Courses tagged with "Structural+engineering" (87)

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1 votes Free Closed [?] Business Nutrition Structural+engineering Taking derivatives

In this course, you will build on and apply what you learned in the introductory macroeconomics course (ECON102 [1]).   You will use the concepts of output, unemployment, inflation, consumption, and investment to study the dynamics of an economy at a more advanced level.   For example, now that you understand the relationship between supply and demand in general terms, you will be asked to examine the effects that short-run and long-run price changes have on full employment and output.  As the course progresses, you will gain a better appreciation for how policy shifts and changes in one sector impact the rest of the macroeconomy (whether the impacts are intended or unintended).  You will also examine the causes of inflation and depression, and discuss various approaches to responding to them.  By the end of this course, you should be able to think critically about the economy and develop your own unique perspective on various issues. Remember that macroeconomics attempts to explain the role of gover…

1 votes Free Closed [?] Business Nutrition Structural+engineering Taking derivatives

This course is designed to provide you with a thorough understanding of the importance of money, banking, and financial markets of a developed economy.  Money, financial institutions, and financial markets have emerged as instruments of payments for the services of factors of production, such as labor and capital.  The use of money facilitates business in a market by acting as a common medium of exchange.  Of course, as that market expands and develops on a national and international level, the importance of money, banking, and other financial markets expands to accommodate innumerable exchanges. This course will allow you to examine not only the origins and nature of money, but also the institutions and markets that have evolved to enable the exchange of goods and services worldwide.  It will provide you with the opportunity to examine the instruments and strategies assisting production, distribution, and consumption.  Also, this course will help you develop an appreciation for important concepts in e…

Starts : 2014-04-30
No votes
Iversity Free Closed [?] Business English Design.htm%252525253Fstart%252525253D460&limit%252525253D20.htm%2525253Fcategoryid%2525253D10.htm%25 Design.htm%252525253Fstart%252525253D460&limit%252525253D20.htm%2525253Fcategoryid%2525253D10.htm%25 History+of+Math Structural+engineering

Non-bankers can learn to understand the mathematical models that have made the headlines so many times in recent years. A course for students of economics, business studies, mathematics, physics and computer science.

Starts : 2014-05-06
No votes
Iversity Free Closed [?] Business Abnormal sexual function Global+food History+of+Math History+of+Math Software analysis

Dieser Kurs vermittelt die Grundzüge des Marketings und gibt einen Überblick von Konzepten, Strategien und Werkzeugen. Im Zentrum des Kurses stehen vier Themenbereiche: Produkt-, Kommunikations-, Preis- und Distributionspolitik.

No votes Free Closed [?] Business Abnormal sexual function Biology Global Nutrition Structural+engineering Taking derivatives

Principles of Microeconomics belongs to the CLEP® PREP suite of Saylor courses. This version of ECON101 will help you master the subject of microeconomics and will help prepare you to take the CLEP® exam in microeconomics [1]. The purpose of this course is to provide you with a basic understanding of the principles of microeconomics. At its core, the study of economics deals with the choices and decisions that have to be made in order to manage scarce resources available to us. Microeconomics is the branch of economics that pertains to decisions made at the individual level, i.e., by individual consumers or individual firms after evaluating resources, costs, and tradeoffs. When we talk about the economy, we are referring to the marketplace or system in which these choices interact with one another. In this course, you will learn how and why these decisions are made and how they affect one another in the economy. Each of the following units has been designed as a building block, where the concepts you le…

No votes Free Closed [?] Business Abnormal sexual function Biology Global Nutrition Structural+engineering Taking derivatives

Economics is traditionally divided into two parts: microeconomics and macroeconomics. The main purpose of this course is to introduce you to the principles of macroeconomics. Macroeconomics is the study of how a country’s economy works while trying to discern among good, better, and best choices for improving and/or maintaining a nation’s standard of living and level of economic and societal well-being. Historical and contemporary perspectives on the roles and policies of government are part of the mix of interpretations and alternatives that surround questions of who or what gains and loses the most or least within a relatively small set of key interdependent players. In the broadest view, that set consists of households, consumers, savers, firm owners, investors, agency and elected officials, and global trading partners in which some wear many hats and face price considerations at two levels. Consider one distinction between macroeconomics and microeconomics though prices are taken into account in bot…

