Online courses directory (447)

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Starts : 2004-09-01
15 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

This course surveys questions about human behavior and mental life ranging from how you see to why you fall in love. The great controversies: nature and nurture, free will, consciousness, human differences, self and society. Students are exposed to the range of theoretical perspectives including biological, evolutionary, cognitive, and psychoanalytic. One of the best aspects of Psychology is that you are the subject matter. This makes it possible to do many demonstrations in lecture that allow you to experience the topic under study. Lectures work in tandem with the textbook. The course breaks into small recitations sections to allow discussion, oral presentations, and individual contact with instructors.

9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

This course is a survey of the scientific study of human nature, including how the mind works, and how the brain supports the mind. Topics include the mental and neural bases of perception, emotion, learning, memory, cognition, child development, personality, psychopathology, and social interaction. Students will consider how such knowledge relates to debates about nature and nurture, free will, consciousness, human differences, self, and society.

Course Format

Click to get started. This course has been designed for independent study. It includes all of the materials you will need to understand the concepts covered in this subject. The materials in this course include:

  • A full set of Lecture Videos by Prof. John Gabrieli.
  • Reading Assignments in several books, including one free online textbook and detailed notes on another book.
  • Assorted multiple choice and short answer questions to Check Yourself on the material in each session.
  • Supporting Discussion content that elaborates on the lectures and reading.
  • A rich collection of online resources for Further Study on each session's topics.
  • A full set of Exams with solution keys, and extra practice questions for review.

Other Versions

Other OCW Versions

OCW has published multiple versions of this subject. Question_OVT logo

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Starts : 2015-10-05
26 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Social Sciences English BabsonX Nutrition Udemy

This course is all about you ... your mind, your behavior, and what underlies them both. It will be a fast paced tour of the most important experiments in psychology, one that is intended to fascinate, inform, and provoke deep thought. Come learn about yourself with us!

Starts : 2007-03-01
16 votes
Open Yale Free Social Sciences English Europe SQL

What do your dreams mean? Do men and women differ in the nature and intensity of their sexual desires? Can apes learn sign language? Why can’t we tickle ourselves? This course tries to answer these questions and many others, providing a comprehensive overview of the scientific study of thought and behavior. It explores topics such as perception, communication, learning, memory, decision-making, religion, persuasion, love, lust, hunger, art, fiction, and dreams. We will look at how these aspects of the mind develop in children, how they differ across people, how they are wired-up in the brain, and how they break down due to illness and injury.

2 votes
OLI. Carnegie Mellon University Free Social Sciences Glass ionomers Newborn respiratory diseases

This course offers students an engaging introduction to the essential topics in psychology. Throughout this study of human behavior and the mind, you will gain insight into the history of the field of psychology, as well as explore current theories and issues in areas such as cognition, motivation, and wellness. The course has been updated to align with DSM-5. The importance of scientific methods and principles of research design is emphasized throughout this course and presented in a way that will enrich your study of individuals as thinking, feeling, and social beings. This course is part of our Community College (CC-OLI) series. Although courses in this series are particularly well-suited to the needs of introductory community college courses, the course materials have been used successfully by learners and educators at a broad array of institutions.

Starts : 2014-01-13
37 votes
Coursera Free Social Sciences English BabsonX Nutrition Udemy

Learn about how psychology has developed a body of knowledge about behavior and mind through the use of scientific methods. All areas of psychology will be covered.

Starts : 2014-03-31
6 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Social Sciences English BabsonX Book distribution Business & Management Chemokines History of Math Nutrition

A report from the National Association of Colleges and Employers shows that employers want job candidates with strong communication skills. Similarly, educational success also requires the ability to articulate your thoughts clearly. In this class, we will study the principles of public speaking; critically examine our own and others’ speeches through interactive practice.

Starts : 2013-02-01
110 votes
Coursera Free Social Sciences English BabsonX Nutrition Udemy

In this class we will cover the essentials of sociology, to help you better understand your own life and situations far from your experience.

