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Starts : 2010-09-01
12 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

This undergraduate level Algebra I course covers groups, vector spaces, linear transformations, symmetry groups, bilinear forms, and linear groups.

Starts : 2011-02-01
15 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

This undergraduate level course follows Algebra I. Topics include group representations, rings, ideals, fields, polynomial rings, modules, factorization, integers in quadratic number fields, field extensions, and Galois theory.

Starts : 2009-02-01
9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

This is an introductory course in algebraic combinatorics. No prior knowledge of combinatorics is expected, but assumes a familiarity with linear algebra and finite groups. Topics were chosen to show the beauty and power of techniques in algebraic combinatorics. Rigorous mathematical proofs are expected.

Starts : 2015-09-01
13 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

This is the first semester of a two-semester sequence on Algebraic Geometry. The goal of the course is to introduce the basic notions and techniques of modern algebraic geometry. It covers fundamental notions and results about algebraic varieties over an algebraically closed field; relations between complex algebraic varieties and complex analytic varieties; and examples with emphasis on algebraic curves and surfaces. This course is an introduction to the language of schemes and properties of morphisms.

Starts : 2009-02-01
11 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

This course provides an introduction to the language of schemes, properties of morphisms, and sheaf cohomology. Together with 18.725 Algebraic Geometry, students gain an understanding of the basic notions and techniques of modern algebraic geometry.

Starts : 2006-02-01
7 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Computer Sciences Before 1300: Ancient and Medieval History Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

This research-oriented course will focus on algebraic and computational techniques for optimization problems involving polynomial equations and inequalities with particular emphasis on the connections with semidefinite optimization. The course will develop in a parallel fashion several algebraic and numerical approaches to polynomial systems, with a view towards methods that simultaneously incorporate both elements. We will study both the complex and real cases, developing techniques of general applicability, and stressing convexity-based ideas, complexity results, and efficient implementations. Although we will use examples from several engineering areas, particular emphasis will be given to those arising from systems and control applications.

Starts : 2006-09-01
9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

This course is a first course in algebraic topology. The emphasis is on homology and cohomology theory, including cup products, Kunneth formulas, intersection pairings, and the Lefschetz fixed point theorem.

Starts : 2006-02-01
15 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

In this second term of Algebraic Topology, the topics covered include fibrations, homotopy groups, the Hurewicz theorem, vector bundles, characteristic classes, cobordism, and possible further topics at the discretion of the instructor.

Starts : 2008-09-01
16 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

In this course students will learn about Noetherian rings and modules, Hilbert basis theorem, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, integral dependence, Noether normalization, the Nullstellensatz, localization, primary decomposition, DVRs, filtrations, length, Artin rings, Hilbert polynomials, tensor products, and dimension theory.

Starts : 2003-09-01
13 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

This course explored topics such as complex algebra and functions, analyticity, contour integration, Cauchy's theorem, singularities, Taylor and Laurent series, residues, evaluation of integrals, multivalued functions, potential theory in two dimensions, Fourier analysis and Laplace transforms.

Starts : 2009-09-01
9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

The course is a comprehensive introduction to the theory, algorithms and applications of integer optimization and is organized in four parts: formulations and relaxations, algebra and geometry of integer optimization, algorithms for integer optimization, and extensions of integer optimization.

Starts : 2005-02-01
13 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

This course serves as an introduction to major topics of modern enumerative and algebraic combinatorics with emphasis on partition identities, young tableaux bijections, spanning trees in graphs, and random generation of combinatorial objects. There is some discussion of various applications and connections to other fields.

Starts : 2003-02-01
12 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Computer Sciences Before 1300: Ancient and Medieval History Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

6.844 is a graduate introduction to programming theory, logic of programming, and computability, with the programming language Scheme used to crystallize computability constructions and as an object of study itself. Topics covered include: programming and computability theory based on a term-rewriting, "substitution" model of computation by Scheme programs with side-effects; computation as algebraic manipulation: Scheme evaluation as algebraic manipulation and term rewriting theory; paradoxes from self-application and introduction to formal programming semantics; undecidability of the Halting Problem for Scheme; properties of recursively enumerable sets, leading to Incompleteness Theorems for Scheme equivalences; logic for program specification and verification; and Hilbert's Tenth Problem.

Starts : 2009-09-01
11 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

Double affine Hecke algebras (DAHA), also called Cherednik algebras, and their representations appear in many contexts: integrable systems (Calogero-Moser and Ruijsenaars models), algebraic geometry (Hilbert schemes), orthogonal polynomials, Lie theory, quantum groups, etc. In this course we will review the basic theory of DAHA and their representations, emphasizing their connections with other subjects and open problems.

Starts : 2012-02-01
22 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

This course analyzed the basic techniques for the efficient numerical solution of problems in science and engineering. Topics spanned root finding, interpolation, approximation of functions, integration, differential equations, direct and iterative methods in linear algebra.

Starts : 2010-09-01
14 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

This course offers an advanced introduction to numerical linear algebra. Topics include direct and iterative methods for linear systems, eigenvalue decompositions and QR/SVD factorizations, stability and accuracy of numerical algorithms, the IEEE floating point standard, sparse and structured matrices, preconditioning, linear algebra software. Problem sets require some knowledge of MATLAB®.

Starts : 2010-09-01
9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Computer Sciences Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

This course offers an advanced introduction to numerical linear algebra. Topics include direct and iterative methods for linear systems, eigenvalue decompositions and QR/SVD factorizations, stability and accuracy of numerical algorithms, the IEEE floating point standard, sparse and structured matrices, preconditioning, linear algebra software. Problem sets require some knowledge of MATLAB®.

Starts : 2010-09-01
14 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

The goal of this course is to give an undergraduate-level introduction to representation theory (of groups, Lie algebras, and associative algebras). Representation theory is an area of mathematics which, roughly speaking, studies symmetry in linear spaces.

Starts : 2013-09-01
9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

This course offers a rigorous treatment of linear algebra, including vector spaces, systems of linear equations, bases, linear independence, matrices, determinants, eigenvalues, inner products, quadratic forms, and canonical forms of matrices. Compared with 18.06 Linear Algebra, more emphasis is placed on theory and proofs.

Starts : 2010-02-01
8 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Mathematics Customer Service Certification Program Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

This is a basic subject on matrix theory and linear algebra. Emphasis is given to topics that will be useful in other disciplines, including systems of equations, vector spaces, determinants, eigenvalues, similarity, and positive definite matrices.

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