Courses tagged with "Udemy" (4)

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Starts : 2012-07-23
96 votes
Coursera Free Social Sciences English BabsonX Bodawala Bonding systems Chemokines Limits Nutrition

Learn the ideas and vocabulary for listening to world music, and examine the music of several world music cultures and how they have entered into mainstream popular culture.

Starts : 2014-09-15
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English Applied Mathematics Business Chemokines Fine Arts KIx Nutrition

This course is presented in Mandarin.

If you are having difficulty viewing this video in mainland China, you can also find it here.


通 过此课程,学生将对民俗学有一个初步的认识,对民俗的起源、产生和发展,民俗的基本分类,民俗与文化,民俗与生活,民俗与国民性等诸多问题,以及民俗在文 化保持和传承中的重要作用有一个较为全面的了解。 此课程不需要先修课程,对民俗与文化感兴趣的学生均可选修此课程。 课程学习时间为11周。学生选修此课程需要按要求观看课程视频,阅读指定参考资料。为全面掌握课程讲述内容,学生需要花费4小时左右阅读教师布置的阅读作 业。 课程期末考核包括两部分内容,一是学生需按要求完成民俗采风的作业,二是期末参加在线考试,分别占最后成绩的50% 此课程的教材为《民俗学概论》(第二版),王娟著,北京大学出版社,2011年。

This eleven-week course will provide students with the basic knowledge of folklore, including its history, classification, function, and value. Coursework will include videos, readings, and an assignment of collecting 20 items of folklore. There will also be a final exam.

The course is one of the PKU-DeTao MOOCs, which is a joint effort by Peking University and DeTao Masters Academy. 该课程是“北大-德稻网络开放课程”中的一门,由北京大学与德稻教育联合提供。"

Starts : 2016-01-19
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English African+American+Studies Bodawala Business Chemokines Fine Arts Nutrition

Louis Armstrong. Charlie Parker. John Coltrane. You’ve heard their names, but do you know what makes them great? In Jazz Appreciation, you will learn what these artists and many others contributed to America’s great original art form, revered the world over for its innovation and creativity. Jazz emerged during a time of tremendous change and upheaval in American society; this course will also discuss how its evolution both reflected and contributed to those changes.

Much more than a lecture series, Jazz Appreciation weaves in musical performances and examples that will deepen your understanding of the musical process and develop your ability to identify and analyze different jazz eras and great jazz soloists. It also incorporates cutting-edge adaptive learning technology that will allow you to practice your new knowledge and skills, at your own pace, until you reach mastery.

Join this course to enhance your enjoyment of jazz by developing an informed understanding and deep appreciation of the art.

Please note: This course includes a wealth of music. In sensitivity to artists’ rights, course videos including music are available for a limited time only. Materials are released weekly on Saturday mornings, and videos are removed nine days later, on Sunday nights. Please plan to keep pace with the course in order to get the most out of it. 


Starts : 2014-11-10
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Visual & Performing Arts English BabsonX Biology Book distribution Chemokines History of Math Nutrition

Arts and culture leaders have a rewarding but tough task: creating sustainable organizations that deliver real social value. There is a lot of competition out there. Being an effective leader means constantly adapting, cleverly using the best tools to reach as many people as possible. This course is designed to help leaders at any level do just that.

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