Courses tagged with "Nutrition" (151)

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Starts : 2013-02-01
12 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Visual & Performing Arts Infor Information environments Information technology Information Theory Nutrition

This course covers theories about the form that settlements should take and attempts a distinction between descriptive and normative theory by examining examples of various theories of city form over time. Case studies will highlight the origins of the modern city and theories about its emerging form, including the transformation of the nineteenth-century city and its organization. Through examples and historical context, current issues of city form in relation to city-making, social structure, and physical design will also be discussed and analyzed.

Starts : 2009-09-01
16 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Visual & Performing Arts Infor Information environments Information technology Information Theory Nutrition

This class will be constructed as a lecture-discussion, the purpose being to engage important theoretical issues while simultaneously studying their continuing historical significance. To enhance discussion, three debates will be held in class. Each student will be required to participate in one of these debates. Each student will also be required to write three short papers. Class participation is essential and will be factored into the final grade.

The course will portray the history of theory neither as the history of architectural theory exclusively, nor as a series of prepackaged static pronouncements, but as part of a broader set of issues with an active history that must be continually probed and queried. The sequence of topics will not be absolutely predetermined, but some of the primary issues that will be addressed are: pedagogy, professionalism, nature, modernity and the Enlightenment. Classroom discussions and debates are intended to demonstrate differences of opinion and enhance awareness of the consequences that these differences had in specific historical contexts.

Starts : 2005-02-01
14 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Visual & Performing Arts Infor Information environments Information technology Information Theory Nutrition

This studio discusses in great detail the design of urban environments, specifically in Providence, RI. It will propose strategies for change in large areas of cities, to be developed over time, involving different actors. Fitting forms into natural, man-made, historical, and cultural contexts; enabling desirable activity patterns; conceptualizing built form; providing infrastructure and service systems; guiding the sensory character of development: all are topics covered in the studio. The course integrates architecture and planning students in joint work and requires individual designs and planning guidelines as a final product.

Starts : 2004-09-01
17 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Visual & Performing Arts Infor Information environments Information technology Information Theory Nutrition

This class presents an analysis of the development of housing models and their urban implications in Paris, London, and New York City from the seventeenth century to the present. The focus will be on three models: the French hotel, the London row house, and the New York City tenement and apartment building. Other topics covered will include twentieth-century housing reform movements and work by the London County Council, CIAM, and American public housing agencies.

Starts : 2017-07-17
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English Bodawala Business How to Succeed Italian+Language+and+Literature Nutrition

We are in the midst of an explosion of musical creativity as a result of technologies that allow you to record music using your laptop or tablet. Whether you are a singer, music producer, audio engineer, or just someone that likes to make good music with vocals, it is essential to have an understanding of vocal technologies for music production.

This music production course provides learners with insight into the voice itself, the recording environment, microphones, equalization, compressors, A-D-A conversion, the listening environment, human perception, natural widening concepts, artificial widening concepts, reverb, delay, and more. Grammy-award winning record producer, audio engineer, recording artist, and educator Prince Charles Alexander offers students a first-hand opportunity to learn the technologies behind vocal production, so that you can enhance your music productions with the most compelling and effective vocal tracks.

Starts : 2015-02-02
No votes
Coursera Free Visual & Performing Arts English BabsonX Chemokines History of Math Nutrition

An introduction to the life and work of Andy Warhol, one of the world’s most famous artists, through exploration of five thematic framings of his life and career: celebrity, sex, money, death and time.

No votes Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts HumanitiesandScience Nutrition

At its core, this course is about providing students with a broader understanding of music as a uniquely human activity. This will be accomplished by discussing the music you actually listen to, learning about various dimensions and elements of music, and creating your own music. No previous experience making music is necessary. This course is designed for individuals at all levels of musical understanding and experience. The fundamental assumption underlying the course design is that ALL people are innately musicians, whether that musicianship is expressed in the form of listening, performing, or creating music. Ever since you were born (and even before) you have been developing an expertise in music based on your own personal musical experience. This is similar to how you have been developing a language expertise that is dependent on your individual experience with the language(s) that you speak. It is your own individual musical expertise that forms the entry point into this course and on which this course is built. These are the course’s four learning goals: Acquire a more robust understanding of the various dimensions of music Acquire a richer language for talking about (describing and evaluating) music Integrate those understandings to create and evaluate your own music Apply this musical language to describe and evaluate music of others The entire course is framed around answering one basic, but deceptively complex, question: What is music? The course is structured to help answer this question by approaching it from various perspectives, including the following: Music as Human Activity Music as Metaphor Music as Emotion Music as Physics Music as Form Music as Culture Within each module, you will do each of the following: Learn new material through various media, including course readings, presentations, videos, websites, etc. Actively participate in discussions, which are designed to give you opportunities to apply and broaden your knowledge of this new material. Demonstrate your knowledge by completing short quizzes on the material (only some modules). Create musical products of your own, with support and help embedded within the course itself (you do NOT need to be able to play an instrument or have previous experience making/writing music). Review, evaluate, critique, and discuss projects from your peers.

Starts : 2015-01-13
29 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English BabsonX Bodawala Bonding systems Limits Nutrition

This course introduces students to strategies for style writing of common practice European art music. The issues of harmonic progression, voice leading, and texture are addressed in addition to relevant compositional concepts like repetition, variation, and elaboration. The course aims to offer a creative space even within the restrictions of stylistic emulation.

Starts : 2014-04-08
No votes
Coursera Free Visual & Performing Arts BabsonX Chemokines Nutrition


Starts : 2014-09-15
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English Applied Mathematics Business Chemokines Fine Arts KIx Nutrition

This course is presented in Mandarin.

If you are having difficulty viewing this video in mainland China, you can also find it here.


通 过此课程,学生将对民俗学有一个初步的认识,对民俗的起源、产生和发展,民俗的基本分类,民俗与文化,民俗与生活,民俗与国民性等诸多问题,以及民俗在文 化保持和传承中的重要作用有一个较为全面的了解。 此课程不需要先修课程,对民俗与文化感兴趣的学生均可选修此课程。 课程学习时间为11周。学生选修此课程需要按要求观看课程视频,阅读指定参考资料。为全面掌握课程讲述内容,学生需要花费4小时左右阅读教师布置的阅读作 业。 课程期末考核包括两部分内容,一是学生需按要求完成民俗采风的作业,二是期末参加在线考试,分别占最后成绩的50% 此课程的教材为《民俗学概论》(第二版),王娟著,北京大学出版社,2011年。

This eleven-week course will provide students with the basic knowledge of folklore, including its history, classification, function, and value. Coursework will include videos, readings, and an assignment of collecting 20 items of folklore. There will also be a final exam.

The course is one of the PKU-DeTao MOOCs, which is a joint effort by Peking University and DeTao Masters Academy. 该课程是“北大-德稻网络开放课程”中的一门,由北京大学与德稻教育联合提供。"

Starts : 2013-10-20
No votes
Coursera Free Visual & Performing Arts BabsonX History of Math Nutrition


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