Courses tagged with "Java videos" (1)

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Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan Free Health and Welfare Community informatics Freedom of information Java videos Newcastle University Wiki

The materials in this resource represent a curriculum for teaching effective patient communication to dentistry students. These techniques could be useful for other healthcare providers, as well: medical students, nursing students, public health providers, and in-practice health care providers. There are two main types of materials here: performance keys and videos. Performance Keys are text documents that articulate key patient interaction skills, and give examples of more and less effective techniques. The videos in this resource are staged interactions between a faculty member and a standardized patient. There are two versions of each interaction given - one that follows the performance keys, and one that does not. The differences in patient responsiveness, patient-provider rapport, and the resulting treatment plan are dramatic. This Work, Patient Communication Skills, by Marilyn Guenther, M.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

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