Courses tagged with "Information policy" (27)

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22 votes
Udemy Free Closed [?] Life Sciences Brain stem Chemical reactions (stoichiometry) Department of Anthropology at the University of Oklahoma Histology Information policy

Integrative Biology 131: General Human Anatomy. Fall 2005. Professor Marian Diamond. The functional anatomy of the human

Starts : 2017-09-06
177 votes
edX Free Closed [?] Life Sciences English product differentiation and variety Business Diencephalon Information policy Nutrition

This first-year University chemistry course explores the basic principles of the chemical bond by studying the properties of solids. Properties such as stiffness, electrical conductivity, thermal expansion, strength, and optical properties are the vehicle by which you can learn a great deal of practical chemistry. 

You will see how experts use their knowledge of trends in the periodic table to predict the properties of materials. 3.091x is an engineering course so there is an emphasis on applications and how materials are used. The on-campus version of the course has been taught for over forty years and is one of the largest classes at MIT.

This course will cover the relationship between electronic structure, chemical bonding, and atomic order, and characterization of atomic arrangements in crystalline and amorphous solids: metals, ceramics, semiconductors, and polymers (including proteins). There will be topical coverage of organic chemistry, solution chemistry, acid-base equilibria, electrochemistry, biochemistry, chemical kinetics, diffusion, and phase diagrams. Examples will be drawn from industrial practice (including the environmental impact of chemical processes), from energy generation and storage (e.g., batteries and fuel cells), and from emerging technologies (e.g., photonic and biomedical devices). 

33 votes
Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Life Sciences Brain stem Chemical reactions (stoichiometry) Class2Go Department of Anthropology at the University of Oklahoma Global Warming Information policy

What makes living things tick?. Homeostasis. A Voyage to Mars: Bone Loss in Space. Bread Mold Kills Bacteria.

Starts : 2016-01-13
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Life Sciences English Aviation Business Calculus I Information policy Nutrition

No region on Earth is immune from natural disasters. As we gain scientific understanding into the causes and nature of such phenomena, we become better able to mitigate the effects of disasters. Yet as the world's population continues to grow, an increasingly large number of people are at risk.

This science course examines different types of natural disasters and our ability, or inability, to control and predict such events. You will gain an appreciation of natural disasters beyond the newspaper headlines, and will better understand how the effects of disasters can be reduced.

There is an urgent need for people from all walks of life to better understand the scientific principles behind the occurrence of natural disasters:

  • City planners need to know where, and where not, to site buildings.
  • Politicians need to make scientifically informed decisions.
  • Emergency management officials need to understand the nature of a potential disaster and ways to mitigate such an event.
  • Journalists need to report scientifically accurate information.

Learner Testimonial:

Professors Stix and Gyakum have created and presented an engaging course, and have helped in my quest for a better understanding of the world around me.” – Previous Student

Starts : 2014-05-15
No votes
Iversity Free Closed [?] Life Sciences Brain stem Chemical reactions (stoichiometry) Department of Anthropology at the University of Oklahoma History+of+Math Information policy

Interaktiver MOOC mit Operationsvideos der Universität Tübingen. Chirurgen aller Fachrichtungen und Anatomen erklären das zentrale Fach der Medizin im chirurgisch-operativen Kontext.

Starts : 2014-05-15
No votes
Iversity Free Closed [?] Life Sciences German Brain stem Chemical reactions (stoichiometry) Department of Anthropology at the University of Oklahoma History+of+Math Information policy

Interaktiver MOOC mit spannenden anatomischen und medizinischen Videos der Universität Tübingen. Anatomen und Kliniker erklären die Anatomie der Kopf- und Hals-Region im klinischen und chirurgisch-operativen Kontext.

Starts : 2017-04-01
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Life Sciences English Brain stem Business Diencephalon Information policy Nutrition Rational+expressions

Chemistry and biology are traditionally taught as separate subjects at the high school level, where students memorize fundamental scientific principles that are universally accepted. However, at the university level and in industry, we learn that science is not as simple as we once thought. We are constantly confronted by questions about the unknown and required to use creative, integrated approaches to solve these problems. By bringing together knowledge from multidisciplinary fields, we are empowered with the ability to generate new ideas. The goal of this course is to develop skills for generating new ideas at the interface between chemistry and biology by analyzing pioneering studies.

When should I register?
Registration will be open throughout the course.

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