Courses tagged with "HumanitiesandScience" (2)

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No votes Free Closed [?] Physical Sciences HumanitiesandScience HumanitiesandScience Nutrition Nutrition

Here is your chance to change the course of history! In this eight-week experience, you will begin developing profitable social and technological innovations to tackle our pressing energy and climate obligations. Course content includes videos and short readings carefully selected and organized to be accessible to a wide audience regardless of nationality, educational background, professional interests, or academic focus. All of the assigned work in this course is designed to help you dream up and begin developing your own sustainable energy innovation. Your innovation may be a physical product, or a service. It may be a technical innovation, or a social one. It need not make you rich, but you will be challenged to at least make your project self-supporting. The course materials, my feedback, and, most importantly, interactions with your classmates, will all help as you try to make your ideas real. You can complete the coursework in two to four hours per week, and any additional time you spend will just improve the chances your project is successful. Students should have completed the Intro to Sustainable Energy course on Canvas Network, or something similar, prior to taking this course. The "Introduction" course is publicly viewable with a CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license.

No votes Free Closed [?] Life Sciences HumanitiesandScience HumanitiesandScience Nutrition

In this six-week course, you will learn the basics about our energy and climate obligations. You will also prepare yourself to continue learning as these issues evolve. You will evaluate demand-side (e.g. more efficient buildings and automobiles) and supply-side (e.g. solar and wind) strategies for more sustainable use of energy. The course will require fact-based analysis of our energy obligations and possible ways to meet them. Please also consider enrolling in Sustainable Energy Innovation which begins June 2.

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