Courses tagged with "Basic Trigonometry" (6)

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Starts : 2008-09-01
8 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Social Sciences Basic Trigonometry Infor Information environments Information policy Information retrieval Information Theory

This seminar examines the history and legacy of the Cold War on American science. It explores scientist's new political roles after World War II, ranging from elite policy makers in the nuclear age to victims of domestic anti Communism. It also examines the changing institutions in which the physical sciences and social sciences were conducted during the postwar decades, investigating possible epistemic effects on forms of knowledge. The subject closes by considering the place of science in the post-Cold War era.

Starts : 2006-09-01
11 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Social Sciences Basic Trigonometry Infor Information control Information policy Information retrieval Information Theory

A survey of how America has become the world's largest consumer of energy. Explores American history from the perspective of energy and its relationship to politics, diplomacy, the economy, science and technology, labor, culture, and the environment. Topics include muscle and water power in early America, coal and the Industrial Revolution, electrification, energy consumption in the home, oil and U.S. foreign policy, automobiles and suburbanization, nuclear power, OPEC and the 70's energy crisis, global warming, and possible paths for the future.

8 votes
Udemy Free Closed [?] Social Sciences Basic Trigonometry Histology

Learn how to create an impressive, fast loading websites using the methods introduced in the HTML5 History of API.

Starts : 2005-02-01
13 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Agriculture Basic Trigonometry Infor Information environments Information policy Information retrieval Information Theory

In this class, food serves as both the subject and the object of historical analysis. As a subject, food has been transformed over the last 100 years, largely as a result of ever more elaborate scientific and technological innovations. From a need to preserve surplus foods for leaner times grew an elaborate array of techniques – drying, freezing, canning, salting, etc – that changed not only what people ate, but how far they could/had to travel, the space in which they lived, their relations with neighbors and relatives, and most of all, their place in the economic order of things. The role of capitalism in supporting and extending food preservation and development was fundamental. As an object, food offers us a way into cultural, political, economic, and techno-scientific history. Long ignored by historians of science and technology, food offers a rich source for exploring, e.g., the creation and maintenance of mass-production techniques, industrial farming initiatives, the politics of consumption, vertical integration of business firms, globalization, changing race and gender identities, labor movements, and so forth. How is food different in these contexts, from other sorts of industrial goods? What does the trip from farm to table tell us about American culture and history?

19 votes
Udemy Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences Basic Trigonometry Digital divide EdX.htm%25252525253Fcategoryid%25252525253D7.htm%252525253Fpricetype%252525253Dpaid%2525252526.htm%2 Evaluation Histology Promotion

Basic course for engineering students on Introduction to Information Technology and Introduction to Computer Sciences

19 votes
Udemy Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences Basic Trigonometry Digital divide Evaluation Histology Promotion The+monetary+system

The CS 61 series is an introduction to computer science, with particular emphasis on software and on machines from a pro

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