Courses tagged with "University of Leicester" (2)

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6 votes Free Closed [?] Education Nutrition Taking derivatives University of Leicester

This course is designed to equip you with the basic academic, professional, and personal skills you will need to be successful in college.  You are probably already familiar with some of the skills and topics covered; others will be brand new ideas.  For example, perhaps you have already learned some effective test-taking strategies that work well for you, but you have never heard of the concept of learning styles.  Or, maybe you do know your learning style, but you want to improve your listening skills.  Each student will have a different skill set when they start this course.  In addition, some of the skills this course presents may take a lifetime to master!  The point of the course is to give you, a new college student or a person considering a college education, a purposeful, thorough review of the many tools and skills needed for success and to help you understand how you can improve each of the tools and skills over time.  Keep in mind that the terms “tools” and “resources” can refer to…

3 votes Free Closed [?] Education Nutrition Taking derivatives University of Leicester

Geography is the study of the physical features of the Earth and its atmosphere including landscape development, weather and climate, and geologic concepts as well as the influence of human activity including cultural, economic, and political activity on those physical features.  Geography students, as they study the many aspects of our physically and culturally diverse world, tend to become more adept at tasks that require both spatial and critical thinking skills. World Regional Geography covers the basic elements noted above but within a regional context.  Ultimately, World Regional Geography is concerned with the physical and human characteristics that make the regions of our world distinctive.  As you progress through the course, the units will discuss each major world region in detail, placing particular emphasis on cultural and societal structures.  Regions will be discussed within a global framework in the hope that you will gain a better comprehension of how the world map is being defined a…

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