Starts : 2014-08-18
No votes
JANUX Free Closed [?] Social Sciences Biostatistics Course+Type:+diploma Design.htm%25252525253Fstart%25252525253D20&limit%25252525253D20.htm%252525253Fcategoryid%252525253D Digital library Udemy

This course is about the fundamental concepts of sociology; foundations of group life; social change, processes, and problems. This class describes the discipline of sociology—the study of social life. It is a fundamental social science (in good company with Economics, Psychology, History, Anthroplogy, Communication, and Political Science). What is interesting about sociology is that it actually tackles fundamental questions in each of these sub-disciplines. You might even call it the “father” of the social sciences. That said, it is a pretty new discipline (younger than our country). Still, we have done a lot in just a very short time. It is very likely that you have heard of some of its early founders—the most famous is Karl Marx but others include Max Weber and Emile Durkheim.

Starts : 2006-09-01
12 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Social Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition WizIQ.htm%2525252525253Fdatetype%2525252525253Drecent&.htm%25252525253Fpricetype%25252525253Dfree%25

This section of Introduction to Technical Communication deals with ethical issues associated with the design, use, and propagation of technology. At virtually all stages of development and use, any technology can carry with it ethical dilemmas for both creators and users. Of particular interest is how such dilemmas are resolved (or complicated) according to how effectively they are communicated to stakeholders.

Starts : 2006-09-01
10 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Social Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition WizIQ.htm%2525252525253Fdatetype%2525252525253Drecent&.htm%25252525253Fpricetype%25252525253Dfree%25

This course is designed to help you develop skills that will enable you to produce clear and effective scientific and technical documents. We will focus on basic principles of good writing-which scientific and technical writing shares with other forms of writing-and on types of documents common in scientific and technical fields and organizations. While the emphasis will be on writing, oral communication of scientific and technical information will form an important component of the course, as well.

Starts : 2007-02-01
12 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Closed [?] Social Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition WizIQ.htm%2525252525253Fdatetype%2525252525253Drecent&.htm%25252525253Fpricetype%25252525253Dfree%25

Over the course of the semester we will explore the full range of writings by physicians and other health practitioners. Some of the writer/physicians that we encounter will be Atul Gawande, Danielle Ofri, Richard Selzer, and William Carlos Williams. Students need have no special training, only a general interest in medicine or in public health issues such as AIDS, asthma, malaria control, and obesity. The writing assignments, like the readings, will invite students to consider the distinctive needs of different audiences.

Starts : 2009-03-01
13 votes
Open Yale Free Social Sciences English Concrete Europe

This course provides a historical study of the origins of Christianity by analyzing the literature of the earliest Christian movements in historical context, concentrating on the New Testament. Although theological themes will occupy much of our attention, the course does not attempt a theological appropriation of the New Testament as scripture. Rather, the importance of the New Testament and other early Christian documents as ancient literature and as sources for historical study will be emphasized. A central organizing theme of the course will focus on the differences within early Christianity (-ies).

Starts : 2006-09-01
4 votes
Open Yale Free Social Sciences English Concrete Europe

This course examines the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) as an expression of the religious life and thought of ancient Israel, and a foundational document of Western civilization. A wide range of methodologies, including source criticism and the historical-critical school, tradition criticism, redaction criticism, and literary and canonical approaches are applied to the study and interpretation of the Bible. Special emphasis is placed on the Bible against the backdrop of its historical and cultural setting in the Ancient Near East.

