Courses tagged with "Hardware" (1)

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Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan Free English & Literature Hardware Literacy education Probability and combinatorics

Spanish 277 is the prerequisite course for minors and concentrators in Spanish. This course combines online self-instruction of Spanish grammar with an introduction to literature in Spanish. In-class discussions will focus on literary concepts and will integrate the study of grammar usage in the readings. The online materials include print handouts, PowerPoint presentations, audio mini-lessons, and links to online grammar explanations, all of which will allow students to bring their grammar skills up to the desired level. There are also self-correcting electronic exercises, all of which provide feedback on correct/incorrect answers. Course Level: Undergraduate This Work, Spanish 277 - Reading, Grammar, and Composition, by Dennis Pollard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

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