In this class, we will study the principles of public speaking; critically examine our own and others’ speeches through interactive practice.

4 votes Free Closed [?] General & Interdisciplinary Studies Chemokines K12 Kadenze Nutrition RSLogix5000+programming Taking derivatives

Students of political science should understand how ethics, culture, religion, and morality help to shape public debate, policymaking, and policy execution. This course will provide you with an overview of the role that ethical, cultural, religious, and moral principles play in the formulation and execution of public policy by lawmakers and other public officials. After studying the foundational theories of ethics and morality in politics, you will review arguments about existing issues in domestic and international policy, studying each dilemma from a variety of perspectives.  Common themes seen in ethics debates include justice, equality, fairness, individual liberty, free enterprise, charity, fundamental human rights, and minimizing harm to others. These themes are integrated into various decision-making models, such as the Utilitarian Approach, the Fairness and Justice Approach, and the Rights Approach. In the execution of public policy, it is impossible to do no harm to others; often, public policy…

Starts : Apr 19, 2013/strong br
1 votes Free Closed [?] General & Interdisciplinary Studies Chemokines HumanitiesandScience K12 RSLogix5000+programming

This course presents the academic foundations and historical development of multicultural moral decision-making and helps students develop their ability to interrelate reflectively, responsibly, and respectfully with a society of increasing intercultural connections. Students will first explore how people approach moral decision-making, and then how multicultural and intercultural moral decision-making ought to be made. This approach is analogous to how grammar first describes the way language is in fact used, and how it then prescribes the way language ought to be used. A blend of online instructional strategies will be utilized throughout this course. Students can expect to spend three to six hours per week to complete and submit all course deliverables. Preparation for exams will require additional time. Upon successful completion of this course, students should have the ability to engage in serious reflection on issues of ethics and values related to intercultural and multicultural decision-making. Required Text: $49.99 Jeffrey W. Bulger, MORAL PHILOSOPHY: A Theoretical and Practical Approach to Moral Decision-Making, Vol 1-8, Plato

Starts : 2014-02-17
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Social Sciences English BabsonX Chemokines Nutrition Undergraduate.htm%252525253Fstart%252525253D60&limit%252525253D20.htm%2525253Fcategoryid%2525253D11.

This is a six week course providing an overview of Thomas Jefferson's work and perspectives presented by the University of Virginia in partnership with Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. Together, UVA and Monticello are recognized internationally as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Starts : 2014-02-04
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Social Sciences English Business Chemokines Fine Arts Global development KIx Nutrition

Alexander the Great conquered most of the world known to the ancient Greeks, fused the eastern and western peoples of his empire, and became a god – before his 33rd birthday. This course explores the life, leadership, and legacies of history’s warrior, and one of its most controversial leaders, an ambiguous genius whose story helps us to understand not only the history of warfare, but also different ideas about human sexuality, the history of relations between east and west, and the religious beliefs both of ancient polytheists and modern monotheists.

Before your course starts, try the new edX Demo where you can explore the fun, interactive learning environment and virtual labs. Learn more.

No votes
Coursera Free Social Sciences French BabsonX Chemokines Nutrition Udemy

Ce cours propose de dresser en premier lieu un état de la planète en termes de répartition de la richesse sur terre et de problèmes environnementaux globaux. A partir de là d'envisager les scénarios possibles et d'approfondir la notion de durabilité.

Starts : 2017-02-20
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Social Sciences English Business Chemokines Data Sufficiency Fine Arts How to Succeed

Course videos are presented in Mandarin with English subtitles.

China's architectural history spans thousands of years. In this course, we will explore the ancient cities of Chang'an of Han, Luoyang of Northern Wei, Chang'an and Luoyang of Sui and Tang, Kaifeng of Song and Dadu of Yuan, and delve into the history of the awe-inspiring ancient buildings that still grace the landscape of these bustling cities. The course will cover construction and aesthetics of these imperial palaces, religious structures, pagodas, tombs and gardens. We will study the basis of Chinese architecture, the wood framed building, as well as the brick and stone construction of many Buddhist pagodas and tombs. The course will culminate in an examination of the Summer Palace in Beijing, the ancient royal garden at the Chengde Mountain Resort, and the private gardens of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Two seminal textbooks on the Song and Qing dynasties are included in the course in electronic form.



Before your course starts, try the new edX Demo where you can explore the fun, interactive learning environment and virtual labs. Learn more.

Starts : 2015-09-03
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Social Sciences English Brain stem Business Chemokines Fine Arts Global development Information policy

As contemporary humans, we are a product of our evolutionary past. That past can be directly observed through the study of the human fossil record, the materials preserved for archaeological study, and the DNA of living and extinct human populations. This course will provide an overview of human evolutionary history from the present--contemporary human variation in a comparative context--through our last common ancestor with the living great apes, some 5-7 million years in the past. Emphasis will be placed on major evolutionary changes in the development of humans and the methodological approaches used by paleoanthropologists and related investigators to develop that knowledge.