No votes Free Closed [?] Social Sciences HumanitiesandScience Interest and debt Nursing+research SQL Udemy

This course is ideal for students who would like to build their foundational knowledge of the field of psychology. It also provides an introduction for anyone who is interested in the enduring understanding of the field of psychology such as:
-Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
-Intuition and introspection are helpful to understanding psychology, but often fail us.
-The evolution of Psychology as a discipline is one which moves from intuition and introspection towards a more scientific approach.
-Different schools of Psychology investigate different aspects of the effects of environment and biology on behavior; there is no one "right" approach.
Learning objectives for this course are: 1. To identify theoretical underpinnings of the major areas of psychology, including cognition (thought, memory, perception), learning, personality, social and environmental influences, development, and physiology of behavior. 2. To explain different models of human behavior based on science versus intuition or general ways of knowing. 3. To recognize ways of pursuing questions in Psychology via discussion of theory and empirical research 4. To describe connections between knowledge gained in Psychology to everyday life.

Starts : 2014-09-01
No votes
FutureLearn Free Closed [?] Social Sciences inquiry Food and Nutrition Into Nutrition Security+regulations

Explore the lives of men, women and children living through war and revolution and social changes that made modern Ireland.

Starts : 2016-05-09
No votes
Iversity Free Social Sciences German Fine Arts History+of+Math

Der Kurs zeichnet die Geschichte Karls des Großen nach. Sein Aufstieg, die innere Durchsetzung, die Expansion des Reiches bis zur Kaiserkrönung sind Kernthemen der Geschichtswissenschaft. Weitere Themenfelder sind: Strukturen des Reiches, Funktionsweisen mittelalterlicher Königsherrschaft ohne Hauptstadt und Institutionen, Schriftlichkeit, Kommunikation und Bildung im frühen Mittelalter. In diesem Kurs erhältst du eine Einführung in den Umgang mit mittelalterlichen Quellen und ihrer Deutung. zudem soll der dich zu einem fundierten, kritischen Urteil in aktuellen Fragen befähigen: Wie gelangt man zu methodisch korrekten Erkenntnissen und wie lassen sich so unterschiedliche Karlsbilder bewerten?

Was lerne ich in diesem Kurs?

  • Du lernst Hintergrundinformationen zur Geschichte Karls des Großen.
  • Du lernst die typische Quellen seiner Zeit kennen und wirst mit den Schwierigkeiten ihrer Interpretation vertraut gemacht.
  • Du erhältst Einführungen in typische geschichtswissenschaftliche Fragestellungen und Forschungsinstrumente. Das befähigt dich zu selbständigen Recherchen über Fragen des Kurses - und viele andere Fragen, die sich an die Geschichte des Mittelalters stellen lassen.

Welche Vorkenntnisse benötige ich?

Historische Vorkenntnisse oder propädeutische Grundlagen sind nicht erforderlich. Der Kurs richtet sich neben Studierenden der Geschichte auch an ein ein breiteres, geschichtsinteressiertes Publikum. Inhalte und Umgang mit Instrumenten der Forschung werden schrittweise erläutert. Zentrale Quellen werden in deutschen Übersetzungen präsentiert. Lateinkenntnisse sind also nicht erforderlich. Unverzichtbar ist: Interesse an Geschichte als Wissenschaft!

Wie hoch ist der Arbeitsaufwand?

Ca. 4 Stunden pro Woche.

Erhalte ich ein Zertifikat?

Wer 80% der Lehrvideos sowie 80% der Quizze absolviert, kann eine Teilnahmebestätigung erwerben.

Starts : 2013-03-04
99 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Social Sciences BabsonX Chemokines

An investigation of the nature and limits of self-knowledge from the viewpoints of philosophy, psychoanalysis, experimental psychology, neuroscience, aesthetics, and Buddhism.

Starts : 2014-02-10
No votes
Coursera Free Social Sciences English BabsonX Nutrition Udemy

This course is about the historical, sociocultural, and economic causes of Latin American migration, and the economic, political, and cultural impact that the Latino/a population has in the physiognomy of this country. It situates the Latin American migration in the global scenario and the Latino/a population in the national arena.

Starts : 2012-07-23
96 votes
Coursera Free Social Sciences English BabsonX Bodawala Bonding systems Chemokines Limits Nutrition

Learn the ideas and vocabulary for listening to world music, and examine the music of several world music cultures and how they have entered into mainstream popular culture.

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