Courses tagged with "Information Theory" (203)

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Starts : 2009-02-01
16 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Computer Sciences Before 1300: Ancient and Medieval History Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

Robots today move far too conservatively, using control systems that attempt to maintain full control authority at all times. Humans and animals move much more aggressively by routinely executing motions which involve a loss of instantaneous control authority. Controlling nonlinear systems without complete control authority requires methods that can reason about and exploit the natural dynamics of our machines.

This course discusses nonlinear dynamics and control of underactuated mechanical systems, with an emphasis on machine learning methods. Topics include nonlinear dynamics of passive robots (walkers, swimmers, flyers), motion planning, partial feedback linearization, energy-shaping control, analytical optimal control, reinforcement learning/approximate optimal control, and the influence of mechanical design on control. Discussions include examples from biology and applications to legged locomotion, compliant manipulation, underwater robots, and flying machines.


Professor Tedrake would like to thank John Roberts for his help with the course and videotaping the lectures.

Starts : 2011-02-01
17 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Closed [?] Computer Sciences Before 1300: Ancient and Medieval History Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

6.831/6.813 examines human-computer interaction in the context of graphical user interfaces. The course covers human capabilities, design principles, prototyping techniques, evaluation techniques, and the implementation of graphical user interfaces. Deliverables include short programming assignments and a semester-long group project. Students taking the graduate version also have readings from current literature and additional assignments.

Starts : 2003-02-01
17 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Computer Sciences Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

Wavelets are localized basis functions, good for representing short-time events. The coefficients at each scale are filtered and subsampled to give coefficients at the next scale. This is Mallat's pyramid algorithm for multiresolution, connecting wavelets to filter banks. Wavelets and multiscale algorithms for compression and signal/image processing are developed. Subject is project-based for engineering and scientific applications.

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