The course will begin by asking basic questions about how evolution operates to shape biological variation and what patterns of variation look like in living humans and apes. We will then look at how the human lineage first began to differentiate from apes, the rise and fall of the Australopithecines, the origin and dispersal of the genus Homo, and eventually the radical evolutionary changes associated with the development of agricultural practices in the past 15,000 years. Throughout the course students will be exposed to the primary data, places and theories that shape our understanding of human evolution.

Starts : 2015-07-07
No votes
Coursera Free Social Sciences English BabsonX Biology Chemokines Nutrition Udemy

This course offers an evidence-based analysis of globalization that addresses what is happening to us personally as well as economically amidst the market-led processes of global integration.

Starts : 2014-01-27
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Social Sciences English BabsonX Beams Business & Management Chemokines Differential+Equations Nutrition

In this course we will learn about the features of higher education that were designed specifically to prepare workers and leaders for the Industrial Age, and we’ll strategize ways that, together, we can change learning--inside of school and out--for the world we live in now--and even to help improve our world. #FutureEd

Starts : 2013-09-23
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Social Sciences English Applied Mathematics Business Chemokines Fine Arts Nutrition

This course is presented in Mandarin.

《世界文化地理》是介绍世界文化地理的格局、形成、发展过程,培养学 生用地理学的眼光去观察和分析世界上文化现象的发生、发展与空间分布特点。 《世界文化地理》是北京大学最受本科生同学欢迎的通选课之一。课程内容信息量很大,包罗万象,把世界地理同世界历史、文化、艺术等融合在一起。任课教师带 领学生用地理空间的观点、时间变化的角度,去观察和分析世界上的文化现象。课程内容兼具科学性和趣味性,每年吸引了大量学生选课。  《世界文化地理》具体内容包括:世界文化地理的基本研究方法,世界文化区的划分,世界人口分布与人口迁移,农业的起源、传播与区域差异,城市的起源与扩 散,城市形态的区域差异与特点,世界主要语言、宗教、人种的空间分布及其相互关系,地理大发现与世界殖民体系的形成,世界地缘政治与世界地理系统的空间结 构特点,全球经济议题化、城市化现象及其伴随的政治、经济、社会问题,等等。  《世界文化地理》的授课内容兼及自然地理和文化地理两大方面,课程综合吸收国内外相关的最新教材和研究论著的内容,采取地图、照片、图表等表现形式,力图 生动浅显地展示世界文化地理格局的基本空间差异和变化过程,注意专题介绍与综合分析相结合,空间差异分析与世界变化分析相结合,重视培养大学生的两种能 力:运用地理学的、空间的眼光来观察、分析世界上文化现象的能力和从时间的角度来看待世界上文化现象发展变化过程的能力。  课程有期中和期末两次考试,最终有期末成绩。


Cultural Geography of the World is one of the most popular undergraduate courses at Peking University. It is an inclusive, general introductory course, combining natural and cultural geography with history and art. Through the lens of humanism and independent thinking, learners will be encouraged to observe and analyze cultural phenomena from spatial and time perspectives. This course has 12 chapters: The basic research method of world cultural geography; The division of world culture areas; The world's population distribution and migration of population; Origin of agriculture; Diffusion and regional differences; The origin and spread of the city; Regional differences and characteristics of urban morphology; The spatial distribution of the major languages, religions, ethnicities in the world and their relationship; The great geographical discovery and the formation of the world colonial system; World geopolitics and the spatial structures of the world geography system; Global economic integration; Urbanization and its political, economic, social impacts. Using relevant domestic and foreign textbooks, publications, maps, photos, and charts to show the difference and the changing progress of spatial patterns of the cultures, learners will be asked to observe and analyze cultural phenomena with geographic and spatial vision and to consider the development and changing process of the cultural phenomena in light of time sequence. The course will include a midterm and final exam.

The course is one of the PKU-DeTao MOOCs, which is a joint effort by Peking University and DeTao Masters Academy.

What is the length of the course?

Cultural Geography of the World will have 11 lectures.


How will the students be evaluated?

Methods of evaluation will include homework exercises, a mid-term exam and final exam, accounting for 25%, 25% and 50% of the grade, respectively. Students who earn 60 points and above can obtain a certificate for the course.


Will this course have subtitles?

As of now, this course will not have subtitles, though we hope to have some in the near future. We also hope to recruit volunteers who could help us with translation.



Starts : 2015-01-19
No votes
Coursera Free Social Sciences English BabsonX Chemokines Nutrition Udemy

This course explores the relationship between slavery and democracy at the heart of American history. It is about the rise and fall of the slave South from the beginning of the seventeenth century to the end of the American Civil War.

Starts : 2014-11-11
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Social Sciences English BabsonX Chemokines Curriculum Nutrition Udemy

How can we use the things we share in common to address some of the most challenging problems facing the world? This course examines issues concerning poverty, the environment, technology, health care, gender, education and activism to helps us understand better how to initiate positive change.

Starts : 2014-08-20
No votes
Coursera Free Social Sciences English BabsonX Chemokines Curriculum Nutrition Udemy

Did you know that human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery? Slavery has been around since the beginning of civilization and still persists across our world today. As a human rights issue, it is important to increase awareness as a starting point down the journey toward freedom for all.

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