Courses tagged with "HumanitiesandScience" (6)

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16 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Gravity Hadoop+big+data+online+training HumanitiesandScience Structural engineering

Algebra+ is a 10-week online course designed for students who have successfully completed high school algebra but who placed into pre-college level mathematics at their local college or university. This course is for refreshing their math skills with a review of pre-college level algebra. After successfully completing this course, the goal would be to retake your college

17 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics HumanitiesandScience HumanitiesandScience HumanitiesandScience HumanitiesandScience Nutrition Nutrition

This course is a review of Basic Arithmetic skills that serve as a prerequisite for placement into and success in pre-college and college-level algebra courses. In this course, primary emphasis will be placed on fundamental operations with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and integers. Other topics covered include proportions, percentages, representations of data, geometric figures, and measurement. Students who should take this course include: those that have an interest in brushing up on arithmetic skills prior to taking an upcoming placement test or those that have not had math in many years and want to review foundational skills and concepts. This course provides free digital access to all required materials including a student workbook, lesson videos, and online homework practice and assessment. A certificate of completion will be awarded by the instructor to students who complete required activities. The course instructor recommends purchase of a textbook or other course materials. Please see the details below. Required materials: Basic Arithmetic Student Workbook Purchase Info: Hard copy at or access via free digital download. Approximate cost for hard copy: $15

5 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Gravity Hadoop+big+data+online+training HumanitiesandScience Structural engineering

Students often encounter grave difficulty in calculus if their algebraic knowledge is insufficient. This course is designed to provide students with algebraic knowledge needed for success in a typical calculus course. We explore a suite of functions used in calculus, including polynomials (with special emphasis on linear and quadratic functions), rational functions, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions. Along the way, basic strategies for solving equations and inequalities are reinforced, as are strategies for interpreting and manipulating a variety of algebraic expressions. Students enrolling in the course are expected to have good number sense and to have taken an intermediate algebra course.

No votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program HumanitiesandScience Nutrition

This course is taught in French Vous voulez comprendre l'arithmétique ? Vous souhaitez découvrir une application des mathématiques à la vie quotidienne ? Ce cours est fait pour vous ! De niveau première année d'université, vous apprendrez les bases de l'arithmétique (division euclidienne, théorème de Bézout, nombres premiers, congruence). Vous vous êtes déjà demandé comment sont sécurisées les transactions sur Internet ? Vous découvrirez les bases de la cryptographie, en commençant par les codes les plus simples pour aboutir au code RSA. Le code RSA est le code utilisé pour crypter les communications sur internet. Il est basé sur de l'arithmétique assez simple que l'on comprendra en détail. Vous pourrez en plus mettre en pratique vos connaissances par l'apprentissage de notions sur le langage de programmation Python. Vous travaillerez à l'aide de cours écrits et de vidéos, d'exercices corrigés en vidéos, des quiz, des travaux pratiques. Le cours est entièrement gratuit !

2 votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics HumanitiesandScience

During this four week course, instructors will learn how to create and teach an exciting new type of developmental math course known as a pathways course. These courses (e.g., Math Literacy for College Students, Quantway

No votes Free Closed [?] Mathematics HumanitiesandScience HumanitiesandScience Nutrition

This course is designed for students who will be starting or restarting college within the next year, and for current students who have not completed their general education math requirement. It will provide math refresher materials covering a wide range of mathematical concepts together with information about success in college. Incoming college students are typically placed in college math courses based on placement exam scores. Students often take these placement exams with minimal preparation or after a long break since their last math class. The study materials in the course will help students prepare for placement exams, and higher scores mean fewer required math courses in college. Students who have already taken a placement exam (such as the ACT) can also use these materials to study and then retest, hopefully scoring higher. College students who have started, but not finished their math courses, can also retake a placement exam and possibly skip a math class. The course will also be valuable for anyone who just wants to refresh their math skills. The provided study materials are individualized based on a student’s current knowledge. Each student will be provided a customized learning path that maximizes efficiency so that study time is spent where it’s needed most. Beyond math content, the course will also provide college success material such as test-taking strategies, new student orientation, and study techniques. All of this material can be accessed separately from the math content so even if a student is already placed highly in math, or has tested out of it completely, the course will provide valuable information to help the student orient to college and to get the most out of the college experience.

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