Online courses directory (147)

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18 votes Free Closed [?] English & Literature HumanitiesandScience

Writing History is a survey of historical thought, philosophy, and historiography. This course will survey the questions, methods, and debates historians have engaged in over the years and around the world. The course will also address best practices to researching and writing history.

Starts : 2014-09-15
55 votes
Coursera Free English & Literature English BabsonX Business & Management Chemokines Nutrition

Rhetorical Composing engages you in a series of interactive reading, research, and composing activities along with assignments designed to help you become more effective consumers and producers of alphabetic, visual and multimodal texts. Join us to become more effective writers... and better citizens.

Starts : 2013-09-23
No votes
Stanford Online. OpenEdX Free Closed [?] English & Literature IEEEx Multiplying+and+factoring+expressions Surface+integrals+and+Stokes'+theorem

How can scientists become better writers? Topics include principles of good writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, and issues in publication and peer review.

Starts : 2014-09-02
No votes
Stanford Online. OpenEdX Free Closed [?] English & Literature IEEEx Multiplying+and+factoring+expressions Surface+integrals+and+Stokes'+theorem

How can scientists become better writers? Topics include principles of good writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, and issues in publication and peer review.

Starts : 2010-02-01
12 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Closed [?] English & Literature Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition WizIQ.htm%2525252525253Fdatetype%2525252525253Drecent&.htm%25252525253Fpricetype%25252525253Dfree%25

This course provides the opportunity for students-as readers, viewers, writers and speakers-to engage with social and ethical issues they care deeply about. Over the course of the semester, through discussing the writing of classic and contemporary authors, we will explore different perspectives on a range of social issues such as free speech, poverty and homelessness, mental illness, capital punishment and racial and gender inequality. In addition, we will analyze selected documentary and feature films and photographs that represent or dramatize social problems or issues. In assigned essays, students will have the opportunity to write about social and ethical issues of their own choice. This course aims to help students to grow significantly in their ability to understand and grapple with arguments, to integrate secondary print and visual sources and to craft well-reasoned and elegant essays. Students will also keep a reading journal and give oral presentations. In class we will discuss assigned texts, explore strategies for successful academic writing, freewrite and respond to one another's essays.

No votes Free Closed [?] English & Literature HumanitiesandScience

Intended for English language teachers and students, world language teachers and students, and everyone else wishing to understand the structure of English, this course explains English holistically by describing the fixed order of the sentence and the interrelationship of its parts. This course is not a series of independent lessons, but a deeper, more focused, unified look into the structure of English. Participants quickly discover that all English sentences follow the same principles by identifying the places contained in every sentence and the types of relationships and phrases found in those places. From day one, participants describe English sentences in a simple, straightforward manner and are able to apply this information for editing purposes. These skills facilitate the teaching and learning of other languages as well. Course content is taken from linguistics and adapted to language teaching and learning. Course content is cumulative, applies directly to every sentence, and becomes the method for describing how words and phrases are combined into sentences to create meaning. X-words (traditionally called auxiliary verbs or helping verbs) are our keys for unlocking and revealing the hidden structure of every sentence. Class content is provided through the X-Word Grammar online video series available at the X-Word Grammar Store. Subscription cost is $15. The philosophy of X-Word Grammar: The simple sentence is a unique approach and quite different than any other grammar you have ever studied. It is logical, useful, and interesting! If you want to learn about the structure of the English sentence, this class is for you. Try it. You will like it!

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