Courses tagged with "History+of+Math" (108)

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Starts : 2014-02-01
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Engineering English History+of+Math Information technology

The course analyzed major contemporary architectural ideas and projects in the context of globalization. We traced the development of architecture since the 1990s by discussing some of the most important topics and influential architects of our time.

Starts : 2014-06-30
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences English Calculus I Computer%2525252BScience.htm%2525253Fdatetype%2525253Dupcoming&.htm%25253Fcategoryid%25253D7.htm%3Fc History+of+Math

There is something out there in space, something invisible we have a hard time to understand. But we can be certain of one thing: It played a major role in the formation of our and any other galaxy!

Starts : 2013-12-20
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Iversity Free Closed [?] English & Literature English History+of+Math Line+integrals+and+Green's+theorem

Learn how to analyze, contextualize and create stories and narratives in current media: from understanding storytelling basics to discussing new online tools and formats, this course brings together a network of media researchers, creators, and students.

Starts : 2014-02-05
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Engineering English History+of+Math Labor+Relations WizIQ.htm%2525253Fcategoryid%2525253D13.htm%25253Fcategoryid%25253D18.htm%3Fcategoryid%3D20.htm?sort

Design your own world. Are you ready? This MOOC is a journey into contemporary design through 101 exercises. Learn by doing and transform your everyday life into 101 projects.

Starts : 2014-02-26
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Public Affairs & Law English Big data online training and certification History+of+Math Kadenze

Wild, wild web: Is the Internet a lawless no man’s land? Based on the recent public debate on data protection and massive privacy infringements, this course will explore the connection between cyber security and human rights.

Starts : 2014-04-30
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Business English Design.htm%252525253Fstart%252525253D460&limit%252525253D20.htm%2525253Fcategoryid%2525253D10.htm%25 Design.htm%252525253Fstart%252525253D460&limit%252525253D20.htm%2525253Fcategoryid%2525253D10.htm%25 History+of+Math Structural+engineering

Non-bankers can learn to understand the mathematical models that have made the headlines so many times in recent years. A course for students of economics, business studies, mathematics, physics and computer science.

Starts : 2014-06-30
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Life Sciences English Brain stem Chemical reactions (stoichiometry) Department of Anthropology at the University of Oklahoma History+of+Math Information policy Sequences+and+induction

DNA stores our genetic information and many diseases are caused by changes in its sequences. We will first learn about the basics of DNA and then find out how it allows for the development of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.

Starts : 2014-06-27
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Business English History+of+Math Line+integrals+and+Green's+theorem

Have a plan for changing the world? It’s time to learn how to DO it! This course is tailored for those who already have an idea for a start-up and who want to learn from emerging social entrepreneurs.

Starts : 2014-03-11
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences evaluation Career Evaluation

Lernen Sie die Technologien, aus denen das Web besteht, und designen und entwickeln Sie Ihre eigene Webpräsenz. Von der Chronik des Internets über die Grundlagen des Webs und des Screendesigns bis hin zum Tuning der Website.

Starts : 2014-01-17
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences evaluation Career Evaluation

Lernen Sie, eine mobile Web-App zu designen und entwickeln. Vielleicht sogar ein Echtzeit-Multiplayer-Spiel? Wir zeigen Ihnen den Weg, wie Sie Ihre Idee in den App Store bringen.

Starts : 2014-05-15
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Life Sciences Brain stem Chemical reactions (stoichiometry) Department of Anthropology at the University of Oklahoma History+of+Math Information policy

Interaktiver MOOC mit Operationsvideos der Universität Tübingen. Chirurgen aller Fachrichtungen und Anatomen erklären das zentrale Fach der Medizin im chirurgisch-operativen Kontext.

Starts : 2014-04-22
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Agriculture German History+of+Math University+of+Reading

Erfolgreiche und effiziente Landwirtschaft benötigt ein gutes Management. Um wirtschaftlich entscheiden zu können, brauchen Agraringenieure und Landwirte ausgeprägtes Fachwissen. Das vermittelt der Kurs anhand realer Betriebsbeispiele. Sprache: DE-RU

Starts : 2014-03-01
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Education English History+of+Math Information technology

How can architecture help people in times of urgent need caused by natural disasters? In this course, we will design resilient schools that could serve as community centers and shelters for the victims of the devastating typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.

Starts : 2014-05-26
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English evaluation Career Evaluation

Learn how to design and develop a mobile Web app. What about realising a real-time multi-player game? We show you the way to get your idea to the app store.

Starts : 2014-06-14
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences English Chemical reactions %28stoichiometry%29 History+of+Math Impaired homeostatis Line+integrals+and+Green's+theorem Programming%2Blanguage

Do you want to know what Gamification really is about? Do you want to learn how to design fun and engaging experiences? Are you ready to change your world with game design? Then join us in this MOOC!

Starts : 2014-06-19
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Business English Arterial Stiffness History+of+Math Line+integrals+and+Green's+theorem

Whether you are a student, a designer or an entrepreneur, join this course and develop your creativity methods and innovation attitude while exploring the human-centred design-approach.

Starts : 2014-04-22
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Agriculture Russian History+of+Math History+of+Math University+of+Reading University+of+Reading

Успешное и эффективное ведение сельского хозяйства требует хорошего менеджмента. Для того, чтобы уметь экономически правильно принимать решения, инженеры-агрономы и фермеры должны обладать отличительными знаниями. На DE и RU языках.

Starts : 2014-05-15
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Life Sciences German Brain stem Chemical reactions (stoichiometry) Department of Anthropology at the University of Oklahoma History+of+Math Information policy

Interaktiver MOOC mit spannenden anatomischen und medizinischen Videos der Universität Tübingen. Anatomen und Kliniker erklären die Anatomie der Kopf- und Hals-Region im klinischen und chirurgisch-operativen Kontext.

Starts : 2014-04-14
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Mathematics German Customer Service Certification Program Customer Service Certification Program Customer Service Certification Program History+of+Math History+of+Math

Methodisch ausgefeilter Doppel-MOOC mit Geometrie und Arithmetik. Du möchtest mathematisch denken lernen? Sei Kiebitz, Anpacker oder Formalisierer: Du hast die Wahl!

Starts : 2014-05-06
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Iversity Free Closed [?] Business Abnormal sexual function Global+food History+of+Math History+of+Math Software analysis

Dieser Kurs vermittelt die Grundzüge des Marketings und gibt einen Überblick von Konzepten, Strategien und Werkzeugen. Im Zentrum des Kurses stehen vier Themenbereiche: Produkt-, Kommunikations-, Preis- und Distributionspolitik.

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