Starts : 2015-11-02
No votes
Iversity Free Closed [?] Business German History+of+Math Structural+engineering


Dieser Kurs gibt einen Überblick über grundlegende Modelle, Theorien und Prinzipien der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Er basiert auf einer mehrfach ausgezeichneten äquivalenten Lehrveranstaltung an der RWTH Aachen und wurde bislang von über 10.000 Studierenden erfolgreich in Aachen absolviert. Der Kurs beginnt mit den Fragen, warum es Unternehmen gibt und was der Kern unternehmerischer Wertschöpfung ist. Anschließend wird analysiert, welche Alternativen und Theorien es zur Organisation von Unternehmen gibt. Ein Schwerpunkt auf die neue Institutionenökonomie erlaubt dabei einen Einblick in einen der Ansätze, der das moderne Management entscheidend geprägt hat. In den letzten beiden Teilen werden Prinzipien der operativen und der strategischen Planung sowie Wettbewerbsstrategien behandelt. Anhand ausgewählter Konzepte lernen die Teilnehmenden die wichtigsten Ansätze des strategischen Managements kennen.


Als besonderes Feature gibt es zu der Veranstaltung das BWL-MOOC Planspiel der Firma Simucate. Das Planspiel: Es bietet Ihnen eine interaktive Möglichkeit, die Studieninhalte gleich praktisch anzuwenden und so besser zu verstehen. Das Planspiel ist in allen Klausurpaketen enthalten. Zusätzlich kann es während des Kurses für 19 Euro hinzu gebucht werden. Sollten Sie sich dazu entscheiden, den ECTS-Track zu belegen ist das Planspiel für Sie bereits inklusive. Die Ergebnisse des Planspiels fließen dann zu 20% in die Endnote der Veranstaltung mit ein.

Was lerne ich in diesem Kurs?

  • Du kennst grundlegende Denkweisen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre.
  • Du kannst wesentliche Fachbegriffe ebenso wie grundlegende Konzepte auf aktuelle Fragestellungen übertragen.
  • Du kannst einen Bezug zwischen den theoretisch vermittelten Kursinhalten und der unternehmerischen Praxis herstellen.
  • Du bekommst eine kritisch-reflektierte Herangehensweise an wirtschaftliche Fragestellungen.
  • Du bekommst einen Rahmen für weitere vertiefende Vorlesungen im Bereich BWL.

Welche Vorkenntnisse benötige ich?

Die Teilnahme ist ohne spezielle Vorkenntnisse möglich. Mathematik auf mind. Oberstufenniveau ist für Modul 5 erforderlich.


Dieser Kurs besteht aus 7 Modulen von jeweils 2 Wochen:

Modul 1: Grundzüge und Funktionen der Unternehmung

Videos ab 02. Nov, interaktive Vorlesung in Aachen am 02. Nov 2015

Modul 2: Organisationstheorien: Der Weg zum Taylorismus und dessen Überwindung

Videos ab 16. Nov, interaktive Vorlesung in Aachen am 16. Nov 2015

Modul 3: Gestaltung der Organisationsstruktur

Videos ab 30. Nov, interaktive Vorlesung in Aachen am 30. Nov 2015

Modul 4: Neue Institutionenökonomik

Videos ab 14. Dez, interaktive Vorlesung in Aachen am 14. Dez 2015

Modul 5: Operative Planung

Videos ab 11. Jan, interaktive Vorlesung in Aachen am 11. Jan 2016

Modul 6: Strategische Planung & Wettbewerbsstrategie

Videos ab 25. Jan, interaktive Vorlesung in Aachen am 25. Jan 2015

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