Courses tagged with "Nutrition" (33)

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Starts : 2012-10-15
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] General & Interdisciplinary Studies Business Nutrition

PH207x is the online adaptation of material from the Harvard School of Public Health's classes in epidemiology and biostatistics.

Starts : 2013-05-15
81 votes
edX Free Closed [?] General & Interdisciplinary Studies Business Nutrition

PH278x explores global environmental changes, examining their causes as well as their health consequences, and engages students in thinking about their solutions.

4 votes Free Closed [?] General & Interdisciplinary Studies Chemokines K12 Kadenze Nutrition RSLogix5000+programming Taking derivatives

Students of political science should understand how ethics, culture, religion, and morality help to shape public debate, policymaking, and policy execution. This course will provide you with an overview of the role that ethical, cultural, religious, and moral principles play in the formulation and execution of public policy by lawmakers and other public officials. After studying the foundational theories of ethics and morality in politics, you will review arguments about existing issues in domestic and international policy, studying each dilemma from a variety of perspectives.  Common themes seen in ethics debates include justice, equality, fairness, individual liberty, free enterprise, charity, fundamental human rights, and minimizing harm to others. These themes are integrated into various decision-making models, such as the Utilitarian Approach, the Fairness and Justice Approach, and the Rights Approach. In the execution of public policy, it is impossible to do no harm to others; often, public policy…

Starts : 2003-09-01
15 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Closed [?] Foreign Languages Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

Spanish I is very different from other classes at MIT. The central component of the text and workbook is a series of 26 half-hour video episodes. The videos allow students to learn authentic Spanish and experience its cultural diversity while following a good story full of surprises and human emotions. Students also listen to an audio-only program integrated with the text and workbook.

In the classroom, students do a variety of activities and exercises, which include talking in Spanish about the video program, practicing pronunciation and grammar, and interacting in Spanish with classmates in pairs and small groups. The class is conducted in Spanish as much as possible, but English is used where necessary for clarity and efficiency. This course deals with all basic language skills: aural comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. This class assumes no previous knowledge of Spanish.

No votes Free Closed [?] General & Interdisciplinary Studies Nutrition Taking derivatives University of Leicester

This course will introduce you to the field known as Science and Technology Studies (STS). STS is an interdisciplinary field that examines how science and technology shape societies, cultures, and the environment and how social, cultural, and environmental factors shape the development of science and technology. These rich connections are most easily seen in areas such as the Internet and other digital technologies; the biological sciences (including biotechnology, genetics, and genomics); medical sciences and technologies; energy sciences and technologies; and ecological and environmental sciences. STS also studies the history of science, focusing on how social and cultural values and interests have shaped science and technology. This course begins with an introduction to STS and continues by examining the nature of science according to various philosophical perspectives. In the process, you will be introduced to key terms necessary for understanding those perspectives. When you have finished this course,…

Starts : 2017-09-26
79 votes
edX Free Closed [?] Business English product differentiation and variety Biology Nutrition Udemy

This course is part of the MITx MicroMasters program in Data, Economics, and Development Policy (DEDP). To audit this course, click “Enroll Now” in the green button at the top of this page.

To enroll in the MicroMasters track or to learn more about this program and how it integrates with MIT’s new blended Master’s degree, go to MITx’s MicroMasters portal.

This is a course for those who are interested in the challenge posed by massive and persistent world poverty, and are hopeful that economists might have something useful to say about this challenge. The questions we will take up include: Is extreme poverty a thing of the past? What is economic life like when living under a dollar per day? Are the poor always hungry? How do we make schools work for poor citizens? How do we deal with the disease burden? Is microfinance invaluable or overrated? Without property rights, is life destined to be "nasty, brutish and short"? Should we leave economic development to the market? Should we leave economic development to non-governmental organizations (NGOs)? Does foreign aid help or hinder? Where is the best place to intervene? And many others.

At the end of this course, you should have a good sense of the key questions asked by scholars interested in poverty today, and hopefully a few answers as well.

Starts : 2017-04-24
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] General & Interdisciplinary Studies English Book distribution Business Information policy Nutrition RSLogix5000+programming

We will explore the psychology of our everyday thinking: why people believe weird things, how we form and change our opinions, why our expectations skew our judgments, and how we can make better decisions. We’ll discuss and debate topics such as placebos, the paranormal, medicine, miracles, and more.

You will use the scientific method to evaluate claims, make sense of evidence, and understand why we so often make irrational choices. You will begin to rely on slow, effortful, deliberative, analytic, and logical thinking rather than fast, automatic, instinctive, emotional, and stereotypical thinking.

We will provide tools for how to think independently, how to be skeptical, and how to value data over personal experience. We will examine the mental shortcuts that people use and misuse, and apply this knowledge to help make better decisions, and improve critical thinking.

Starts : 2008-02-01
12 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free General & Interdisciplinary Studies Course Facilitation Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

This course explores contemporary American theatrical expression as it may be organized around issues of gender and cultural identity. This exploration will include the analysis of performances, scripts, and video documentation, as well as the invention of original documents of theatrical expression. Class lectures and discussions will analyze samples of Native American, Chicano, African American, and Asian American theater, taking into consideration the historical and political context for the creation of these works. Performance exercises will help students identify theatrical forms and techniques used by these theaters, and how these techniques contribute to the overall goals of specific theatrical expressions.

Starts : 2014-01-06
38 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] General & Interdisciplinary Studies English BabsonX Beginner Calculus I Evaluation Nutrition Web Design

This cross-disciplinary course deals with the undetermined, the unpredictable- or what appears to be such. Learn about the usefulness of randomness in communication and computation, the intrinsic randomness of quantum phenomena, the unpredictability of the weather, and the implications of the neural activity of the brain on our "free will".

Starts : 2010-09-01
18 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free General & Interdisciplinary Studies Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition WizIQ.htm%2525252525253Fdatetype%2525252525253Drecent&.htm%25252525253Fpricetype%25252525253Dfree%25

In this era of globalization, many of us have multi- or bi-cultural, multilingual or bilingual backgrounds, and even if we don't have such a background, we need urgently to understand the experiences of people who do. You will very likely work outside the United States at some point in your future; you will almost certainly work with people who speak more than one language, whose ancestry or origins are in a country other than the U.S., who have crossed borders of nation, language, culture, class to amalgamate into the large and diverse culture that is America. In this class we will read the personal narratives of bilingual and bicultural writers, some of whom have struggled to assimilate, others of whom have celebrated their own contributions to a culture of diversity. You will write four personal essays of your own for the class, each of which will receive workshop discussion in class and response from me; you will then revise the essays to polish them for possible publication. One of your essays will be an investigative one, where you will focus on a subject of your choice, investigate it thoroughly, and then write with authority about it. The process of the class will encourage you to both improve your writing significantly and gain a greater understanding of experiences of people who are in some way like you as well as those who are in some way different.

Starts : 2015-08-18
No votes
Coursera Free General & Interdisciplinary Studies BabsonX Chemokines Nutrition

人文學,其特色在於「慢熱」,需要耐心細嚐、咀嚼古聖先賢的智慧結晶與其文字背後所隱含的真正意義。史記系列課程將透過對《史記》一書的導讀,引領同學們探究史學之「真」與「善」。 不管你是對中華文化感興趣者、想更深入了解傳統史學者、喜歡論理分析者、或是久仰太史公司馬遷之名之愛好者,這門課一定會讓你收穫良多。因為《史記》不僅記載了無數精彩非凡的歷史人事,更貫串了在它之前的多數古代典籍,可說是集中國上古文明精粹於一書。更重要的是,這門課程中將引導大家如何讀《史記》,進而學會如何讀中國史書、如何讀中國書。 這是一場史學的思辨之旅,希望各位同學千萬不要錯過!

Starts : 2014-11-24
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] General & Interdisciplinary Studies BabsonX Bodawala Bonding systems History of Math Limits Nutrition

拍微电影,没什么必须要走的路,可以从任何地方起步。但起步之前,需要对拍微电影有个较为正确的认知。 拍微电影,很多人以为是关于“拍”的问题,而实际上,“拍”只是一个关于微电影实现的动作而已,好比露在水面上的冰山上一角,只是冰山庞大山体的很小部分。拍微电影这座冰山,更多的是关于“拍什么”、“怎么拍”这些隐藏在水面之下不为大多数人知道的真正内涵所在。所以,本课程从水面上可见的冰山一角——“拍”开始,逐渐深入水面之下,挖掘“拍什么”、“怎么拍”的问题,揭开冰山的真相。

Starts : 2015-02-25
No votes
Coursera Free General & Interdisciplinary Studies BabsonX Chemokines Nutrition


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